Filter Brochure
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Filter Brochure - 1

Independent lab tested according to ASHRAE 52-76 test procedures. In todays indoor environments, pollution levels often exceed those in outdoor air. Medical studies report that our respiratory system may have to eliminate up to two heaping tablespoons of particulates everyday. Dust, pollens, mold spores, pet dander, carpet lint, and dust mite feces are some of the pollutants we inhale. Improve Your Indoor Air. Doctor Recommended ғBoth my staff and I would like your company to know how greatly many of our patients have benefited from your fine products. We almost rou- tinely order the Dust Free Breathing airborne pollutants often triggers allergy, asthma, and hay fever symptoms. As house dust, mold, and pollen are captured by the Dust Free furnace filters as they do such a magnificent job in helping rid the entire house of allergens.Δ air filter, we generally breathe easier and have fewer symptoms. Children, seniors, and those with respira- tory ailments benefit the most from fewer indoor pollutants. Having a high-quality air filter installed in a well maintained central air system can result in a cleaner, healthier indoor environment. H. W. Noble, M.D. ΓSince I have tried this filter and know its benefits, I can recommend it to my allergy patients and feel confident they will get a product that works. Allergy R.N. in New York. w w w w w w w w w w w w . . . . d d d d d d d d d u u u u u s s s s s s s s s s t t t t t t t t f f f f f f f f r r r r e e e e e e e e e e e e e e . . . c c c c c c c c om > We bought the filter because of our sonԒs allergies, but we are all enjoying it. We noticed a big difference in the air right away. When we first put the filter in, we had fresher air. Its amazing what the filter takes out of the air. Satisfied Customers in Colorado Worldwide dealer network of service and commitment. Clean air is a wise investment when you con- sider the high cost of pollution-related illness... time lost from work, medications, and inconve- nience. The Dust Free Energy Savings Too! The Dust Free Ү electrostatic air filter protects your heating and cooling system as it traps particles that would otherwise coat the coils and reduce their efficiency. Clean units operate fewer minutes per hour, saving on energy costs. air filter installs in your central air system supplying fresh air through- out your home. Ω2005 Dust Free 212968-00 Rev. 1A 5/05 size="-5">

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