Catalog excerpts
A SIMPLE SOLUTION FOR THE TOUGHEST WASTEWATERS ——----— Diamox is a compact and easy-to-implement electrochemical advanced oxidation reactor that provides on-site wastewater treatment systems with game-changing efficiency and simplici
Open the catalog to page 1PERFECTING A TECHNOLOGY THAT TRANSFORMS WASTEWATER TREATMENT Diamox diamond electrode cells use proprietary solid boron doped diamond (BDD) to give small to medium volume wastewater treatment systems a transformative increase in efficiency and capability. DI A MOX : T HE BR E A K T HR OUGH T H AT M A K E S EL EC T R OCHEMIC A L A D VA NCED OX IDAT ION PR O CE S S ( E AOP) SYS T EM S EF F E C T I V E , R EL I A BL E A ND E C ONOMIC A L Diamox electrochemical cells enable manufacturers of on-site wastewater treatment systems to design solutions that: Conventional treatments use aerobic...
Open the catalog to page 2A PROVEN TECHNOLOGY FOR BET TER SUSTAINABILIT Y IN MANY INDUSTRIES E N A BL ING EF F ICIEN T EL E C T R OCHEMICA L A D VA NCE D OX IDAT ION PR OCE S S E S A T R E AT MEN T S OL U T ION F OR M A N Y INDU S T R IE S Diamox is suitable for use in low to medium volume wastewater treatment systems in a wide range of industries, such as: Diamox is a game changing electrochemical cell for Electrochemical Advanced Oxidation Process (EAOP) water treatment technology since it is able to operate at extremely high current density, with 100% of the hydroxyl radicals generated available for useful...
Open the catalog to page 3A TURNKE Y SOLUTION READY FOR IMPLEMENTATION T E CHNIC A L S UPP OR T Element Six has more than 20 years’ experience in the research, development and manufacture of CVD diamond technology for applications that range from electrochemistry to optics. Electrodes COD Oxidation Capacit y Water Connections Power Connections Element Six is able to provide: –– Expert assistance to ensure our clients maximize their technological potential Voltage range –– Mapping of the oxidation capacity of Diamox over a range of effluent contamination concentrations –– Co-development capability to solve...
Open the catalog to page 4All Elementsix catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
2 Pages
3 Pages
DiafilmTM ETC700
2 Pages
D Power Road Pick
8 Pages
Micron Capabilities
2 Pages
CVD diamond heat spreaders
2 Pages
PDC Cutters
6 Pages
PCD and PCBN segments
2 Pages
4 Pages
8 Pages
Tungsten carbide rolls
4 Pages
Element Six coated
2 Pages
8 Pages
Monodress MDL
2 Pages
Monodress Macles
2 Pages
ABN 900
3 Pages
Percussive Diamond Inserts
4 Pages
PCD oil & gas MSDS
5 Pages
Oil and Gas capabilities
8 Pages
PCD metalworking MSDS
5 Pages
Diafilm OP Brochure
4 Pages
Optical Brochure
6 Pages
Diamond etalons brochure
2 Pages
Premadia brochure
8 Pages
Road planing picks
12 Pages
PCD drill bits
8 Pages
Archived catalogs
Mining Tools_2016
28 Pages
Mining Tools_2014
12 Pages