Catalog excerpts

High-speed spiral doors for deep-freeze applications
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TK Series The cold chain for deep-frozen products must never be interrupted during storage and transport. This demands an enormous amount of energy and high logistical effort. Installing insulated doors helps to minimize temperature losses and to accelerate processes. The EFA-SST®-TK-100 is the first high-speed spiral door designed for closing deep-freeze areas. This makes it the optimal single door solution for logistical processes. The EFA-SST®-TK-100, an excellently insulated door, helps substantially to decrease energy costs and creates constant climatic conditions in deepfreeze units....
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The deep-freeze single door solution The Active Framework Mechanism EFA-AFIW ensures a practically hermetic door seal. A glance atthe advantages of the • Optimal deep-freeze single door solution • Long-lasting high-speed door technology • CFC free, 100 mm thick insulation laths • Frames and laths thermally separated • Energy-efficient heating system in laths Leading technologies create real benefits The EFA-SST®-TK-100 is a true specialist! The first truly single door solution for deep-freeze areas that simultaneously reaches highest opening and closing speeds and the best insulation values...
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Constant temperature, The 100 mm thick EFA-THERM® insulation laths of the EFA-SST®-TK-100 guarantee better heat insulation than ever before. The laths are thermally separated Contact surface heaters are employed throughout the entire door, being integrated into the seals around it and into the contact bar strip. These heat the contact surfaces of the seals against the door blade and the floor. The result of this unique design is a U value down to 0.62 W/m2K and operational temperatures between plus and minus 30 °C. EFA-TLG® Door Light Grid With the TUV-certified infrared light grid EFA-TLG®...
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Technical Data: Installation on cold side Installation on warm side Wind load* Deep-freeze application Operating forces / safe opening Resistance against penetrating water Direct airborne sound insulation RW* Designed for approx. … load changes p.a. Maximum door blade speed* Average speed, approx.* Door blade guidance Round Spiral Direction of door operation Steel design vertical Galvanized sheet steel frame Stainless steel Powder-coated according to RAL Door blade EFA-THERM® laths double-wall insulated / painted Colour according to RAL Fire class Building material class DIN 4102 Electric...
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EFAFLEX Tor- und Sicherheitssysteme GmbH & Co. KG Fliederstrasse 14 D-84079 Bruckberg Telephone +49 8765 82-0 Facsimile +49 8765 82-100 www.efaflex.com info@efaflex.com Technological advancement. Pioneering design. EFAFLEX® is a registered and legally protected trademark. Subject to technical changes. Some diagrams depict special features. Overall design: www.creativconcept.de 03 | 15 For more than 40 years, EFAFLEX has developed and designed reliable and highly-efficient highspeed doors. With innovative technology and pioneering solutions for special requests, EFAFLEX continually provides the...
Open the catalog to page 8All EFAFLEX Tor- und Sicherheitssysteme GmbH & Co. KG catalogs and technical brochures
4 Pages
The world of doors
43 Pages
S Series High-speed spiral doors
28 Pages
TK Series
8 Pages
World of Doors
47 Pages
High-speed spiral doors
26 Pages
High-speed roll-up doors
16 Pages
High-speed folding doors
8 Pages