Catalog excerpts
Kontaktrler Contactors
Open the catalog to page 1Kontaktrler Contactors HR Serisi HR Sries Genel 䩔zellikler ve Teknik Bilqiler General Spcifications and Technical Information General Scheme _ Genel Sema _ HR Serisi Kontaktrlerin Se鴧im Tablosu HR Serisi Kontaktrlerin Aksesuarlan _ HR Sries Contactors S䩩lection Table Accessories of HR Sries Contactors JA25 Serisi Termik Rleler . JA25 S鴩ries Thermal Relays JA25 Serisi Termik Rlelerin Seim Tablosu Kontakt䧴rl ve Termik Rleli Kutular_ JA25 S鴩ries Thermal Relays Slection Table-1 Direct Starters With Contacter and Thermal Relay Fitted I Technical Spcifications / Information _I Dimensions -1...
Open the catalog to page 2Serisi Kontaktr » 9 - 55 A arasi 3 farkli boyutta akim tasima zelligi ■ Ustiin anahtarlama kapasilesi ■ Titresime karsi direndi, guvenli ve kola/ kablo baglantisi saglayan terminaller ■ Sicakliga karsi kompanze edilmis 䴕 Yiksek koruma saglayan sislemle tam uyumlu termik rle 35 mm'lik montaj rayina hizli ve basit montaj zelligi Genis aksesuar se䕧enekleri ile kullanicilann tijm ihtiyalarina cevap verecek ijrun esitliligi Teknik Bilgiler Mekanik Omur Elektriksel Omur 秇alisma Sicaldigi Anma isletme Gerilimi Ue Anma isletme Akimi le Anma Termik Akimi Ith Yalihm Gerilimi Ui izolasyon Gerilimi...
Open the catalog to page 3Genel Sema / General Scheme Yardimci Kontak Bloklar / st tarafa monte edilir Auxiliary Contact Blocks / Fix to the top of the contactor
Open the catalog to page 4untitled table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:8.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:10.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:18.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:4.00pt "Impact", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:6.00pt "Impact", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:7.00pt "Impact", sans-serif; } .font6 { font:9.00pt "Impact", sans-serif; } HR Serisi Kontalctorlerin Seim Tablosu / HR Sries Contactors S穩lection Table Merkezler arasindaki vida montaj mesafesi EN 50003 veya 35 mm mtal raya EN 50022-3' e uygundur. Screw mounting distance between...
Open the catalog to page 5HR Serisi Kontaktrlerin Aksesuarlan / Accessories For HR Sries Contactors Yardimci Kontak Bloklar (Kontaktoriin iist kismina montajlanir) Auxiliary Contact Blocks (to fix to the top of the contactors) Kontak diyagrami Contacts Diagram Anma Termik Akimi Ith Rated Thermal CurrentIth Anma Akimi le AC-15 Rated Currentle EN 60947 -5-1IEC947-5-1 220V 380V 240V_415V 500V Siparis, Kodu IR02 21 31 ri 22 32 21 33 22 34 21 31 43 53 m 22 32 44 54 21 31 41 53 mi 22 32 42 54 21 33 43 53 H4i' 22 34 44 54 I0A 3A 1.5A IA IR11 IR13 I0A 3A 1.5A IA IR22 I0A 3A 1.5A I A IR13 I0A 3A 1.5A IA IR31 I0A 3A 1.5A I A...
Open the catalog to page 6ontaktrler Contactors JA25 Serisi Termik Rleler * Tekve 䴻 fazda asm akima karsi koruma saglamak iin kullamlir. 秕 Tek fazda asm akimlarda ij bimelalin de isinmasim saglamak iin termik r秴lenin kutuplan seri baglanir. Teknik Bilgiler HR serisi kontaktrlere direk montaj evre sicakligina kar䇧i otomatik kompanzasyon Faz hatasma karsj koruma 1NA + 1 NK yardimci kontak Manuel veya otomatik reset Hata simulasyon butonu alisma sicakhgi -5X1; +50SC Saldama sicakligi -25°C; +60°C Max. nem %95 (+40^) Anma yalitim gerilimi Ui 660 V- Standartlar VDE 0660 CEI EN 60947-4-1 IEC 947-4-1 I JA25 Sǩries Thermal...
Open the catalog to page 7JA25 Serisi Termik Rleler / JA25 Sries Thermal Relay Kullanimi / Usage 䩕 Tek ve Lie fazda asiri akima karsj koruma saglamak iin kullanilir. With single phase and three phases protection against overload. 畕 Tek fazda asiri akimlarda ii bimetalin de ismmasini saglamak iin termik r秴lenin kutuplan seri baglanir. For single phase at ovei rmal relay is connected in sries to achieve heating of three bimetals. Terminal diyagrami ve numaralanairma JA25* Terminal diagram and numbering Ll L2 L3 1 3 5 97 95 R - RESET 0 - STOP tjtj闗t 2 4 6 Tl T2 T3 JA25* 98 1 196 *: istenilen akim ayar araligi iin...
Open the catalog to page 8Kontaktrlu ve Termik Rleli Kutular (IP65) Direct Starters With Contacter and Thermal Relay (IP65) Siparis Kodu A䴧jklama Description HJ11 HR09 - HR13 Serileri iin reset butonlu ve anahtarli, sinyalli kutu (1. BOY) Enclosure with Reset button for HR09 - HR13 Sries HR17-HR25 Serileri i穧in reset butonlu ve anahtarli, sinyalli kutu (2. BOY) Enclosure with Reset button for H17 - HR25 Sries HR09 - HR13 Serileri iin start-stop/reset butonlu kutu (3. BOY) Enclosure with start-stop / Reset button for HR09 - HR13 S駩ries HR17 - HR2S Serileri iin start-stop/reset butonlu kutu (4. BOY) Enclosure with...
Open the catalog to page 10ontaktrler Contactors Kontaktrlu ve Termik R䴴leli Kutular / Direct Starters With Contacter and Thermal Relay Termik Akim Ayar Sahasi (A) Thermal Current Calibration Field Kantaktr Anma Akimi (A) 380V Contartor Rated Current Gs(kW) 380-415V Power Kutu Ebadi Box Size Sipari§ Kodu HJ11A09UGE 1.20-1.75 1.70-2.60 2.50-3.70 3.60-5.40 5.30-7.50 7.30-10.20 10.00-15.00 13.50-20.00 18.00-26.00 9 9 9 9 9 13 17 25 25 0.55 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 1.B0Y 1.B0Y 1.B0Y 1.B0Y 1.B0Y 1.B0Y 2.B0Y 2.B0Y 2.B0Y HJ11A09UHE HJ11A09UIE HJ11A09ULE HJ11A09UME HJ11A09UGE HJ11A13UNE HJ21A17UOE HJ21A25UPE...
Open the catalog to page 11untitled table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:8.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:40.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:6.00pt "Impact", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:7.00pt "Impact", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:9.00pt "Impact", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:11.00pt "Impact", sans-serif; } .font6 { font:25.00pt "Impact", sans-serif; } .font7 { font:27.00pt "Impact", sans-serif; } .font8 { font:24.00pt "Sylfaen", serif; } ____ Teknik zellikler / Technical Spԩcifications Anma Yahtim Gerilimi lECUi/ Anma Termik Gerilimi IEC Ith / Rated...
Open the catalog to page 12Kontaktrler Contactors Teknik zellikler / Technical Sp䔩cifications HR Serisi U Kutuplu Kontaktorlerin Elektriksel Omru / Electrical Life Of HR Sries Three P穴les Contactors Kontaklann Anma Isletim Akimma Gore Elektriksel Omr Diyagrami Diagram of the Electrical Life of Contacter According te Nominal Operating Current Kategori AC-1 Kategori AC-2 Category AC-2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.06 0.04 s 811 i i 1 i i i i i _Lj_i i i 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 W 3456789 10 Anma Iletme Akimi le (A) jerating Current le (A) at 380/415 V- Anma I맧letme Akimi le (A) )perating Current le (A) at 380/4 Kategori AC-3 Category...
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