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SG-100M - 1

To Order Call Toll Free: SG-100M Electronic Hydrometer / Liquid Density Monitor Model # SG-100M Product Overview Digital Hydrometers The SG-100M Specific Gravity Meter/Liquid Density Monitor will replace ordinary glass bulb and optical refractometer hydrometers that are limited in range, utility and functionality. The SG-100M has an in-tank, drop-hang submersible probe that measures, monitors, records, and controls specific gravity/liquid density during a mixing, blending, fermentation, distillation, or plating operation. The SG-100M offers many user-customized options that allow the instrument to fit your exact measuring needs. The measurement probe can be purchased independently for integration into an existing PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). Optional 4-20mA analog output board or dual 5 amp relays for process control are also available. Simply submerge the measuring probe up to 500 feet and connect to an electronics module to provide digital readouts of user defined values such as Density, Specific Gravity, Baume, Brix and Alcohol %. 99.995% Accurate, measures in liquids or slurries Pressure irrelevant - can monitor density at any depth Remote readout at desired distance from probe Readout can be chosen in preferred engineering units Battery or In-tank operation depending on application Determines concentration mix (by volume or mass) of the sample Large sample temperature ranges (up to 106°C / 220°F) Customization available based on user needs Digital Panel Meter Technical Specifications Measurement Range: Pressure Range: Density: 0.550 – 2.000 g/cm3* Sample Temperature: 20 – 106 °C (40 – 220 °F) 0 – 5 atm (operable in vacuum) Minimum Sample Volume: Data Transfer: Operating Environment: Power Requirements: Dimensions1: Weight: Cable Length: CPVC Probe 310 mL Analog Voltage Data Logger (optional) 4 – 20 mA, dual 5 A Relay -20 – 106 °C (-40 – 220 °F) Control Module: 120/240 VAC** Probe: 0 – 5 VDC Chemical Petroleum Food & Beverage Passivation Electroplating Flux Density Control Paper Production Coatings Probe Length x Diameter: 280 x 51 mm (11 x 2 in) Probe: 2.3 kg (5 lbs) Standard: PVC: 1.2 – 452.4 m (4 – 500 ft) Optional: Teflon: 1.2 – 30.4 m (5 – 200 ft) (1) Probe must be mounted vertically and be completely submerged in the test solution. SG-100M Digital Panel Meter SG-100M CPVC Probe PVC Cable (Standard Lengths: 4 ft to 100 ft) Optional: Teflon Cable for Caustic Solutions Digital Panel Meter, CPVC Probe Standalone CPVC Probe Digital Panel Meter with Analog Output Board (4-20 mA) or Dual 5 A Relay, CPVC Probe

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