Catalog excerpts

29-64 kVA at 1500/1800 min-1 | rpm The engine with integrated cooling system. These are the characteristics of the 912 Gen: 3, 4,6 cylinder naturally aspirated in-line engines. Displacement: 0.94 l/cylinder. Unit construction system with individual cylinders. Advanced injection and combustion system. Electronic governor (BC or GAC) as option. Worldwide proven: Over 3.0 million engines in service. Only a few service points. Powerful and compact, low weight. Global service network with over 1,000 locations. Your benefits: u Space-saving and cost-effective installation thanks to integrated cooling system. u Low maintenance requirements together with legendary durability. u High quality combined with highly matured, simple configuration. u Outstanding load acceptance ensures immediate power supply. 912. The Genset Engine. Dimensions and weights F 3L 912 Length: mm| inch 670 | 26.4 Width: mm| inch 704 | 27.7 Height: mm| inch 795 | 31.3 Weight: kg | lb 351 | 774 F 4L 912 Length: mm| inch 777 | 30.6 Width: mm| inch 704 | 27.7 Height: mm| inch 796 | 31.3 Weight: kg | lb 402 | 886 F 6L 912 Length: mm| inch 1057 | 41.6 Width: mm| inch 704 | 27.7 Height: mm| inch 806 | 31.7 Weight: kg | lb 541 | 1193
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Order Number 0031 1655 / 03 / 2003 / VM-V We move your world. u Rating table: 912.The Genset Engine. 50/60 Hz Engine type F3L 912 F4L 912 F6L 912 Speed min-1 | rpm 1500 1800 1500 1800 1500 1800 Frequency Hz 50 60 50 60 50 60 Engine/genset ratings 1) Continuous power, ICN (COP)2) kW | hp 25 | 33.5 29 | 38.9 33 | 44.3 39 | 52.3 50 | 67.1 60 | 80.5 Prime power, ICN (PRP)3) kW | hp 26 | 34.9 30,5 | 40.9 35 | 46.9 41 | 55.0 52 | 69.7 63 | 84.5 Limited-time running power, IFN (LTP)4) kW | hp 27 | 36.2 32 | 42.9 36 | 48.3 43 | 57.7 55 | 73.8 66 | 88.5 Typical generator power output Typical...
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