

Catalog excerpts

1E - 1

Off-Li ne Filtration Package Technical Bulletin New Off-Line Filtration Package Offers Ultra High Efficiency, Low Flow Concept The cleanliness level of hydraulic fluid in an active system reaches an equilibrium when the amount of contamination going into the system (ingression) plus the amount of contamination that is internally generated (wear particles), equal the amount of dirt being taken out by filter systems. The amount of dirt removed by filter systems is a function of only two parameters: • Flow rate through the filter • Efficiency of the filter in removing contaminants from the fluid at system conditions Therefore, the same fluid cleanliness can be achieved with a high-flow pump and a low-efficiency filter, or a medium-flow pump and a medium-efficiency filter, or a low-flow pump and an ultra-high-efficiency filter. Eaton's new Off-Line Filtration flow rate is approximately 5 extremely efficient with a beta ratio of more than 1000 at removing 2 micron particles. achieved by using membrane filter element technology, rather than standard mechanical particle removal. The filter element configuration of the OLF 15V also lends itself to very high dirt-holding element will hold approximately Also available is an element that will remove water, as well as dirt, from hydraulic fluid. element, and will hold element, with or without

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1E - 2

Suitable, Unsuitable low. Applications well suited • Plastic injection molding • In-plant press systems • Low-ingression lubrication • Systems that contain less than 500 gallons of fluid The following systems, with • Steel mill applications • High dust environments • Test stands • Systems with more than Expected Results As a general rule of thumb, package should result in a in the fluid cleanliness level. Please note: every increase If the target cleanliness level which failures will not be system. Again, by simply ISO codes worth of dirt can Gearbox Applications Gearbox applications are...

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All Eaton Hydraulics catalogs and technical brochures

  1. W Series

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  2. GD5-Series

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  3. KBCG-6-1

    16 Pages

  4. KBCG-3-1*

    16 Pages

  5. Coils

    14 Pages

  6. Eaton HP50

    4 Pages

  7. E-HOEV-MC001

    68 Pages

  8. E-HOEV

    2 Pages

  9. EH066

    2 Pages

  10. A-HC

    8 Pages

  11. 509200

    4 Pages

  12. E-HOBV

    2 Pages

  13. A-HOAK

    69 Pages

  14. et3000

    19 Pages

  15. ttc

    28 Pages

  16. ETRLD

    20 Pages

  17. x505901

    21 Pages

  18. 509400

    8 Pages

  19. v fifi

    36 Pages

  20. i730

    8 Pages

  21. C001

    23 Pages

  22. XQ5

    20 Pages

  23. E2

    21 Pages

  24. E1

    19 Pages

  25. DP

    12 Pages

  26. DBA

    4 Pages

Archived catalogs