Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 1PK16™ - ideal foryour high-current DC-circuit The PK16™ capacitor can be universally used for the assembly of low induc- tance DC buffer circuits and DC filters; with its high energy density it can replace banks of series-connected electrolytic capacitors as well as large film capacitors in rectangular cases. The capacitance in a DC buffer circuit must be sufficiently sized to both handle and smoothen the occurring ripple currents. The traditional use of se- ries-/parallel-connected electrolytic capacitors offered large capacitance at seemingly low cost, however the low cost per microfarad...
Open the catalog to page 3Its robust terminals and the robust fixing stud allow for very simple and reli- able mounting that unites lowest inductance and highest current strength. The particularly large clearance and creepage distances make this design suitable for a wide range of operating voltages. As a result, existing standard converter concepts can easily be adapted to new applications without having to change the principal construction and to re-approve the entire system. Important notice Dur MKP capacitors of the PK16™ series are made with self-healing dielec- tric. In the event of voltage breakdowns, caused...
Open the catalog to page 4limit temperatures Grenztemperaturen PK16 XI™ - Maximum Current and Large Capacitance_Maximaler Strom und hohe Stromfestigkeit 3ther values and dimensions available on reqnest_Andere Werte nnd Abmessnngen anf Anfrage erhaltlicl
Open the catalog to page 5Dthervalues and dimensions available on request_Andere Werte und Abrnessungen auf Anfrage erhaltlicl
Open the catalog to page 6Dther values and dimensions available on request_Andere Werte und Abrnessungen auf Anfrage erhaltlicl
Open the catalog to page 7Dthervalues and dimensions available on request_Andere Werte und Abrnessungen auf Anfrage erhaltlicl
Open the catalog to page 8Dther values and dimensions available on request_Andere Werte und Abrnessungen auf Anfrage erhaltlicl
Open the catalog to page 9PK16 CLASSIC (XC™) - Extra Capacitance with High Current Strength_ZusatzLiche Kapazitat und hohe Stromfestigkeit Dthervalues and dimensions available on request_Andere Werte und Abrnessungen auf Anfrage erhaltlicl
Open the catalog to page 10Dther values and dimensions available on request_Andere Werte und Abrnessungen auf Anfrage erhaltlicl
Open the catalog to page 11Dthervalues and dimensions available on request_Andere Werte und Abrnessungen auf Anfrage erhaltlicl
Open the catalog to page 12Dther values and dimensions available on request_Andere Werte und Abrnessungei
Open the catalog to page 13Dthervalues and dimensions available on request_Andere Werte und Abrnessungen auf Anfrage erhaltlicl
Open the catalog to page 143ther values and dimensions available on reqnest_Andere Werte nnd Abmessnngen anf Anfrage erhaltlich EI101!
Open the catalog to page 15Terminals Anschlusse
Open the catalog to page 163-Phase Frequency converters with Low-Capacitance DC-Link (LCDC] kapazitatsarmem Zwischenkreis Robots, elevators, assembly lines, processing centers, tooting machines - high process speed and further improvement of automation ieveis are unthink- able without frequency controlled AC drives. And it would not be possible to achieve the optimum operating characteristics at an economically feasible utilization level of available resources. Most of the contemporary 3-phase frequency converters are working with a DC link, mainly using electrolytic capacitors to buffer the DC voltage. When...
Open the catalog to page 18Comparison between a DC [ink with electrolytic capacitors and film capaci- Vergleich zwischen Gieichspannungszwischenkreisen mit Elektrolyt-Konden- tors of our E61 series satoren und soichen mit E61 -FoiienkonrJensatoren / drive, e , = 70°C, target Life time > 50.000 h): [5kW Umrichter, eM . = 70°C, angestrebte Lebensdauer > 50.000 h): Volume per unit Volumen pro Einheit Weight per unit Gewicht pro Einheit Required quantity FJendtigte Menge Total volume installed Installiertes Gesamtvolumen i Total weight installed Installiertes Gesamtgewicht * example: market leading Japanese manufacture!...
Open the catalog to page 19Low-inductance DC capacitors for PCB mounting Niederinduktive DC-Kondensatoren fur Leiterplattenmontage limit temperatures Grenztemperaturen reference interva l_Ref erenzinterva U 100000 h, G„0IS,0I «70°
Open the catalog to page 20Principal circuit diagram P3
Open the catalog to page 21Important Remarks Wichtige Hinweise ELECTRONICON will not indemnify or be responsible for any kind of damages to persons or property due to the improper application of any capacitors pur- chased from ELECTRONICON or its distributors. The capacitors should only be used for the application intended. Mind that electrical or mechanical misapplication of capacitors can become hazardous. Misapplied capacitors can explode or catch fire and cause bodily injury or property damage due to the expulsion of material or metal frag- Please consult the detailed instructions for mounting and application...
Open the catalog to page 22Failure Rate The failure probability of a component is a statistical value which is described DieAusfallwahrscheinlichkeit eines Bauelements ist eine statistische Grblie, die mit Hilfe einer Normalverteilung beschrieben wird. Es gilt: N = number of functional components after period t Anzahl der nach der Zeit t intakten Bauelemente N0 = total number of components at time t = 0 Gesamtzahl der Bauelemente zum Zeitpunkt t = 0 X = failure rate Ausfallrate X is the failure rate, which alternatively is also stated as the so-called FIT- rate (FIT = Failures In Time = X x 10'). The failure rate is...
Open the catalog to page 233 Year Limited Warranty All our products are designed, manufactured, and tested with the highest care and workmanship. The satisfaction of our customers is our highest goal. We therefore warrant remedying any defect in the goods resulting from faulty design, materials or workmanship, which appears within 3 years from the This warranty does not cover defects due to improper use of the goods or operation at conditions exceeding the rated values stated in the catalogue or special data sheet. Nor does it cover defects due to faulty maintenance or incorrect installation, alterations or faulty...
Open the catalog to page 24All ELECTRONICON Kondensatoren catalogs and technical brochures
Capacitors for power electronics
35 Pages
PEC Application notes
52 Pages
24 Pages
40 Pages
24 Pages
E63 DC
16 Pages
E61 DC
34 Pages
E56 DC / E59 AC/DC
32 Pages
E50.U SR17
3 Pages
16 Pages
E90 MSD™
32 Pages
2 Pages
276 MKP(D) oil filled
2 Pages
275 MKPg Heavy Duty 400-440V
2 Pages
8 Pages
ELR™ Line Reactors
1 Pages
Archived catalogs
ELR Line Reactors (English)
1 Pages
E93 DSC data chart (English)
2 Pages
E61 Catalogue
6 Pages
E51 E53 E55 Catalogue
16 Pages
Power Factor Controller
5 Pages
Discharge Reactor ELDr
1 Pages
Detuned Reactors FKDr
16 Pages