Delphi Connection Systems Overview


Catalog excerpts

Delphi Connection Systems Overview - 1

Connection Systems

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Delphi Connection Systems Overview - 2

Once, the border s between different connector mark ets were very distinct. B u t t o d a y, t h o s e b o r d e r s a r e r a p i d l y b l u rr i n g . T h e a u t o m o t i v e m a r k e t i s l o o k i n g f o r c o m p u t e r- s t y l e c o n n e c t o r s f o r t e l e m a t i c a p p l i c a t i o n s . T h e geophysical a n d b r o a d c a s t m a r k e t s a r e i n t e r e s t e d i n h a r s h - e nv i r o n m e n t , military-style connector s. Military mark ets are exploring the cost effecti veness of telecom-style connectors. All that blurring should bring the extensive...

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Delphi Connection Systems Overview - 3

C o n n e c t i n g t o t h e f u t u r e At Delphi, we underst and that crossing market borders with proven c o n n e c t i o n s y s t e m t e ch n o l o g i e s h a s b e c o m e a m u s t . W e k n o w o u r customers want var ying solutions and expertise from many markets. T h a t ’s w h e r e D e l p h i ’s e x p e r i e n c e , k n o w l e d g e a n d i n n o v a t i o n m a k e a n i m p o r t a n t d i ff e r e n c e . W e k n o w c o n n e c t i o n s y s t e m s . O u r h i s t o r y g o e s b a ck o v e r 10 0 y e a r s . W e ’ v e c r e a t e d m a n y i n d u s t r y f i r s t...

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Delphi Connection Systems Overview - 4

M a r k e t E x p e r t i s e 9 Ser ving nine different connection system markets makes us ver y agile when it comes to crossing market borders. Fact is, we leap across them ever y day. Crossing those borders helps us cross-pollinate: sharing information, sharing ideas, coming I N D U S T R I A L / up with innovative new solutions. I N S T R U M E N T A T I O N — That’s how we can offer connectivit y From orbiting space stations to under water ever ywhere from your briefcase to your oil drilling equipment to ever y site in parking space – with products that help between, Delphi is ready to...

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Delphi Connection Systems Overview - 5

P O R T A B L E C O M M U N I C A T I O N S — Whether designed for entert ainment or information-sharing , Delphi has precision connection products for these t ypical port able communications applications: s s Portable Electronic Devices - Digital Cameras - Mobile Cellular/Cordless Phones - Music Recorders/Players - PDAs - Pocket Pagers Video/Audio Products – Digital or Analog - Camcorders - DVDs - TVs - VCRs Delphi has almost 20 years of experience in the portable communications market, starting with portable disk drives back in the early ‘80s. We have the expertise to help with your next...

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Delphi Connection Systems Overview - 6

C O M P U T E R S A N D P E R I P H E R A L S — Delphi has gone from ship to shore and from dist ant peaks to cit y streets – and now we’ve even ventured to the motherboard. We offer precision connection devices for these t ypical computer and peripheral applications: s Serial ATA and SCSI Drive Arrays s Disk Drives s External Storage Devices s Mainframes s Personal Computers - Desktop - Handheld - Laptop - Notebook D E F E N S E / A E R O S P A C E — From deep ocean trenches to deep space probes, Delphi has edge-of-the-art connection products for these t ypical defense and aerospace...

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Delphi Connection Systems Overview - 7

T E L E C O M / D A T A C O M — Audio, video, dat a – when it needs to be captured, stored and transmitted, Delphi is ready to help, with connection systems for these typical telecom/datacom applications: Broadcast Environments - Airports - Indoor Studios and Media Centers - Outside Programming Environments - Satellite Trucks - Stadiums O F F I C E s CATV Systems If it’s electronic and it operates in an s Cellular Base Stations office, chances are it can benefit from s Central Office Telephony Delphi connectors in these typical office s LAN/WAN Equipment automation applications: s Network...

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Delphi Connection Systems Overview - 8

A U T O M O T I V E — Delphi connectors can sur vive the world’s most punishing environment. It’s called a car. Our expertise is global and includes the MOST® connector system for Europe, and USCAR for North America — plus products for these t ypical automotive applications: s s s Body/Chassis - ABS - Clusters/Head-Up Displays - Door Locks - HVAC - Interior Lighting - Seats - SIR Mobile Multimedia - Audio/Video - Navigation Powertrain - Engine - Transmission T R A N S P O R T A T I O N ( N O N - A U T O M O T I V E ) — There’s a whole other world of transportation beyond automobiles, and...

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Delphi Connection Systems Overview - 9

C u s t o m e r S u c c e s s S t o r i e s Defense Aerospace — A defense/aero- high-volume production quantities within space manufacturer was experiencing six months. As a result, Delphi was able problems with a non-Delphi fiber optic to help resolve all prior quality issues and connector supplier, which created high provide significant cost savings to the replacement and repair costs. Expensive customer. To date, more than six million circuit card assemblies were required to high-reliability Delphi parts have been repair the broken fibers and devices. Delphi’s shipped to the customer....

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Delphi Connection Systems Overview - 10

C o m m i t m e n t C u s t o m e r t o S u c c e s s Design, Engineering Development, provide lean, fast, consistent processes. and Rapid Prototyping — Delphi’s global Annually, Delphi manufactures more than: engineers utilize virtually ever y state-ofthe-art design and engineering analytical tool to deliver high-function systems. Our intelligent 3D solid modeling design systems s 5 billion plastic injection molded parts s 15 billion metal stamping parts s 9 billion meters of wiring s 1 billion cable assemblies can automatically and simult aneously generate sub-component linkages between...

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Delphi Connection Systems Overview - 11

D e l p h i h a s d e c a d e s o f c o n n e c t o r ex p e r t i s e . We’ve d eve l o p e d m a ny i n d u s t r y f i r s t s . We d e s i g n c o m p o n e n t s t o h e l p i m p r ove ove r a l l p r o d u c t p e r fo r m a n c e . A n d we’r e s y n o ny m o u s w i t h q u a l i t y a n d s e r v i c e . W e ’ r e a b o r d e r- j u m p i n g , g l o b e - s p a n n i n g , p a r a d i g m - s e tt i n g t e a m t h a t ’s brimming with the expertise and enthusiasm to exceed your ever y e x p e c t a t i o n . Yo u r n e x t p r o j e c t d e s e r v e s e v e r y t h i n g D e l...

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