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AI, Motion Control, and Robotics | Member Since 2021 ELITE ROBOT was established in 2016 by technical experts that have developed and manufacture lightweight 6-axis collaborative robots (3kg, 6kg, and 12kg cobots). Elite cobots have gained a positive reputation among users in the Automotive, Electronics, Packaging Logistics, Metal Processing, Rubber & Plastics, chemicals, and other industries. COLLABORATIVE ROBOT TECHNOLOGY REQUEST A QUOTE The term “collaborative robot” (“Cobot”) refers to power and force limited robots that are equipped with safety-approved force sensing capabilities. Collaborative robots can sense unexpected force and stop their motion when an external force is applied. Elite Robots Inc has combined a cost-effective robot system with safe and user-friendly collaborative robot technologies to achieve operator safety while increasing manufacturing production. COLLABORATION
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1. SAFETY-RATED MONITORED STOP: Safety-rated monitoredTstop will temporarily A S S O C I A T I O N F O R A D VA N C I N G A U T O M A I O N stop the robot allowing a human to enter the collaborative workspace. Detection using one or more sensors to detect human presence and perform other tasks without shutting off robot motor power. The robot can be stopped in any position allowing the operator to load, unload parts. Safety-Rated Monitored Stop improves cycle time by avoiding tedious restart procedures. 2. HAND GUIDING: Hand guiding allows the robot to move under someone’s control. The...
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CS Prodcut Brochure
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