Catalog excerpts

easyFILLER ä This application has been designed to work with the DW-### indicators to increase their power in tasks such as additive, substractive or associative filling. ä The program allows to manage an unlimited number of products, the historical file of all the cycles performed and it can obtain accumulated weights, error reports, detailed listings, etc. ä This program also allows to manage and register all the alarms that could take place during the operation of the equipment, as well as their further listing. MAIN FEATURES: 3 No. of scales: maximum 32. 3 No. of products: Unlimited 3 No. of lots: Unlimited 3 Management options available are: æ Add æ Delete æ Queries æ Reports æ Sorting æ Fix range 3 Automatic adjustment of preact weight. 3 Preview of the reports on the screen. 3 Products 3 Batch 3 Listing of cycles performed 3 Listing of final production cycle 3 Working order 3 Listing at batch finishing 3 Integration with our lorry weighing system LORRY-PC. 3 Integration with our dosing weighing system DOSIFICA-PC. 3 RSxxx, Modem or ETHERNET communication with other devices. 3 Comunication with other PC. 3 Barcode label printing of the performed cycles by a labelling machine. 3 We can modify the operating under demand. Scale's status Outputs status Filling equipment's parameters Active indicator information Process status Access to the indicator's functions Alarms validation Last alarms registered General information Last cycles registered
Open the catalog to page 1All Data-Control PC catalogs and technical brochures
General Catalogue
78 Pages
1 Pages
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1 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
1 Pages
Dosifica PC
2 Pages
Easy Weight
1 Pages
Lorry PC
2 Pages
2 Pages
DC-PPC104 / DC-PPC15
3 Pages
Loads cells
6 Pages
Led displays
1 Pages
Luggage weigher
1 Pages
2 Pages
1 Pages