Catalog excerpts
O IL & G A S , R OA D , MININ G & W E A R Performance Tools TRANSFORM PRODUCTIVITY ——---------— Whether you are looking to increase productivity or adopt new materials, our performance tools are designed to give you the competitive advantage in your marketpla
Open the catalog to page 1WIN COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE ———— We deliver success globally for our customers. Over the past 50 years, Element Six has been working in partnership with customers to develop cuttingedge products and materials that offer considerable advantages over their competitors. Element Six has a proven commitment and capacity to innovate and continues to deliver ground-breaking commercial opportunities for our customers. Element Six’s unique state-of-the-art Global Innovation Centre near Oxford (UK), further enhances our position as the world leader in synthetic diamond and supermaterial research to...
Open the catalog to page 3DE V ELOPING T HE RIGH T ROAD PICK FOR OUR CUS T OMERS R OA D PL A NING Element Six has been manufacturing road picks for milling asphalt and concrete for over 20 years. Today Element Six offers three types of road planing picks. D P O W E R™ R OA D Over 25 leading road contractors in over 10 countries have revolutionised their road milling activity with D Power TM . D Power TM Picks are tipped with polycrystalline diamond, one of the hardest man-made materials on the planet and exceed 40 times the life of standard carbide picks. –– Competitive advantage through increased pick life and...
Open the catalog to page 4PERFORMANCE T OOL S FOR MINING E X T R EME PE RF ORM A NCE IN T HE MO S T CH A L L E NGING E N V IR ONMEN T S 3D PCD technology, can help overcome these very challenging environments. They offer: Underground, the need for continuity, reliability and consistent performance is paramount. Element Six has been working with partners in the mining industry to develop cutting tool solutions that deliver consistency in many different conditions from abrasive powdery minerals to dense igneous rocks. For these demanding environments, Element Six offers a comprehensive portfolio of mining solutions....
Open the catalog to page 5PRODUC T S FOR E V ERY S TAGE IN OIL & GAS PRODUC TION HEL PING T O ME E T T HE INDU S T RY ’ S M A IN CH A L L ENGE Throughout the Oil & Gas industry the challenge of working in new environments calls for innovative ways to drill deeper, further and faster, as well as achieving new levels of reliability and efficiency. Element Six can help you meet that challenge. Polycrystalline Diamond Cutter (PDC) inserts from Element Six deliver high impact resistance and exceptionally low wear rates, even in the most challenging rock formations. Tests show they achieve very high ROP with longer tool...
Open the catalog to page 6ULTIMAT E MAT ERIAL S FOR W E AR PART S OLU T IONS W E A R PA R T S T H AT REDUCE M A IN T EN A NCE A ND L A S T L ONGE R DR I V EN BY INNO VAT ION T O INCR E A S E OUR C U S T OMER S ’ PR ODUC T I V I T Y Element Six offers a range of materials and components for wear parts such as valves, bearings and turbine parts, in many industries and particularly in oil and gas, chemicals, forestry and agriculture. Our customised wear part solutions extend component life and ensure continuous reliable operation by combining the properties of two principle materials, tungsten carbide and PCD. See the...
Open the catalog to page 7E L EME N T S I X Element Six is a synthetic diamond supermaterials company and a member of the De Beers Group of Companies. Element Six designs, develops and produces synthetic diamond supermaterials, and operates worldwide with its head office registered in Luxembourg, and primary manufacturing facilities in China, Germany, Ireland, Sweden, South Africa, US and the UK. Element Six supermaterial solutions are used in applications such as cutting, grinding, drilling, shearing and polishing, while the extreme properties of synthetic diamond beyond hardness are already opening up new...
Open the catalog to page 8All Elementsix catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
2 Pages
3 Pages
DiafilmTM ETC700
2 Pages
D Power Road Pick
8 Pages
Micron Capabilities
2 Pages
CVD diamond heat spreaders
2 Pages
PDC Cutters
6 Pages
PCD and PCBN segments
2 Pages
4 Pages
8 Pages
Tungsten carbide rolls
4 Pages
Element Six coated
2 Pages
8 Pages
Monodress MDL
2 Pages
Monodress Macles
2 Pages
ABN 900
3 Pages
Percussive Diamond Inserts
4 Pages
PCD oil & gas MSDS
5 Pages
Oil and Gas capabilities
8 Pages
PCD metalworking MSDS
5 Pages
Diafilm OP Brochure
4 Pages
Optical Brochure
6 Pages
Diamond etalons brochure
2 Pages
Premadia brochure
8 Pages
Road planing picks
12 Pages
PCD drill bits
8 Pages
Archived catalogs
Mining Tools_2016
28 Pages
Mining Tools_2014
12 Pages