Catalog excerpts

DURAL MACHINERY Tube Processing Machines Product Catalogue
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• Tube Bending Machines • Double Head Tube Bending Machines • Tube Chamfering Machines • Pipe End Deburring Machines • Tube Notching Machines Where Technology Turns Into Realty
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About us / Hakkımızda As Dural Machine we have experience on machine industry since 1991. With the help of our experience and with large expert staff team, we give the best service to our valued customers for 26 years. All production steps of our machines are made under the our roof with our innovatice chasis, automation and metal working department with the newest technology, which are the main points of our competition power. Our product range can be described as bending machines, deburring machines, tube end chamfering machines, notching machines. Since our establishment, we succeed to...
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KURT AĞZI AÇMA MAKİNESİ KURT AĞZI AÇMA TUBE NOTCHING MACHINEMAKİNASI TEKNİK ÖZELLİKLERİ TECHNICAL DETAILS Kapasite (mm) Zımpara Ölçüsü (mm) Working capacity (mm) Abrasive belts dimensions (mm) Motor Gücü (kw) Makine Ölçüleri (mm) Makine Ağırlığı (kg) Total power (kw) Machine size (mm) Gros weight (kg) GENEL ÖZELLİKLERİ Ekonomik, yüksek performanslı ve kompakt kurtağzı sistemi Rijit Konstrüksiyon – Düşük vibrasyon Yüksel zımpara ömrü düşük maliyet (L=2 Mt. zımpara boyu) Eksantrik sıkma çenesi ile hızlı yükleme boşaltma resmi çekilecek Boru ve profile kurtağzı açabilme (Çene değiştirmeksizin)...
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TUBE NOTCHING MACHINE GENERAL DETAILS Designed for High Production Min. Vibration with rigid construction low production costs with high abrasive belt Ability to quick load / unload with eccentric clamp jaw Ability to notching round/sqare tube without changing clamp jaw Offers Off-Center Grinding because the Height of the Clamp is Easily Adjustable Notching Capacity = 0° and 60° Easy changeable tools and abrasive belt Ability notching double head of tube at the same time Two Axis Precision Adjustable Feeting Table Connection for extraction option is available
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Open the catalog to page 6All Duralbend - Tube Processing Machines catalogs and technical brochures
Tube Deburring Machines
8 Pages
24 Pages
Nc Tube Bending Machines
8 Pages
Cnc Tube Bending Machines
8 Pages