MegaVol 3000 Particulate sampler


Catalog excerpts

MegaVol 3000 Particulate sampler - 1

HIGH VOLUME SAMPLER The MegaVol 3000 particulate sampler performs remote unattended sampling of particulates and is ideal for heavy metal and radiation exposure The MegaVol is capable of a very high flow rate (120-150m3/hr) the Increased flow rate allows representative particulate samples to be collected n shorter time periods (more samples collected per week) or to collect a larger quantity In the same time period (especially for trace levels) than a standard The MegaVol Is therefore Ideally suited for sampling particulates that make up a small percentage of the total sample (heavy metals, radioactive particulates etc.) and provides laboratories with sufficient material to perform quantitative and qualitative Optional attachments allow the sampler to measure wind speed and direction which can then be used to trigger sector selectable sampling (e.g. fence-line The sampler software can also double as a remotely accessible data logger for simple weather monitoring (wind speed and direction, temperature, Reliable sampling • Volumetric flow control automatically corrected to standard reference temperature. • Industrial brushless motor (100 000 hours continuous field operation) • Weather-proof marine quality anodlsed aluminium • Automatic supply voltage monitoring and shut- down facility prevents damage to Instrument. Directional sampling • Wind direction and speed used to activate/de- activate sampler. • External trigger (0-5VDC) can be used for activating sampling program. Enhanced communication • RS232 output for data collection and remote • Filter block and Instrument error alarms • Total control of Instrument remotely from PC. • Simple programming of sampling periods, ncludlng dally and weekly programs, with In built

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MegaVol 3000 Particulate sampler - 2

Flow controller: Volumetric flow range: Vacuum capability: Flow accuracy: Flow repeatability: Operating voltage: Power useage: Running current: Temp measur. range: Barometric pressure: Microprocessor controlled (internal data logging) Side channel blower driven by an induction motor (brushless) Variable frequency drive Anodised aluminium and Stainless steel fasteners 65kg plus inlet weight 3500VA nominal (depending on filter loading & flow rate) 4A nominal (depending on filter loading & flow rate) Communications/Data logging No. of readings: 150 (averaging period is user selectable, for...

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