Catalog excerpts
Gli impianti serie MOVIRO utilizzano membrane In conflgurazlone s p I r a I a t a d I ultTafiltiazione/nanafiitTazione/osmosi inversa dl produzlone propria, che In base alia presslone dl lavoro permettono separazioni/concentrazioni ed estrazioni parzlall ototall. Gil Impianti possono essere reallzzati In conflgurazlone manuale, semlautomaflca o automatica, il materiale utilizzato per la loro reallzzazlone 6 AISI 31617304, mentre le guamizioni e le tenufe presenti sullo sfesso sono Won /Silicone. Sono Impianti estremamente sempllcl e di facile conduzione, la presenza continua del personale...
Open the catalog to page 2bedlenungsfreundlich, die standlge Anwesenhelt von Bedlenungspersonal 1st demnach nichterforderlich. Auf Wunsch konnen die Anlagen mlt Hydra ullkanschlussen des Typs Garolla, DIN Oder Macon geliefertwerden. Die elekhlschen Anschluss© slnd mlt elnem CEI-Stecker verse hen, Die Elnspelsung der Anlagen erfolgt mittels Dreiphasenstrom 400/50 Hz (+Erdung). Die Anlagen zelchnen slch durch Ihre Platz sparende Bauweise, die niedrige installierte Nutzlelstung und den gerlngen spezlflschen Verbrauchaus. Mlt den Anlagen MOVIRO In Standardausfuhrung konnen von 100 l/h bis zu 2800 l/h...
Open the catalog to page 3Et elle est aussi en mesure de developper et de produire des membranes polymeres en spirale. L'utilisation de ces membranes permet d'obtenir les resultats suivants: - extraction d'eau; - extractiond'eauetdesucres; - extraction et neutralisation de tanins verts, pyrazine et ethyl-phenols; - extraction et neutralisation de ; acide malique, lactique, tartrique, acetique, acidite totale et acides divers en exces; - desalcoolisation; - reduction/elimination de molecules generant des odeurs desagreables (Brettanomyces), par stripping sur membrane; - concentration d'anthocyanes; - concentration de...
Open the catalog to page 4All DELLA TOFFOLA GROUP catalogs and technical brochures
Labelling Machines
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Gimar Selecompact
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Roll Linear Low Res
2 Pages
Roll Linear High Res
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Roll Fed
2 Pages
For glass bottles
4 Pages
Bottle with a label
6 Pages
10 Pages
Pressure tanks
8 Pages
Inox tanks
8 Pages
Sirio Alberti - company profile
16 Pages
Dairy beverage Priamo
7 Pages
Bottling and packaging
8 Pages
Wine Bottling Line
8 Pages
2 Pages
Packaging Systems
8 Pages
5 Pages
Conveyor Systems
2 Pages
ELITE Technology
8 Pages
Company profile
28 Pages
Wine processing technology
2 Pages
Wine processing technology
6 Pages
Biothermo Systems
4 Pages
Scraped-surface coolers
4 Pages
Cooling systems
8 Pages
DTMA Totem
1 Pages
High quality pressure tanks
8 Pages
Stainless Steel Piston Pumps
4 Pages
Water Treatment Department
12 Pages
Revolving Vacuum Filters
6 Pages
Sheetfilter 600x600
5 Pages
Fruit juice production lines
3 Pages
Crossflow filters for beer
2 Pages
Sheet filters 400*400
2 Pages
NF filter
7 Pages
FS sanitary fiilter housing
4 Pages
FSB filters
2 Pages
Mohno pumps - FTF/PMS
6 Pages
FHP/FCP Filling Systems
12 Pages
15 Pages
2 Pages
DTMA maceration acceleratore
2 Pages
Must flotation
3 Pages
2 Pages
NDC Destemmers-Crushers
6 Pages