Catalog excerpts

We are one of the world’s most experienced manufacturers of high-quality metering technology. Wherever adhesives, resins, silicones or lubricants are metered and applied in industrial production, we offer reliable, precise solutions. We provide systems and components for highly automated production processes, including for the automotive, wind, household appliances and electrical industries, as well as for aviation. DOPAG is part of the HILGER & KERN GROUP, a reliable supplier and a development and service partner to industrial companies in a variety of market segments for almost 100 years. The group employs around 350 people and has subsidiaries and distributors in more than 40 countries. FOR THE PROCESSING OF LOW TO HIGH VISCOSITY MATERIALS Bonding Sealing Moulding Encapsulation Shot dispensing Bead dispensing Modular construction enables a wide range of use, variable mixing ratios and flow rates High precision through metering and mixing at the point of application High process security through: - construction with reduced dead space - de-airing on the top of the metering chamber - metering chamber with pressure monitoring Optimization of the maintenance through: - specially guided metering pistons - coupling between drive and metering piston - hermetic sealing of the piston with additional sealing liquid Global sales and service network These modern metering systems can be used in any industry where materials need to be applied in a high precision and repeatable way. Find your local DOPAG contact Automotive Electrical and electronic Renewable energy Aerospace White goods and many more Control unit To control these systems a metering computer with touch screen terminal is used. DOPAG Benelux Bunnik DOPAG China Shanghai DOPAG Eastern Europe Prague DOPAG France Valence DOPAG Germany Hilger u. Kern, Mannheim info@dopag.nl www.dopag.nl office@dopag.cn www.dopag.cn info@dopagcz.com www.dopagcz.com contact@dopag.fr www.dopag.fr info@dopag.de www.dopag.de DOPAG India Bangalore DOPAG Italy Alpignano (Turin) DOPAG Korea Seoul DOPAG Mexico Saltillo, Coahuila DOPAG Nordic Göteborg sales@dopag.in www.dopag.in info@dopag.it www.dopag.it info@dopag.co.kr www.dopag.co.kr sales@dopag.mx www.dopag.mx info@dopag-nordic.com www.dopag-nordic.com DOPAG Switzerland Cham DOPAG USA Erlanger, Kentucky info@dopag.ch www.dopag.ch uksales@dopag.com www.dopag.co.uk ussales@dopag.com www.dopag.us With this metering computer all applications that can be achieved with vectodis or vectomix can be parameterised and different metering processes can be memorised. The control unit is wired into a control cabinet. The metering computer can also handle applications where a speed proportional material supply is required, for example in combination with a robot. We’re present in more than 40 countries. Find your local sales partner here: www.dopag.com/contacts
Open the catalog to page 1
Maximum Perfection Control unit Control unit To process low to high viscosity and even abrasive materials, DOPAG has developed two product lines, vectodis and vectomix. Material pressure vessel Material pressure vessel These products are the result of consistent research, development and engineering with the goal of finding a visionary concept, able to set standards for the future in metering technology. The modular construction of vectodis and vectomix enables a wide range of use. Whenever the process requires a highly dynamic and precise application, these two products are used. Both...
Open the catalog to page 2All DOPAG - Metering catalogs and technical brochures
Drum pumps
12 Pages
6 Pages
LSR silcomix
12 Pages
ladomix G-SF
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
vectomix TC
2 Pages
23 Pages
8 Pages
4 Pages
Brochure rotordis rotormix
6 Pages
eldomix 100 / 600
6 Pages
Wind power industry
13 Pages
28 Pages
38 Pages
dynamicLine E
4 Pages
evomix DF
2 Pages
compomix FI
2 Pages