Catalog excerpts

Screwdriving Technology Automation Air Motors Air Tools machines unlimited Electric Screwdrivers equipped with a mechanical shut-off-clutch ideal for basic applications in environments without compressed air n economical n air independent The cost-effective electric screwdriver with mechanical shut-off clutch is a good alternative if no pneumatic connection is available. Our range of handheld electric screwdrivers provides the customer with the famili-ar quality features of DEPRAG screwdriving systems. This ergonomic screwdriver is available with varying functions such as e.g. push-to-start or lever start. For all screwdriver types speed regulation is possible. Seven performance classes cover the application areas for precision engineering screw assemblies up to M6 or 12 Nm. The torque set on the mechanical shut-off clutch has an accuracy of ±3% standard deviation. The separate electricity supply of 32 V and 40 V extra-low voltage ensures safe usage. Our standard program for inserting tools is applicable. handheld Screwdriver electric 342EGT-0003 with screwdriver cable
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ADVANTAGES Drive The screwdriver is equipped with a brushless drive motor with low voltage supply. The high degree of efficiency of the EC motor results in a larger torque and speed range in a lower weight and smaller diameter screwdriver. Torque accuracies of <3% standard deviation All screwdrivers fulfil the requirements for the and thus Cmk values of ≥1.67 with a tolerance processing of ESD-sensitive components. of ±15% can be reached * with these electric handheld screwdrivers. Statistically speaking, Electricity supply the error rate is less than 0.6 per one million The power units...
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OPTiONAl EQUiPMENT Suitable for Type Pistol grip (for use as pistol grip screwdriver) Screwdriver adaptor with sleeve (for torque support with linear stand or parallelogram stand) Screwdriver adaptor without sleeve (in conjunction with mouthpiece guide or vacuum connection) Type Part no. Type Part no. Part no. PK PK PK PK PK PK 816699 816699 816699 816699 816699 816699 Note: screwdriver cable 146336 is included in delivery of the slow-start module. Type Part no. Slow-Start Module Type without process monitoring Part no. (connection between power unit and screwdriver) Slow-Start Module Type...
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P.O. Box 1352, D-92203 Amberg, Germany Carl-Schulz-Platz 1, D-92224 Amberg Phone (+49) 9621 371-0, Fax (+49) 9621 371-120 www.deprag.com info@deprag.de © DEPRAG. All rights and technical alterations reserved – Fri DEPRAG SCHULZ GMBH u. CO.
Open the catalog to page 4All DEPRAG SCHULZ GMBH u. CO. KG catalogs and technical brochures
Torque Transducers
8 Pages
4 Pages
Flat Head Screwdriver
2 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
Air Turbine Drill
2 Pages
Air Pliers
8 Pages
Air Chain
2 Pages
Jig Saw
2 Pages
Air Hammers
10 Pages
Air Impact Tools
4 Pages
Air Tappers
4 Pages
Drills - Pistolgrip
8 Pages
Pneumatic Angle Drills
4 Pages
Pneumatic Straight Drills
2 Pages
Straight Drills
6 Pages
Air Files
2 Pages
Air Grinders - Angle
8 Pages
Air Grinders with Collets
6 Pages
Air Polishers
8 Pages
Belt Sanders
6 Pages
Air Motors
28 Pages
40 Pages
48 Pages
12 Pages
Storage Devices
4 Pages
Measurement devices
4 Pages
24 Pages
2 Pages
Screwdriving System DEPRAG Plus
32 Pages
Pneumatic Power Tools
40 Pages
Software Solutions & Updates
36 Pages
Step Feeder System D3835E
20 Pages
12 Pages
8 Pages
GET Turbine Generator
8 Pages
12 Pages
Controller Technology
12 Pages
Inserting Tools for Screwdrivers
20 Pages
MINIMAT Screwdrivers
4 Pages
8 Pages
D 6600
48 Pages
MINIMAT-T Depth Stop Driver
2 Pages
Screw Presenter
6 Pages
Archived catalogs
Feeding Technologies D3810
36 Pages