IoT Energy Monitoring Products
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IoT Energy Monitoring Products - 1

2024 Catalog IoT Energy Monitoring Modules High-accuracy, Rugged Instrument Class Industrial Electronics

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IoT Energy Monitoring Products - 2


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IoT Energy Monitoring Products - 3

IoT ENERGY MONITORING - PWRM The Company “Our passion at Dataforth Corporation is Research and Development Team designing, manufacturing, and marketing the A professional staff of engineering and Our website presents visitors with an intuitive, marketing personnel identify and develop informative layout that quickly leads them to products to satisfy our customers’ most stringent their areas of interest. A parametric search requirements. Dataforth’s design department engine efficiently locates products by model specializes in innovative analog and isolation number or functional description,...

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IoT Energy Monitoring Products - 4

2000+ Products for Industrial Data Acquisition and Control, Signal Conditioning and Data Communications Energy Monitoring Better than 60 Reliability Products Manufactured and Designed in the USA per RoHS III Directive (EU) 2015/863 Quality Management System is ISO9001:2015 Registered Application Notes Tech Notes Press and Product Releases Our Track Record Proves We are Dedicated to Your Success! For Product Information, Certifications, System Builders, and Online Ordering,

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IoT Energy Monitoring Products - 5

loT ENERGY MONITORING -IPWRM CD DATAFORTH0SCM5B Isolated Analog Signal Conditioning ModulesTrue 3-way Isolation, 5V Supply Voltage, Unparalleled Performance20 family groups of 300+ different modules: a wide selection of input and output functions Each SCM5B module provides a single channel of isolated analog input or output. Input modules interface to all types of industrial sensors. Analog inputs include voltage and current in narrow and wide bandwidths, thermocouple, RTD, accelerometer, potentiometer, strain gauge, frequency, and 2-wire and 3-wire, as well as 4-wire transmitter. Output...

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IoT Energy Monitoring Products - 6

IoT ENERGY MONITORING - PWRM SensorLex® 8B Isolated Analog Signal Conditioning Modules Miniature Size, 2-way Isolation, 5V Supply Voltage, Instrument Class® Performance 19 family groups of 130+ modules: an optimal solution for monitoring real-world process signals and providing high-level signals for data acquisition Developed in response to customer requests for a smaller, isolated signal conditioner, SensorLex 8B modules are housed in a miniature package that is ideal for embedded and portable applications. All 8B modules are fully functional and provide Instrument Class analog voltage...

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IoT Energy Monitoring Products - 7

loT ENERGY MONITORING -IPWRM CD DATAFORTH0DSCA High-Performance, DIN-rail Mount, Isolated Signal ConditionersTrue 3-way Isolation, High Accuracy, Instrument Classs® Performance16 family groups of 375+ different modules: a wide selection of input and output functions Each Instrument Class DSCA module provides a single channel of isolated analog input or output for use in data acquisition, test and measurement, and control system applications. • 1500Vrms Transformer Isolation and 240Vrms Field-side Protection • ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1 Transient Protection • 15-30VDC Wide Supply Range • Industry...

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IoT Energy Monitoring Products - 8

loT ENERGY MONITORING -IPWRM (BDATAFORTH®DSCL Industrial Loop Isolators and TransmittersPassive, Active, Programmable 4-20mA Loop ProductsLoop and universal AC/DC-powered isolators and transmitters in DIN-rail, component, and head-mount packages This family includes basic loop-powered isolators, wide-range AC/DC-powered isolators and transmitters, and fixed-gain or hardware- and software-configurable models. They accept voltage, current, thermocouple, and RTD-input signals and provide high-level analog outputs for data acquisition, test and measurement, and control system applications. Key...

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IoT ENERGY MONITORING - PWRM DSCT Loop-Powered Isolated Two-wire Transmitters Instrument Class® Performance in a Low-Cost DIN-rail Mount Package 7 family groups of 45+ transmitter models: economical connections between sensors and control rooms DSCT 2-wire transmitters condition and send analog signals from sensors located in the field to monitoring and control equipment—usually computers—located thousands of feet away in central control areas. The transmitters accept a wide range of inputs, including millivolt, volt, milliamp, thermocouple, RTD, potentiometer, and slide wire. They operate...

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loT ENERGY MONITORING -IPWRM CD DATAFORTH0SCM5B isoLynx® SLX200 Data Acquisition SystemFast, Intelligent, Modular, Fully IsolatedImplements industry-standard Modbus® RTU and TCP protocols, enabling communication with existing third-party software drivers and HMI/SCADA packages Fully certified by Modbus-IDA and OPC compatible, the SCM5B isoLynx SLX200 provides superior reliability, accuracy, and isolation for a wide range of rugged industrial applications. The system offers maximum flexibility of analog and digital I/O selection; the modular design combines a 6- or 12-channel I/O Controller...

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IoT Energy Monitoring Products - 11

IoT ENERGY MONITORING - PWRM 8B isoLynx® SLX300 Data Acquisition System Flexible, Compact, Modular, Reliable Configure with up to 12 isolated analog-input channels, 4 isolated analog-output channels, and 8 isolated digital I/O channels Building on the proven reliability and outstanding performance of the SCM5B isoLynx SLX200 and miniature-sized SensorLex® 8B isolated signal conditioning modules, the 8B isoLynx SLX300 is a compact, low-cost solution for wide ranging rugged industrial applications. The system enables ® the mix and match of analog and digital I/Os at sustained rates of up to...

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IoT Energy Monitoring Products - 12

loT ENERGY MONITORING -IPWRM CD DATAFORTH0MAQ®20 Industrial Data Acquisition and Control System High Performance, Powerful, Flexible, Industrial, Rugged Design Encompassing more than 35 years of design excellence and quality in the industrial test and measurement and control industry, the MAQ20 family consists of DIN-rail mounted, programmable, multi-channel, rugged industrial signal conditioning input and output modules and communication modules. Each I/O module has a 1500Vrms isolation barrier between field-side and system-side wiring, and many models offer per-channel isolation. The...

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