Catalog excerpts
Welding Equipment and Battery Chargers Soldadoras y Cargadores de de Bateria E3 weiBausrustungen und Batterieladegerate
Open the catalog to page 1Deca is one of the leading Companies manufaduhrig welding quipaient* It has been on the martet for 40 yeare obta ining evtr increasing success. The compan/s mission is to manufacture welding equipments able to satisfy the requiremcnts of ail kinds of welders: do-it-your$elf, maintenance, workshop techniciens, professional welders Ptoflt who want to craft iron into tirais, machinery, structures and thousands of other useful thiogs To each of thse peopfe, Deca offers the right equipment to always reach the best results from their wort. Design transforms the markeTs requirernents into reality....
Open the catalog to page 2Los tcnWrs, todos eltos expertes en soldadura, estan omtinuamente emperados en la realizacion de productos innova鯻ores y en mejorar los que y* «tan en el mercado. Deca gestiona en su interror; todos los procesos productives Nodeja nadaal azar. Cada detalle es estudiado, realizado con sumo cuidado y ensayado por personal calificada Prsente en mis de cien paises con sus propios agentes y distribuidores Deca es boy una protagoniste importante del sedor de la soldadura en el mund. El cliente es el primer colaborador de la empresa y por esto esasesorado antes y despucs de la compra por la...
Open the catalog to page 3Mtal Inert Gas Mtal Active Gas No Gas: Gasless Wire INVERTER
Open the catalog to page 4D-mig 400 Series M I Feituftf ■ Ovtrfoatf protection » ONfW flritn to tum off the macHnc wfw/ ctmgng the pfiwpf adpitment ' Equipptd wfth Euro connection toc*» ce GEN ' Soldal/a continua mral (3 2 tiempn) ■ Pr«ect y itm-Mihci ■ Intermptor ON/OFf para peder apagar la wf dadora sin mover las regu lacions de p࠻ttncia Soldatoras con f yf '■ * Eaatodn con antorcha de connexion ծunj Sera te ktn n wert* » Harahdajreittbetrteb (2 TaU] 1 Thermochuti "O^Off Scruter en»6glfca>t (Je Asschtftung der Maschine oht dabei die Gastetjngen bj indem ■Mi! furo bffnfipf MtoM* mrr - Mil» uhliuM - fclM lift Torch...
Open the catalog to page 5D-mig 500EBIE Sries Futur** ' Mjtttfl wire feed wett ng (2 Steps) ■ Spot we&ng:gv» the powfc鯮y of welding twooveriacped mtal sheets wil* wetfng vpoc^ when having accessorty frora oneM » Adjastable burnbart: limin驢tes the sticfcing of the wriding «rre to the weM puddie or to the contact tlp »Adjustable soft start his reutt & a smootji «eH ing arc start > ONWF switch to tum oft the machine without changing the power idjustmeot C\*f bad protection "Wheeled wekier ' Equipped wth Euro connection torch Caratttrtkai 1 SoldadiQ continua maruaJ (a 2 tiem;>:n] 'Soidafrra por puntos. olrece Lj...
Open the catalog to page 6SimpleWeld Synergie Digital Control M I PRFESSIOHAL Self Adjusting Wire Speed System WIRۀ WIR 0 0-nO QAS 4T Fe RrCfc ai lbO fl eeh v COT 32 s \0 5YN CONT 5 POT 5TCH + ■ © Features Caracteristicas Geratekennwerte 1) Type wtre setatwjn 1) SeJeoon tpo de hito « tinstelung schweswertstoffe 2) Ifameto wire slection 2) SeJeoon diametrode hilo 2) Bmtelung schwetsdrantdurcnmejsef 3) G* type slection 3) Sdecion de gai 3) Eirtitelung schwetigasarten 4) We«dingmodeselertic*(2t-4t) 4) SeJetion de tipo de soldadura (21-41) 4) Eirtstelung schwetsmodijs ( 2T - 4T) 5) ManuatfSynergic s驩lection 5) Sdeoon...
Open the catalog to page 7D-mig 530 TDK Simple Weld Sries M I G Futur** fe镯pped mittt swfu WRD tfgital synergie techrtf ogy ■ For «ildt«i»W vire ir m*g brac-vtrt O 513 / Cu Al (to *dd hss. EUS, uks and BORO stea). afcininium Mg / si » ONjOfF switch to tum off the macrtne without cfcanging the povrcr ao>sment ■ r..-'Ti'l -.' Eqvpad» ton fravlogb s«rgca dotale SIMPLE VrtU *PiraliHida*radrhdo de acero MSo hfcoCu Si3 / Ci Ai (MIG BRA2M6) a util» tara ta mcvoi actroi durai HSS, ehsl UHS. CERO BORfA alunarvo Mg y SI Interruptor OnJfOFF para paer apagar I? wttadora lin movtr las ivgufacioaes de potencia prtfkctotfmiica...
Open the catalog to page 910 D-mig 532TDKB Simple Weld S̩ries Ftitum Equipa urth SWPIEWEID digital *r*ve technalooj » Ihis mode! h m** to ttep two tc*Ws connectes« ■ The stvrfirl onefor miid rteri nlid mre or mtg brize-* r( Ci SO/CuAI (tOBtU KSS, Btt> UKS in< 8W0 STEEL] intf the Spoo* Cm tort* for iloriinium Wg / Si. »POLUMY WBtSK)N FOfl WOGASWflE Օ ON/OFf witch toturn oft the ■ocfnc withovt charging the power adfstnent ■G-ertoad protection n lia ɗ » Equipai» an (ecnologa si^a digrtale SIMFlf WELD f/cdtlo preparado para ineorpyar dcn portaefeclrcdcn uemprt ccnert ■ El portaeeetroto ertindar para I* toididuri Je...
Open the catalog to page 10Synergie Features Synergy, controlled by a powerful microprocessor, thanks to the wire speed change, automatically sets the welding parameters. The operator shall only select metal and and wire diameter. Synergy may be cut out (manual setting) in order to freely manage all welding parameters. The model may use, besides to traditional torch, SPOOL GUN torch and torch with handle wire speed regulation. The special dynamic features of the power source, together with these accessories, do optimize aluminium Si/Mg welding. For mild steel solid wire or mig braze-wire Cu Si3 / Cu Al (to weld HSS,...
Open the catalog to page 11TnucrtLjnsidef DECAMIG 2500B ER I 1 Synergie M O © 3 Features 1) 11 preset programs allow the operator to weld all types of the most common metals such as: Aluminium-Silicium, Aluminium-Magnesium, common steel, galvanized steel, stainless steel and self-shielded wire welding without protective gas for steel. Caracteristicas 1) 11 programas preinstalados, permite la soldadura de todos los metales mas comunes como: Aluminio al silicio, Aluminio al magnesio, acero comun, acero cincado, acero inoxidable y la soldadura con hilo tubolar sin proteccin de gas por el acero. 2) Tres tipos de antorcha...
Open the catalog to page 12Plasma Arc Cutting INVERTER i 7 1
Open the catalog to page 13l-PAC 1235K inverter PAC Compresse! air plasma tutting machines futur» H cuti ail eiectrifity t镴ftdudfce metah: iteel ftainlns feel aluminiun. copper. bran, even ifwfy h^i strighl Lcw input tnerg? ■Stucty and smooth cutting arc >Ledt indfcating: -quipaient connection to tht powe' - tterrrof at c protection -air prsure Tof镧hw egj (M irith WtTY sy5tim "Equippedwrth isttgwredcwwesfl CC 1 'hase MICRO PWCESSOR Instalacion para d cortc al plasma con aire comprimido Caractrritcaf 봕 Corta todot k« metate que eotduce* electriddad: Acero. \noK AbminA Cofc*e. Laton ■ Bajo* rmks o> absorcibn de...
Open the catalog to page 14All Deca catalogs and technical brochures
Welding equipments 2018 (I - GB)
112 Pages
Welding Equipment Battery Chargers
104 Pages
96 Pages
Archived catalogs
70 Pages