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DK50-10 - 1

User manual Benutzerhandbuch

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DK50-10 - 3

AL MATION GENERA INFORM GE ENERAL IN NFORMATIO ON Re the Use manual c ead er carefully and keep it be efore use of the produ The Use manual provides o uct. er p inf formation on correct us – installa n se ation, operat tion and ma aintenance of the produ uct. Th User ma he anual corre esponds wit the design of the product an condition according to the th nd n g ap pplicable sa afety and te echnical sta andards at the time of printing. T f The manufa acturer rese erves all rig ghts concern ning the pro otection for the stated c connections procedure and nam s, es mes. Slo ovak versio is...

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DK50-10 - 4

GENER RAL INFOR RMATION Package handling la abel – fragile e abel – this side up Package handling la abel – keep dry Package handling la abel – tempe erature limit ts Package handling la abel – limited stacking Package handling la cyclable material Package label – rec turer Manufact mpressor is used as so s ource of cle oil-free compressed air intend to be us in indus ean ded sed stry The com and labo oratories, w where param meters and properties of the comp o pressed air are suitable e. The com mpressor is exclusively intended t compres air withou content o explosive or chemica s y to ss...

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DK50-10 - 5

AL MATION GENERA INFORM Req quired qua alification o the perso of onnel  Each user must be trained b the manufacturer or an org e by ganization authorized by the manufacturer or instru ucted on the device operation by other trained user. e o  Installation new settin n, ngs, change extensio and rep es, ons pairs of the product ma be performed by ay the manuf facturer or an organization auth horized by the manufacturer (hereinafter qualified technician) ). - Otherw wise the ma anufacturer is not resp r ponsible for safety, reliability and correct fun r nctioning of the product. General...

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DK50-10 - 6

GENER RAL INFOR RMATION Original packaging must be kept for eventual re g e eturn of the device. If possible I e, always use the o original com mpressor packaging for optim protect g mal tion of the e product. If it is nec cessary to return the product w o e within the g guarantee period, the e manufac cturer does not guara s antee for damages ca aused by in ncorrect pa ackaging o of the prod duct. Transpo the com ort mpressor in an uprig position always s n ght n, secured by transpor y rt fixing elements. the compre essor from high humi idity, dirt a and extreme temperat e tures during g...

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DK50-10 - 7

PRODUCT DESRIPTION PRODUCT DESRIPTION 6. VARIANTS The compressor is manufactured according to its intended application in the following variants: DK50-10Z compressor on base for stand-alone room installations DK50-10Z/M compressor on base with air dryer compressor in cabinet with effective noise dampening for room installations compressor in cabinet with air dryer DK50-10Z DK50-10Z/M DK50-10S DK50-10S/M 7. ACCESSORIES Accessories are not included in a standard order, they must be ordered separately. Automatic condensate drain Automatic condensate drain (ACD) automatically drains condensate...

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DK50-10 - 8

Conden nsation and filtration unit d The com mpressor can be equipped with a condensa ation and fil ltration unit (KJF-1 or KJFR-1). T t The unit is u used to cool the compr l ressed air fr rom the air tank in the cooler, to c capture cond densate in the filter, to drain cond o densate automatically from the pneumatic s p system and to filter the compress e sed air. Type KJF-1 KJFR-1 Filtra ation level /µm/ Compre essor ompressor pump (1) sucks the atm mospheric air in throug the inlet filter (8) and compress a gh ses Fig. 1Co it through the non n-return va alve (3) into the air tank (2)...

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DK50-10 - 9

PRODUCT DESRIPTION Risk of compressor overheating. Make sure that there are no obstacles at the cooling air inlet into the cabinet (around the bottom part of the cabinet) and at the hot air outlet on the top back side of the cabinet. If the compressor is placed on a soft floor, e.g. carpet, create space between the base and the floor or the cabinet and the floor, e.g. underlay the footings with hard pads to ensure sufficient cooling of the compressor. The 8 - 10 bar compressor model is equipped with hours counter (Fig. 3). 1 Compressor pump 2 Air tank 3 Non-return valve 4 Pressure switch 5...

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DK50-10 - 10

Fig. 2: DK50-10Z – Comp Z/M pressor wit dryer th

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DK50-10 - 11


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DK50-10 - 12

TECHNICAL DATA TECHNICAL DATA Compressors are designed to operate in dry, ventilated and indoor dust-free rooms with the following climatic conditions: Temperature from +5°C to +40°C a)State the compressor variant in the order b) For other range of pressure consult with the supplier c) Weight value is only informative data and applies only to a product without any accessories Dependence of compressor capacity on working pressure

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DK50-10 - 13

TECHNICAL DATA a) State the compressor variant in the order b) For other range of pressure consult with the supplier c)Weight value is only informative data and applies only to a product without any accessories Dependence of compressor capacity on working

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DK50-10 - 14

TECHNICAL DATA a) State the compressor variant in the order b) For other range of pressure consult with the supplier c)Weight value is only informative data and applies only to a product without any accessories

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DK50-10 - 15

TECHNICAL DATA FAD correction of capacity for altitude Capacity given in the form of FAD („Free Air Delivery") applies to the following conditions: Altitude 0 m.n.m. Temperature 20°C Atmospheric pressure 101325 Pa Relative humidity 0% To calculate FAD compressor capacity in dependence on altitude, it is necessary to apply correction factor according to the following table: Altitude[m.n.m.] 0 -1500 1501 - 2500 2501 - 3500 3501 - 4500

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DK50-10 - 16

INSTAL LLATION INSTAL LLATION Risk of i incorrect in nstallation. . Only a qualified profession can install the c nal compresso and pla or ace it into o operatio for the f on first time. H obligation is to tr His rain the ope erating per rsonnel on n the use and maintenance of the de e evice. He s shall conf firm installation and d training of operato by an e ors entry into th installat he tion record (see anne / anhang d ex g / príloha) ). 9. INST TALLATION CONDITIONS  The compressor may only be installed and opera d ated in dry, well-ventila ated and du ust-free roo oms with conditions s...

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All EKOM France catalogs and technical brochures

  1. DK502V/50

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  2. Air for life

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  3. DK50 2V

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  4. DK50 PLUS

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  5. DJ - DV

    1 Pages


    2 Pages


    2 Pages

  8. TOWER

    1 Pages

  9. AJ AV

    1 Pages

  10. Ajx Avx

    1 Pages

  11. DK50 F

    1 Pages

  12. DK50

    1 Pages

  13. DK50 plus 2V

    1 Pages