Catalog excerpts

Offline Programming Displays the robot and peripheral devices in 3D and simulates robot motion on a PC. ■ Import WINCAPS III is a software used to both program DENSO robots (PAC language, PacScript) as well as create simulations on a PC. 3D graphic data (VRML and Direct X formats) for interference with equipment cycle time of a created project on an object to move it to a robot end object and obtain that position data [3D view teach] Functions ■ Log function Users can view the following logs : Use a PAC Language Editor for programming tasks. Includes the following functions : ■ Color support for commands Comment block input support (displays input candidates) ■ Program bank A program created by a user can be registered for use by other robot applications. Includes the following functions pre-registered as sample programs : ■ Create TP panel screen and more Tool operation Arm motion ■ C ontrol log [command position of each axis, encoder value, current value, payload rate, etc.] Variables [PRO name and variable name, type, written value, write source, etc.] I/O log [port, type, status, initial value] Servo minor axis data log [speed reference value, actual speed, torque command, deviation angle, absolute current value] [ Debug functions ] Execute programs in the robot controller from the PC Connect to the robot controller to use the following functions : [ Monitor function ] Monitor robot status ■ 3D view display ■ Start / stop ■ Step ■ I/O ■ Execution supervisory tasks stop / cycle stop / suspend, halt / program reset feed ■ Mock I/O settings of dedicated input and others Corrects the value of the selected WORK. All WORK coordinates that were set when the robot mounting position changed can be corrected at once. Movie save function Simple calibration Corrects the value of the selected TOOL. Use when a hand or other end effector is recreated, replaced, or newly created. Debug function Overwrites a CALSET value with the correct value based on a standard position when a motor is replaced or when the CALSET value is lost. Create new program / edit program Simulation function The following 3 types of calibration can be used : Full Function Version Program bank Create a panel screen for a teaching pendant on a PC. data reception and save ■ Panel screen editor robot speed PROGRAMMING DENSO ROBOTS *1: Included with purchase of mini pendant. *2: Supplied with robot. *3: here are limits to the number of libraries that can be used. T *4: Sampling interval : 1 sec. *5: One program (PRO1) only. System requirements : OS: Windows® XP SP1 or later / Vista / 7 PC: CPU Pentium® IV 1.5 GHz, Memory 512 MB, HDD500 MB Languages supported : 5 Japanese, English, German, Korean, Chinese Windows is a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. a
Open the catalog to page 1All DENSO Robotics Europe catalogs and technical brochures
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Teaching Pendant
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Archived catalogs
USA Robotics catalogue
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