IPQMS Battery Monitoring System
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Catalog excerpts

IPQMS Battery Monitoring System - 1

To Order Call Toll Free: iPQMS Battery Monitoring System Common Applications: Power Utilities & Distribution, UPS Systems, Telecom/Communications Battery Monitoring Systems BMS-SERIES Product Description The iPQMS Battery Monitoring System is designed to measure the aging status of critical backup batteries by measuring and recording: system voltage, load current, unit voltage, internal/connection resistance, and temperature. The iPQMS is intended for use on up to 448 vented lead acid (VLA), valve regulated lead acid (VRLA), or nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cad) batteries. Installation of the iPQMS is non-intrusive and can be completed while the battery system is online. Standard communication includes Eagle Eye's Centroid 2 Battery Management Software for recording and trending measured parameters. Centroid 2 can be installed on a private network on multiple PC's. Networked systems can utilize SMS/Email alerts during alarm conditions. Alternatively, the iPQMS can be configured for Modbus output to an existing building management system or SCADA. Main Processing Unit (MPU) Product Features • 24/7/365 Battery Monitoring • Comprehensive Battery Management Software • Installation while systems are online • Meets NERC and IEEE standard recommendations for battery monitoring • Patented ripple-removing algorithm to filter out noise from measurements • Injects minimal current for measurement • Simple to install with custom, pre-assembled installation materials • Can be powered by AC or DC iPQMS Installation on 125VDC Utility Battery System Battery Management Software • Displays and records system voltage, load current, unit voltage, internal/connection resistance, temperature. • Trending analysis of measured parameters on a string and cell/ unit level with colored, easy to read graphs. • PDF and Excel reporting • Detailed log of alarm outbreak history • Email and SMS alerts • Automatically record, save, & playback discharge & recharge events. Centroid 2 Battery Management Software www.eepowersolutions.com | Tel: 1-877-805-3377 | Fax: 1-414-962-3660 | info@eepowersolutions.com | V1.3

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IPQMS Battery Monitoring System - 2

iPQMS System Composition Typical iPQMS systems are configured with the following main components: MPU (Main Processing Unit) A single MPU per system processes all measurement data and handles communication. Allows on-site viewing of data with LCD. RU (Relaying Unit) Up to 7 RUs per system wire directly to clamps fitted to the battery inter-cell connections. Performs measurement and relays data back to the MPU. Connection Clamps Physical connection to battery system. Installs to battery inter-cell cables or busbars. Server & Client PC Main computer which interfaces with the MPU. Runs...

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