Catalog excerpts

ACTIVE AIR PURIFICATION SYSTEM KEEP YOUR CREW SAFE. Designed with advanced Photohydroionization® (PHI Cell) and UV technology, the Active Air Purification System kills 99% of pathogens, including the virus which causes COVID-19, in the air and on surfaces delivering better air quality and a safer cab environment for your crew. ▪ Kills 99% of germs, microbes, viruses, and bacteria in the air and on surfaces * ▪ Proven reduction in sneeze germs by 99% within three feet ▪ Proven efficiency on microbes (3rd party tested on H1N1, Avian Flu, sneeze test) ▪ Proven impact on odor reduction Advantages. ▪ Sanitizes air and surfaces ▪ Safe for all passengers ▪ Lowers overhead cost of traditional disinfectants Advanced Technology. Reduce your crew's exposure. The system utilizes active technology to distribute H2O2 which sanitizes the occupied space and requires no operator or application. Retrofit your fleet, add to a new truck order, or install in your fire station. For more information contact REV Fire Parts. ▪ Millions in service globally * Active Air Purification helps mitigate infection risk but should be used in conjunction with procedures in compliance with NFPA 1581 Standard on Fire Department Infection Control Program or equivalent department policy. This device does not claim to treat or reduce fire ground contaminants. firetruckparts.com E-ONE Active Air Purification.indd 1
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ACTIVE AIRPURIFICATION Compact design allows for flexible placement of the system inside the cab. Safe levels of naturally occurring hydroperoxides increase the air quality creating a cleaner environment for your equipment and yourcrew and without damaging interior surfaces. WHAT IS PHI CELL® OR PHOTOHYDROIONIZATION®? Photohydroionization® is an advanced oxidation technology that minimizes pollutants in the air through a broad-spectrum, high intensity UV light. Low doses of airborne hydroperoxide (H2O2) are generated and revert back to oxygen and hydrogen once they come in contact with and...
Open the catalog to page 2All E-one catalogs and technical brochures
100 Platform Clarksville, TN
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HP 100 Platform Ocala, FL
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Custom Pumper Helena, AL
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Custom Pumpers
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HP 75 Aerial
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2 Pages
2 Pages