Catalog excerpts

Picosecond Pulsed Light Source AGILE® is a wavelength-tunable, high brightness supercontinuum laser providing picosecond pulses with variable kHz to MHz repetition rates. AGILE features a broadband spectral output from <400 nm to >2000 nm and pulse repetition rates from 10 kHz to 1 MHz, making it the ideal light source for the majority of fluorescence lifetime applications. Using the Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) technique, fluorescence lifetimes from a few picoseconds to microseconds can be accurately resolved. The output of AGILE can be configured as a collimated beam for free-space applications or focused with F-number matching to the Edinburgh Instruments FLS1000 Photoluminescence Spectrometer. When operated as part of the FLS1000, AGILE is fully computer controlled by the spectrometer operating software Fluoracle®. AGILE is a turn-key, wide wavelength range light source, providing a user-friendly and maintenance-free solution for any fluorescence laboratory. Two different trigger outputs in AGILE enable operation in TCSPC and Multi-Channel Scaling (MCS) modes. MCS operation enables faster acquisition of lifetimes in the microsecond range. Coupling AGILE to a monochromator provides continuous wavelength tuning across the visible and near-infrared spectrum with output power and temporal profile comparable to individual, single wavelength, picosecond pulsed diode lasers. AGILE connected to an FLS1000 Photoluminescence Spectrometer.
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SPECIFICATIONS Wavelength Range Repetition Rate Wavelength Range Average Output Power / 10 nm Bandpass * Typical Pulse Width Total Power Stability Polarisation Unpolarised Beam Output Computer Interface Synch Output Trigger Output Interlock Input Operating Temperature Software Control Fluoracle Power ** after 20 min warm up time in stable environment Typical spectral output of AGILE edinst.com Registered in England and Wales No: 962331 VAT No:GB 271 7379 37 All specifications are correct at the time of production. We reserve the right to change our specifications without notice. ©Edinburgh...
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