

Catalog excerpts

OF - 1

OF is an angular gripper for universal use in clean and slightly dirty environments. Suitable for applications requiring space-saving gripper assemblies. Advantages • Slim design allowing the grippers to be arranged in a row • Available with comprehensive range of piston plate diameters from 20 to 32mm (see OLE for smaller sizes). • Light, compact design for space-saving handling without interfering contours • Integrated permanent magnets for direct monitoring of piston movement. • Slots for mounting and positioning of magnetic field sensors. SPECIFICATIONS Pneumatic Angular GrippersOF 2-Finger Model Closing Force Per Jaw @ 6 bar Opening Force Per Jaw @ 6 bar Weight Repeatability Opening Pressure Working Noise Emission Temperature (Sound Pressure) Recommended workpiece weight is calculated for force-fit gripping with a static Coefficient of Friction of 0.15 and a Safety Factor of 3 against workpiece slippage. ** Further dimensions in OLE 2-finger pages SECTIONAL DIAGRAM Guidelines for the selection of a gripper model Selection of the correct gripper model depends on the workpiece's weight, the friction coefficient between the fingers and the workpiece and the required motion of the application. Due to inertial forces associated with motion, the gripper model should feature a holding force from 10 to 20 times the workpiece's weight. If the application presents high acceleration/deceleration or impact during the motion, then a further safety margin should be considered.

Open the catalog to page 1
OF - 2

Options • Mounting brackets for inductive proximity switches • Magnetic switches * Dimensions are in millimiters (inches). ** All dimensions are descriptive and subject to variation for technical upgrading. We reserve the right to make variations without prior notification EFFECTO GROUP S.p.A. Via Roma, 141/143 - 28017 San Maurizio d'Opaglio (NO) - Italy Tel. +39 0322 96142 Fax +39 0322 967453 www.effectogroup.com

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All Effecto Group S.p.A. catalogs and technical brochures

  1. OPT

    2 Pages

  2. SWINGCUT 100

    2 Pages

  3. FLEXICUT 100

    2 Pages


    2 Pages

  5. BLQ-E

    2 Pages


    2 Pages

  7. QPGB

    2 Pages

  8. AR

    20 Pages

  9. AR-DIS

    10 Pages

  10. SR

    12 Pages

  11. PS

    16 Pages

  12. MD_MDE

    52 Pages

  13. QS7500

    2 Pages

  14. QS4500

    2 Pages

  15. UVP

    2 Pages

  16. UVH

    2 Pages

  17. BLQ_I

    2 Pages

  18. CCR_TS

    2 Pages

  19. CCR_T

    2 Pages

  20. CCR_SS

    2 Pages

  21. CCR_S

    2 Pages

  22. CCR_BS

    2 Pages

  23. CCR_B

    2 Pages

  24. CCR_LA

    2 Pages

  25. QS1500

    2 Pages

  26. QS800

    2 Pages

  27. QS400

    2 Pages

  28. FRC

    2 Pages

  29. QS200

    2 Pages

  30. QS50

    2 Pages

  31. MXC20

    2 Pages

  32. DTS 3 JAW

    2 Pages

  33. CCR_A

    2 Pages

  34. QS25

    2 Pages

  35. MXC 5

    2 Pages

  36. PRD

    2 Pages

  37. BLQ_E

    2 Pages

  38. ARPG15

    2 Pages

  39. QS-AW

    2 Pages

  40. QS3000

    2 Pages

  41. QS7

    2 Pages

  42. MADT

    10 Pages

  43. MAE

    16 Pages

  44. MAGNUM

    20 Pages

  45. GPAL - X-RAYS

    28 Pages

  46. OPL 3 JAW

    1 Pages

  47. OPL 2 JAW

    2 Pages

  48. LGE

    2 Pages

  49. OPE 2 JAW

    4 Pages

  50. OPE 3 JAW

    4 Pages

  51. QPG 2 JAW

    2 Pages

  52. QPG 3 JAW

    2 Pages

  53. OG 2 JAW

    2 Pages

  54. OPH 3 JAW

    2 Pages

  55. OPH 2 JAW

    2 Pages

  56. OG-A

    2 Pages

  57. OLE

    2 Pages

  58. VRG

    2 Pages

  59. LPG

    2 Pages

  60. FRC

    1 Pages

  61. OPT

    2 Pages

  62. OPRING

    2 Pages

  63. QPG-tech

    2 Pages

  64. DTS 2 JAW

    2 Pages

  65. OSV-CM

    7 Pages

  66. AR COL

    10 Pages

  67. OSV

    21 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. MAV

    17 Pages