User manual - digital clocks NDC (PDF)


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User manual - digital clocks NDC (PDF) - 1

Digital clocks NDC Sries User's Manual 5 V/T.V.V.*' ELEN, s.r.o. May 2010

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User manual - digital clocks NDC (PDF) - 3

1. INTRODUCTION These operating instructions describe the installation and opration of NDC numerical electronic displays with remote control, designed to display the time, date and temperature. The basic parameters of the described displays are contained in Tab. 1. Tab. 1 Basic parameters of NDC displays Type of display Displaying elements Number of digits / format Digit height (mm) Readability range (m) NDC 57/4 superbright 7-segment LED modules 4 / 88:88 57 23 NDC 57/6 6 / 88:88:88 57 23 NDC 100/4 4 / 88:88 100 40 NDC 100/6 6 / 88:88:88 100 40 NDC 160/4 superbright elliptic LEDs for...

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User manual - digital clocks NDC (PDF) - 4

The easiest way of controlling an NDC type display is shown in fig. 2. maximal perpendicular distance 15 m jH:H l:H5 Fig. 2 The easiest way of controlling an NDC display. 2. PROPERTIES 2.1 Display functions Time (display format) - HH:MM (Hours:Minutes) NDC xxx/4; - HH:MM:SS (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) NDC xxx/6. Օ Date (display format) - DD:MM (Day:Month) NDC xxx/4; - DD:MM:YY (Day:Month:Year) NDC xxx/6. Temperature* (display format) - -99° + -10° + -9.9° + 99.9° NDC xxx/4; - -99°C + -10°C + -9.9°C + 99.9°C NDC xxx/6; - A local thermal sensor (i.e. connected directy to the clock) can be...

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User manual - digital clocks NDC (PDF) - 5

2.2 Display The height of the display lments is 57, 100, 160 or 212 mm (readability up to 23, 40, 70 and 100 m respectively). NDC 57/x and NDC 100/x types use superbright 7-segment LED modules. Other LED colours are possible by agreement for an extra fee. NDC 160/x and NDC 212/x types use superbright elliptic LEDs to ensure their legibility even in direct sunlight (outdoor). 2.3 Synchronisation, precision 驕 Possibility of external time synchronisation by means of synchronisation modules (e.g. GPS receiver). Time display precision: - Autonomous time: ±30sec/month (in +20°C ■*■ +30°C...

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User manual - digital clocks NDC (PDF) - 6

2.7 Power supply Standard 230 VAC/50 Hz,12 VDC and 24 VDC for extra fee. 2.8 System time network Possibility to create unified time systems in an NDC-net without the necessity to use special master clock. The unified time network may contain NDC clocks, a synchronisation time module, remote sensors (e.g. of temperature), remote buttons to control stop watch and the counter and a remote output module (relay), controlled by the so called Master clock (i.e. standard NDC clock setup as the Master, see below). Օ Adjustable network clock synchronisation interval in the range 0 - 255 min (only...

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User manual - digital clocks NDC (PDF) - 7

4. INSTALLATION OF A DISPLAY 4.1 NDC 57/x, NDC 100/x displays, 230 VAC power supply Connect a two-wire power supply cable to the power supply terminal on the display's power supply board. The terminals are accessible after the removal of the tiltable part of the rear wall. The cable goes through the bushing in the tiltable part, marked as "230 V". The standard length of the cable is about 2 m. The device includes a melting fuse, located on the power supply board. The details of the power supply terminals can be found in the circuit diagram. 4.2 NDC 160/x, NDC 212/x displays, 230 VAC power...

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User manual - digital clocks NDC (PDF) - 8

5. SETTING, CONTROLLING AND PROGRAMMING OF THE NDC CLOCKS 5.1 Table of the menu, default settings MENU Submenu Display (alteration parameter/value) Default setting (after reset) diSP DISPLAY Time reading period Date reading period Coundown reading period Sensor 1 reading period Sensor 2 reading period Stopwatch reading period tMPE dtPE CdPE S1PE S2PE StPE 15 s 5 s 0 s 0 s 0 s 0 s tIME TIME Year setting Month setting Day setting Hour setting Minute setting Shift of hours setting Shift of minutes setting Automatic switching of Daylight saving time on/off yEAr Mon dAy Hour Min Sh H Sh M dSt...

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User manual - digital clocks NDC (PDF) - 9

5.2 Layout of IR controller's buttons Oesc m 1 a fi 2b ~l fi menu H 4 d o *) 6 f n mem S 8p fi fi del fi Button Colour Description of function ESC ESC to one level up SELECTj Select device 0 - 9 Enter digits Switch between values, DP position, +/- ▲ Move up in the menu ▼ Move down in the menu OK Confirmation button ► Start 1 1 Pause ■ Stop RESET Reset ▲ up button ► right button ◄ left button ▼ down button 5.3 Work with the menu, control through the IR controller In the display mode, the clock does not accept any control codes from the IR controller except the code of the SELECT button. That...

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User manual - digital clocks NDC (PDF) - 10

If the value being confirmed is outside the allowed range, an error message {Err} will be displayed for 3 sec after the confirmation. In this case no modification of the value being set will occur (the original one will be retained). In any setting phase it is possible to cancel the setting by pressing the ESC button without modifying the parameter being set. This button is used for the return one level up in the menu, up to the complete ending of the menu. If no activity is registered in the setting mode (i.e. the menu) for 60 sec, the display will return automatically into the display...

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User manual - digital clocks NDC (PDF) - 11

The date setting consists of setting the values of: {YEAr} setting of the year in the range 0 - 99 for the years 2000 - 2099; {Mon} month setting in the range 1 - 12; {dAY} day setting in the range 1 - 31 (or 28, 29, 30, 31, depending on the specific month and year). 5.5.3 Time zones, time shift setting {Sh_H}, {Sh_M} ({M Enu}->){tI M E}^{S h_H} ({M Enu}->){tI M E}^{S h_M} In order to be able to switch correctly to the summer/winter time and display correctly the time in other time zones (e.g. in Tokyo, New York, etc.), which are shifted against the reference time (UTC), the clock allows to...

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User manual - digital clocks NDC (PDF) - 12

In each NDC-net in which synchronisation is required, one NDC clock has to be set as the Master. The Master has a dedicated address 1, i.e. the Master is specified by setting that address. Master also secures the control of the whole NDC-net. In the case of non-existence or availability of a synchronisation device, it also takes over the time synchronisation. Note: Even if just one NDC clock is interconnected with a synchronisation device (e.g. GPS), it has to be set as the Master (i.e. address 1). 5.6.3 Network configuration {ConF} ({MEnu}->){SEf}->{ConF} See a detailed description in a...

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