Catalog excerpts
DRMlflQ DRM100S/DRM100U Single phase DIN rail kWti meier with SO output introduction _ The DPfVlOO o o angte phase doctlcrty mot», dsigne for imfcillahon en 36m*n Mtral ooad. lie meier corrciei with the CCo1036 and the GB/M 7216-2002 apeciftcalom It con be u>ed both in 5CHi or 60H: AC docHdty reSvofks. The conwmed etectricity u dlsolavea on c new developed 6*1 rnpul*e step Vpe rogftlcf. Tho meta it alto oqutpped vtfth an SO contact foi conveoont mcolcnrg wilh e驯ternd wuipmont ■ I1.1 ■ : ■ ■ SO pdto ooput 10OC or 2000 per <Wb ■ SjppdM wiri QC report ■ 6* 1 mochonied r+gjttof Techmcalspecllications VoHoge Frequency Ci/rent Prwcr mmnmpfcm AC voltage wtnsxnd iTipcis© voltage wtth»tond Output lemperatjre range Ccse Dindons (wxhx d) Accuacv d 230V AC SOHzor 60H* 5(2 61A < 0 7W 2JCV fa l minute 10KV -1 2uSwavefomi SO accoroWig te DIH43664 -20<C - +6o°C I mocute DIN al 16 x 90 x 56.5 mn wiheot pfotecfcon covec 1 Of 2 Dullne dimension oo 00 HEP «d ■ a gt lun»imrti
Open the catalog to page 1DRM75A and DRM75D Single phase DIN rail kWh meter with SO oui nui Introduction m© MM75A and DRM750 otq snO© phase etecritv meter*. OMQnM lor both njtdiaAons on 35mrr DN-rdt boarc and drect or a mler board, thse melen compl/ v.iti tie «061036 end fie G6/T17215-2002 ipecifcalons, volable h 50Hz Dr MHz AT «toefriciry naivorks Tho conumod otoctncity 11 divDlcyod on a horizontd DOtiloned 5 - 1 impUto ifoc typ# -o耧 ttw.Boti merers cjo dIO oqjippoa wltti on SOcontact for con*onLert rr on torng wifi extomd oqulpmont Thcsc metor* havo boon devt . i,-.- apcidty toi FAST MCUNKN& No connection clomp*...
Open the catalog to page 2DRM1250A and DRM1250D Three ikase dinrail kwri meier wiiti SO wiin ouipui Intriluclion fre DRW1250A and DRU 2500 aw tire p-x«s e<« renie electtlcty melefi. deaanec for boti mjfafkile'i 35rrun DiN-tok鯯 and Oltect on a meiei board Compte* rtrtti EC61036and the Gfi/Tl 7215-2002 specificatont Eoth m*t«rs are ovaitablo for eitter 50Hz or cOHAC «[«ctlcitf nrttfcrici Ihe motets a» clso equcp^d witi on SO pul» output foi coTveniflrl mentorrtg witi externe! eaupmert. FuneiltBS »d feaiaras * Attocirve once seffng ■ PU se oufpul ■3or 4 wrc voition ovotloblo 3v*re 4 «M 3x10CrV VOtQOP 3*3S0V 3»57...
Open the catalog to page 3All ELEQ catalogs and technical brochures
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