Catalog excerpts
IBExU Institut fur Sicherheitstechnik GmbH An-Institut der TU Bergakademie Freiberg H] EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE accofding 10 Directive 94/9/EC. Annex Ml (Translation) 21 Equipmeni and Prolecilv Systems intended lor use In Polenially Explosive Atmosphres. Directive 9-V9/EC [3] EC-Type Examinalton Ceiificate Number: IBExU04ATEX1165 X !4] Equipment: Controi device 'or electncal healing Type ex-box XXX and ex-control [5] [6] [7] [8] Manufacturer eilherm Elektrowrmetechmk GmbH Emst-Heinkel-StraGe 8 - 10 57299 Burbach, Germany Address rriis equ pment menlioned m (4] anc any acceptable variation thereto are specrtied in the schedule to mis EC-Type Exammatior Cenrficate. IBExU Institut lr Sichertieitstechnik GmbH. NOTIFIED BODY number 0637 in accordance wfth article 9 ol the Council Directive 94/9/EC of 23 March 1994. certifies that this equipment has been tound to comply wlth the Essential Health and Salety Requirements relating to the design and construction of eouipment miended lor use In potentially explosive atmosph뭨res given in Annex II to Ihe Directive. The examinalton and test resulls are recorded m the test report IB-03-3-890 of 16 February 2005. Comptiance with the Essential Health and Salety Requirements has been assure by compilante wlth EN 50014:1997+A1 +A2 EN 50019:2000. EN 500202002, EN 50028:1987 and EN 50281-1-1:1998. 9] '10) If the sign *Xa is placeri aller the rertificate numter rt indicates that the equipment is subject lo sp鉩cial conditions for sale use specrtied under [17] m the schedule to this ECTypo Exammation Certitiate. [11) This EC-Type Exarmnation Certifcate relates only to the design and construction ot the specrtied equipment. If applicable, fumer requirements of this directive apply lo the manufacture anc suppiy ot this equipment. ;12] The marking of the equipment mentK>ned m [4] shall mclude the following: Contre! device ex-box XXX: externai Operator paneit ex-control; II2GEEx em [lb] IIC T4 © Il 2G EEx ibIIC T4 ©Il2D IP 65 T 100 *C © Il2D IP 65 T 100 8C -32 °C S Tt S +60 °C -32 *C < T. < +60 *C IBExU Institut fur Scherheitstochnik GmbH Fuchsm画hlenweg 7 - D-09599 Fretberg Phon«: 0049 3731 38050 - Fax: 0049 3731 2 Fretwrg. 17February 2005 Authonsed tor certifications Explosion protection By or der C«rtrfcate* wtnout siyiatur* and ml are not vald Certifcates may onty be duplicatod cipietery end unchanged In case o* oisp-jte. m# Geonan M (Dr. LOsch) - Seal- lIDno 0637 I Schedule Page 1 cl 3 H .;n -CA T i K 1165X
Open the catalog to page 1IBExU Institut fur Sicherheitstechnik GmbH An-Institut der TU Bergakademie Freiberg [13] [14] Schedule lo the EC-TYPE EXAMINTION CERTIFICATE IBExU04ATEX1165 X [15] Description of )quipaient The temprature control devico type ex dox xxx will bo mstallod in Ex aroa and is provided (or control electrical heating, which also can bo nstalled in Ex-aroa The control device is encapsUated and makes availablo intmsically sate connection for an extemal connected P1100, a extemal intnrv Sicallv safe operator pane) (ex-controt) and data communication. Technical data Davice versions ex-box DIS ex*ox LED...
Open the catalog to page 2IBExU Institut fur Sicherheitstechnik GmbH An-Institut der TU Bergakademie Freiberg max inlemal capacilance max. mlernal inductance C = negligible L = negligible Ambient temprature range Degree ol protection: from -32 °C to +60 "C IP65 [16| Test report Tho test rsulta are recorded m b驩tail in the test report IB 03*3-890. The inspection documents are component ol the test report and they are listed there. Summarv ol thp Test.; The electronic heating central devce fuHils the requirements ol the type ol protection Increased Satety. Encapsulation and Intrlnsic Safety for an electrical...
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