Catalog excerpts

^)DJB Instruments SENSING ENGINEERING INNOVATION 5nC/bar nom. 46-56.5gm 250°C max temp A smaller pressure transducer, doubling acoustic bandwidth, but at expense of 14dB reduction in sensitivity, thus 0.01pC noise equivalent acoustic signal threshold increases to 82dB (2.5mbar) M/02 application areas include air blast measurement, combustion gas acoustic measurement, fluid flow dynamics. Signals may be superimposed upon high static pressure backgrounds. Transducers are calibrated at ambient pressure. Piezoceramics are subject to a logarithmic sensitivity decay vs. time. Exposure of piezoceramics to initial high pressure, temperature produces an initial sensitivity loss. Thereafter, subject to these initial conditions not being subsequently exceeded stability is exceedingly high, of the order 1 or 2%/ 1st yr. Transducers subject to high pressure/temperature should be thermally and load cycled to in build minimal long term degradation. charge vs. pressure up to 200bar wideband temperature calibration -50/+300°C proof pressure test of transducers, transducer/cable assemblies to 150bar hermetic Microdot, TNC & 7/16 UNS 2 pole connectors integral hardline cable termination case isolated signal for cmr Intrinsic Version EEx ia II BT2 (Tamb.=300°C), Temperature Response M/02s have a variety of signal outlet options to cater for more extreme operating conditions. These encompass fluid immersion of transducer and cable, environments hazardous to cabling where cable armouring may be necessary and Please note: For information and reference only. Data should not be used as pass / fail criteria for calibration purposes Finchley Avenue, Email sales@djbinstruments.com Mildenhall, Suffolk IP28 7BG Web wvwv.djbinstruments.com A UK company with UK-based manufacturing, assembly and calibration in-house.
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©DJB Instruments SENSING ENGINEERING INNOVATION Please note: For information and reference only. Data should not be used as pass / fail criteria for calibration purposes Finchley Avenue, Email sales@djbinstruments.com Mildenhall, Suffolk IP28 7BG Web www.djbinstruments.com A UK company with UK-based manufacturing, assembly and calibration in-house.
Open the catalog to page 2All DJB Instruments UK Ltd catalogs and technical brochures
VS1 Handheld Vibration Meter
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IEPE Sensor Simulator
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New Reference Technical Guide
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CV9 – Rack Mounted Charge
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VC-01 Handheld Calibrator
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IEPE Impact Hammer Range
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AF IEPE Impedance Head
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2 Pages
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Archived catalogs
Technical Reference Guide
24 Pages
3 Pages
Cables, cables armour
2 Pages
1 Pages
Accelerometer mounting studs
3 Pages