Catalog excerpts

RB800 PROGRAMMABLE, LOW COST GSM/GPRS/UMTS TERMINALS The RB800 terminal series is the complete modem solution for wireless m2m applications. Based on the high quality module, it is available as DUAL or QUAD band versions and offers high level GSM/GPRS/UMTS features in a compact aluminum housing with all the standardized interfaces and optionally GPIO, SD memory card, backup battery or dual SIM option. Together with its small size and wide supply voltage range, it’s easy to integrate into all kinds of machines. THE RB800 MODEM SERIES The RB800 modem series enabling voice, eCall, data, SMS and fax communication is a universal solution for all low-volume M2M and mobile data applications including metering, traffic systems, transportation and logistics, security, vending machines and facility management. The device can be controlled by standard AT commands or by customer's application inside (embedded Python Script Interpreter), thus making it the smallest, complete SMT platform for M2M solutions
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FAST TIME TO-MARKET EASY WIRELESS BEST PRICING EXTENDED POWER SUPPLY RANGE FEATURES RS232 & USB interfaces Audio support SMA antenna Dual SIM, GPIO, SD card, Battery Telit AT command set Python Script Interpreter m2mLOCATE, m2mAIR, m2mCLOUD OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES: • Power supply from 5 to 30V DC • External antenna - Vending Automation - Indutrial control • Extremely compact (only 83 x 53.3 x 26 mm) • Power supply and customized - Sensors - Alarms • Quad Band = can be used worldwide - Telemetry - Remote control • Perfect with customer APN and m2mAIR SIM cards • Optional internal backup battery...
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TFD-100 series
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