Catalog excerpts

SOLID & COMPACT MOST ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY The fastest and most productive way lo roll. THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF AUTOMATION The MCA A roll Is the most suitable plate roll tor high productivity rolling cell.
Open the catalog to page 2
STRONGER, PRECISE AND MORE RELIABLE.. ...New DAVI MCA Plate Roll FULL REMOTE PROGRAMMING The Engineering Dept., can check the machine performance, from anywhere, just with a tablet or a PC connected to the company Intranet, at any time. It's also possible to store all the data and parts program. Into a remote server for ERP data exchange, The FTP and OPC functions, allow the Production Dept. to manage the production, providing all the data report as far as throughput and performance. Through any bar code reader, the operator can run right away the proper program released by the MRP THE LOW...
Open the catalog to page 3
Open the catalog to page 4
STRONGER, PRECISE AND MORE RELIABLE... ...New DAVI MCA Plate Roll! no lofi»M »> pn»oi to o namotoi ©*rf o» Ut>a> trm* fi*o nrnw ffw top KM dtonxAM lltfMi doriomcQftbO octtlwod tiy lod-ong tttJnkM IhictanoM BWI a ton***
Open the catalog to page 8
SOLID & COMPACT MOST ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY DAV1 engineering hos 50 years of technological experience In the heavy plate rolling industry. DAVI UTMOST LEVEL OF QUALITY CONTROL 100% Made In Italy, total quality management (ISO 9001). DAVI iRoll: MAKES IT ALL!
Open the catalog to page 10
STRONGER, PRECISE AND MORE RELIABLE... HUNDRED OF MACHINES IN STOCK ! Only DAVI hos been producing hundred of machines for his Inventory I SINCE YEARS I Dozens of machines (often more than 100), even those for heavy industries, are finished and ready for immediate delivery. As the production is determined not only on received orders, but for its own Inventory, DAVI can offer THE SHORTEST DELIVERY TIME.
Open the catalog to page 11
DAVI provides 3 and 4 roll plate roils with capacity in thickness up to 400 mm and in width up to 12 m, suitable for any application. Rate rolls can be equipped with many different accessories, to provide the most ergonomic and productive solutions, such as: in-feed conveyors, front, side and vertical supports for large diameters. DAVI provides the most advanced AUTOMATION, with software from the simplest to the most highly technical state of the art systems for plate rolls. DAVI products portfolio includes high quality angle rdls, the ideal machine for any type of beams, sections and...
Open the catalog to page 12All DAVI PROMAU catalogs and technical brochures
16 Pages
12 Pages
8 Pages
12 Pages