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Parylene - 2

Monomer units of the most common parylene types Raw material - Dimer powder What are parylene coatings: Parylene is the abbreviation for the polymer group named poly (para-xylylene). These polymers consist of differently substituted para-xylylenes. The initial state for the coating is given by the so-called dimers. A dimer is a molecule composite which consists of two identical subunits, namely the monomers. Advantages and properties: Parylene coatings offer a wide range of benefits. Parylene coatings … • are perfectly conformal: that means that the coating is adapting also on complex...

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Parylene - 3

[1] W.Beach, C. Lee, and D. Bassett, Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering (Wiley, New York, 1985), 17, 990 [2] J.B. Fortin, Poly-para-xylylene Thin Films: A Study of the Deposition Chemistry, Kinetics, Film Properties, and Film Stability, Ph.D. Thesis, rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2001 [3] F.E. Cariou, D.J. Vally, and W.E. Loeb, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 33(2), 202 (1992). [4] Structural and dielectric properties of parylene-VT4 thin films Article (PDF Available) in Materials Chemistry and Physics 143(3):908-914 ■ February 2014 with 71 Reads [5] Angaben aus...

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All Diener electronic GmbH & Co. KG catalogs and technical brochures

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  4. Tetra 150

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  5. Tetra 100

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  6. Parylene P30

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  7. Parylene P6

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  8. Atto/Zepto

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  9. APC 500

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  10. MWG1200

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  11. LFG5000

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  12. LFG3000

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  13. LFG1000

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  17. TETRA

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  21. Tetra 8

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