Catalog excerpts

LCM 500 Applications » Measurement / Monitoring the leakage current of metall oxid surge arresters » measures metal-enclosed surge arresters for gas insulated substations (GIS). In this case, a capacitive GIS coupler is connected to the field probe. Predecessors of the new LCM500 have been used to determine short term as well as long term measurements on arresters from 66kV to 765kV networks. Power companies and utilities in 50+ countries use the LCM instrument. LCM500 – The Technique Well-proven and acknowledged monitoring technique using third-order harmonic analysis with compensation. Rated according IEC 60099-5 as the best field monitoring technique for Metal Oxide Surge Arresters (MOSA). LCM500 records operating voltage and temperature during field measurements. The LCM500 measurements are automatically normalized to standard ambient temperature (+20°C) and 0.7x rated arrester voltage based on recorded temperature and operating voltage during field measurement. Measurements performed under different conditions can thereby easily be compared. Performing Field Measurements LCM500 is designed for use on arresters. Arrester ID is downloaded from PC software to LCM500 instrument prior to performing inspection of surge arresters. LCM500 can store 1000 arrester ID’s. On location choose correct arrester ID and perform measurement. LCM500 can store 1000 measurements performed in the field. After completion of field measurements stored data are transferred from LCM500 instrument to PC software. You are now ready to perform analysis and plan your next inspection. Portable Instrument for inspection of surge arresters for condition assessment on a regular basis. New LCM500 is battery operated. Arrester ID Unique identification of each surge arrester makes Data Management easy. LCM500 can store 1000 surge arrester ID’s and measurements performed in the field. Doble Lemke GmbH Zschoner Ring 9, 01723 Kesselsdorf / Dresden Germany www.doble-lemke.eu Doble Lemke AG Kaiserstrasse 9, 4310 Rheinfelden Switzerland www.doble-lemke.eu
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LCM 500 Data Management Secured through new Windows© LCM500 Software handling all your surge arrester readings. Defines individual surge arrestertypes including operational parameters. Software includes e.g. possibility to perform evaluation of groups of surge arresters e.g. same type of arresters or alternatively for a region. Cost effective Inspection of a surge arrester takes less than 10 minutes on location and can be performed with the arrester in live operation (no disturbance of power distribution). Continuous Monitoring LCM500 can be used for continuous monitoring of one or more...
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LCM 500 Battery powered wireless current probe and field antenna: - Rechargeable (charges in instrument lid) 9V 500mAh - Digital radio communication at 434.075-434.525 MHz - Probes can be set at 16 distinct channels - Probes are in addition separted by their serial numbers Accessories » Fieldprobe-Rod Additional Pictures Doble Lemke GmbH Zschoner Ring 9, 01723 Kesselsdorf / Dresden Germany www.doble-lemke.eu Doble Lemke AG Kaiserstrasse 9, 4310 Rheinfelden Switzerland www.doble-lemke.eu
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Insulation analysis:M2H MCM
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Partial Discharge: LDA-5/S
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Partial Discharge: LDS-6
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PD-Smart electrical
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