Catalog excerpts

The major partner for your microwave projects Société par Actions Simplifiées au capital de 150 000 € - RCS Brest B403 061 245 - Siret 40306124500011 - Code 2611Z Siège social et usine : 7, rue de Kérélie 29200 BREST – France 29200 BREST FRANCE Tél. 33 (0)2 98 47 90 57 E-mail : con
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Société par Actions Simplifiées au capital de 150 000 € - RCS Brest B403 061 245 - Siret 40306124500011 - Code 2611Z Siège social et usine : 7, rue de Kérélie 29200 BREST – France 29200 BREST FRANCE Tél. 33 (0)2 98 47 90 57 E-mail : contac
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HISTORY In front of deindustrialisation of the French electronic industry in the nineties, Gilles PICARD had the dream to set up his own firm, in disruption with the global strategic tendency of larger organisations to end with French manufacture. With 25 years of experience in Thomson CSF as successively engineer, technical manager and then commercial manager, he decided to set-up DETI in 1995, in collaboration with his daughter, Aude PICARD, newly graduated in international business. They together set up the firm and got in association with other engineers with many decades of hands-on...
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PERIMETER OF ACTIVITY Today, DETI has widened his range to the whole DC-50 GHz band and produces RF and microwave solutions serving niche segments such as ground satcom, radars, electronic warfare and EMC testing. DETI’s offer includes, among others, custom and standard filters, power dividers, directional couplers and high power combiners. Their design is based on the best combinations of technologies to meet the specifications: core technologies, microstrip, stripline, suspended substrate, coaxial or waveguide. DETI’s solutions Specialized in designing and manufacturing state-ofthe-art...
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ADDED VALUES VAKLUEISTORY Custom-engineered and standard devices at cost-effective: All our products are designed by our team of engineers to meet our clients targets of performances, volume, and cost. With more of 25 years of experience in microwave technologies, we are able to develop products fitting exactly your needs, or to guide you towards one of our standard devices. High power multi-octave broadband designs: By using cutting edge technologies, we have designed a large product line of broadband power combiners/splitters and couplers able to keep up with dozens of kW of RF power....
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CAPABILITIES Design capabilities Manufacturing capabilities Design is at the heart of our activity and we consider it like a technical art. Committed to satisfying our customers’ issues and challenges, we do our best to quickly deliver efficient and fully tailored designs. To make this possible, we continuously invest in powerful workstations equipped with up to date simulation and modeling software: o Electromagnetic simulation softwares: Ansoft HFSS, Ansoft Designer, Ansoft Optimetrics, o In-House Engineering Simulation Tools o Solid Edge 3D CAD software o Calculation and programming...
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CAPABILITIES Capabilities of testing and qualification tests Stringent controls and measurements during the whole production cycle are an essential part of our activity. Our components are individually tested and data registered. Retrieval of tests results are synthesized or compiled in a test report. Different options are available to fit customers’ needs. Testing can includes, some common tests (dimensional measurements, electrical tests, low level tests, thermal test, humidity/heat) but as well any qualification tests according international military and aeronautical standards and...
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SERVICES Design to specifications We design your product DETI is specialised in the design & manufacture of RF and microwave components to meet specific requirements that might not otherwise be available. Standard parts don’t always have the specification you are looking for: this is where we step in. From the briefest of specifications, and using the very latest technology, our in-house microwave engineers can turn your concept into a working and fully tested product, ready to be integrated to your projects. With over twenty five years of experience in RF components and modules for...
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SERVICES Upgrade and industrialization Do you plan to update or improve your RF/Microwave product? Thanks to our highly qualified specialist engineers as well as our state-of-the-art technological tools, we can assist you in all your issues related to the industrialization of microwave components. This know-how allows us to offer an “Upgrade and Industrialization” service. Based on an already known product, we propose you to adapt or improve it depending on the use you plan to make of it. We first discuss with you the size, performances and tolerances that the product must meet. If...
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SERVICES Reverse engineering Reverse engineering of an electronic item implies determining its precise internal functioning and manufacturing method. The technical expertise and mastery of DETI engineers allow us to offer you a reverse engineering service for all your electronic products which are worn out, broken or too old to be used. Bring us your modules, we will reproduce them identically! How do we proceed? The first step in the process is to discuss with our design office to characterize the specificities that your reproduction must have and the performance that it must be able to...
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Low Pass High Pass Band Pass Band Stop Narrow Band Multi-octave Broadband Waveguide Directional Couplers Hybrid Couplers High Power Couplers Standard Parts and custom Designs ORIGINAL DESIGN AND IN-HOUSE MANUFACTURING – ITAR FREE HIGH RELIABILITY FOR COMMERCIAL AND MILITARY APPLICATIONS ALL OUR PRODUCTS ARE 3 YEAR WARRANTY Custom designs available on request. Please contact us to get datasheets or STEP files. contact@deti-sa.com Société par Actions Simplifiées au capital de 150 000 € - RCS Brest B403 061 245 - Siret 40306124500011 - Code 2611Z Siège social et usine :...
Open the catalog to page 11All DETI Microwave catalogs and technical brochures
4200 to 6000 MHz - 30 W
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
4 Way Power Divider
1 Pages
25.5-27 GHz Hybrid Coupler
1 Pages
Filtre Passe Bande 23.1 GHz
1 Pages
Band Pass Filter 2.0 - 18
1 Pages
2 Pages