Catalog excerpts

Precision Flow Air Flow Products Catalog
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Our Facilities: Measuring Up to the Highest Standards To help us achieve – and set – the highest standard of air ow measurement, Eastern Instruments maintains 26,000 sq. ft. of engineering, laboratory, testing, and assembly area in two Wilmington locations. There are two stand-alone laboratory sites, one of which is a test facility with an air ow test chamber with *NIST referenced nozzles. Within the main building, which houses the general ofces and engineering organization, are a fully supported machine shop, fabrication services, electronics assembly, and testing department. High Beta®...
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Precision Flow Measurement Welcome to Eastern Instruments About the VAP3®/SA A proprietary design for relatively clean air applications and for Superior Accuracy (SA), the VAP3®/SA air ow measurement pitots are ideal for either new or retrot process applications. When inserted in air ow ducts, the VAP3®/SA provides an accurate, differential pressure output allowing for precise air ow measurement and control of your process to as low as ±0.50% when calibrated. The VAP3®/SA pitots can also be incorporated within ow-conditioning devices, such as the High Beta®, designed for short duct run...
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Engineered Solutions Engineering is the heart of Eastern Instruments. From its beginning as a consulting rm to producing today’s full-scale systems, EI has built a solid reputation solving complex air ow problems for customers in the process and power generation industries. Our VAP3® Pitots and High Beta® ow conditioners, whether installed as a device or part of an EI-built process system, reect our dedication to providing the bestengineered products possible for the customer’s application to improve measurement accuracy and process performance. Engineering services include: • Computational...
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Measuring air ow is easy. Measuring it accurately is another story. Environments where air ow measurement that is not repeatable, accurate, or representative of mass ow will destabilize the air ow control loop. The growing trend to improve plant efciency in today’s process and power generation makes accurate air ow measurement crucial. Eastern Instruments’ proprietarydesigned VAP3® Pitots and High Beta® owconditioning device combat the primary causes of inaccurate air ow measurement and provide accurate and reliable measurement solutions. Why choose pitot measurement technology by Eastern...
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That’s where Eastern Instruments’ technology excels. can severely impact ow measurement because mass calculations inferred by velocity depend on constant duct cross-sectional area. The High Beta® creates a rigid, non-moving cross-sectional area of duct with an integrated ow proling design. Detail of VAP3® Pitots installed in a High Beta® ow conditioner High Beta®: Insufcient straight runs? Not a problem Typical ow measurement devices require sufcient upstream and downstream duct runs for accurate measurement. In most applications, there are rarely sufcient straight runs to permit accurate...
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How can air ow measurement systems from EI help me? Eastern Instruments offers a complete line of air and gas ow measurement systems based on more than 35 years of pitot development and product improvements. Our technical director, Bob Brandt, is widely regarded as a rst-rank expert on the subject of air ow measurement and pitot tube design. Whether you need to increase boiler efciency or obtain an optimized uidized velocity for a uid bed dryer, rest assured that Eastern Instruments can provide you with a system that will t your needs. VAP3® Series Applications Process Applications Power...
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The VAP3® Series: Velocity Averaging Parallel Plate Pitots VAP3® Pitots have a unique Velocity Averaging and Parallel Plate proprietary design. When inserted in air ow ducts, the VAP3® Pitots provide an accurate, differential pressure output allowing for precise air ow measurement or control of your process. VAP3® Pitots are designed for Superior Accuracy (SA) for clean air applications or plug resistant (PA) for heavy particulate-laden applications. The VAP3® Pitots can be installed in existing or new ducts or incorporated into ow-conditioning devices, such as the High Beta®, designed for...
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VAP3® SERIES SPECS PRESSURE HOLES VAP3® Pitots Circular Duct Installation (front view) DIM Probe Sizes 4 - 20 Over 20 A 4.25 in 6.25 in B 4.95 in 2.95 in VAP3® Pitots Circular Duct Installation (isometric view) 10 Air Flow Products Precision Flow Measurement
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VAP3® SPECS, CONT. Air Flow Products Precision Flow Measurement 1 1
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DETERMINING PRODUCT NUMBER D1 D2 To determine your product number, simply note the option you need from each section below, and place that code in its corresponding box in the grid. For instance, if you have a clean-air application VAP3® for a round duct conguration, then ll in boxes D1 and D3 with the codes SA and RD, respectively. Complete the grid by continuing that pattern for each option. D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 FSO D1 Pitot Orientation D5 Pitot Mounting Plate SA Standard Application 425 PA Particulate Application D2 Probe Size 4.25” wide Mounting Plate, 1/4” thick, Anodized Aluminum, 15 PSI...
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PRODUCT NUMBERS: DSV – DUCT SECTION VAP3® D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D1 Element Size D3 Mat’l of Construction D6 Gaskets C6-C22 Circular: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22-inch nominal duct size; 12-inch overall length 304 WS FDA Approved White Silicone 316 AL CS 304 Stainless Steel Duct Section 316 SS Duct Section 6061 Alumin. Duct Section Carbon Steel Duct Section GR Graphite SW Spiral Wound EO D4 Mounting Flange Engineered-to-Order/ Custom (see D2 for Pressure Rating) D7 VAP3® Conguration Low Pressure: 0.125” thick Angle Ring Flange STD Angle Ring Pattern Low Pressure: 0.250” thick Plate...
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High Beta® Flow Conditioners Air ow measurement is most accurate when the ow has no turbulent, reverse, and/or cyclonic ow patterns and is evenly proled across the duct at the measurement point. The High Beta® ow conditioner is ideal for either new or retrot process and power applications where insufcient straight duct runs are present and/or accuracy is required. The High Beta® is designed for installations with relatively no straight duct run upstream and/or downstream and eliminates cyclonic, turbulent, and reverse ow at the point of measurement. There are many different variations of...
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