CATALOGUE Welding machines


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CATALOGUE Welding machines - 1

Welding machines

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CATALOGUE Welding machines - 3

MMA welding with coated electrode 2 VARIN welding inverters VARUS welding rectifiers Machines for TIG AC/DC welding VARTIG 2005 AC/DC, VARTIG 2205 AC/DC 8 VARTIG 3500 AC/DC digit 9 Accessories, spare parts 12 Machines for MIG/MAG welding 15 VARMIG 1800, VARMIG 190 Profimig 15 VARMIG Supermig VARMIG 191 Supermig, VARMIG 211 Supermig 16 VARMIG 271 Supermig, VARMIG 331 Supermig 16 VARMIG Synergy VARMIG 251 Synergy, VARMIG 301 Synergy 17 VARMIG 401K Synergy, VARMIG 451K Synergy 18 VARMIG 401-DG Synergy, VARMIG 401-DW Synergy 19 VARMIG 451-D44 Synergy, VARMIG 600-D44 Synergy 19 VARMIG Inverter...

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CATALOGUE Welding machines - 4

MMA welding with coated electrode VARIN 1505 VARIN 1705 VARIN 1705 TIG VARIN 2005 VARIN 2005 TIG VARIN 2505 VARIN 3005 VARUS 300 VARUS 450 VARUS 650 Suitable for: Welding quality: n… hobby n…workshops l... exellent ˇ… good Welding electrode diameter (mm) Product name Characteristics: · is universal method of welding, suitable for outdoor welding · is user friendly when welding rough and dirty materials · no special preparations are needed · suitable for welding and fixing strong constructions Inverter Anti Sticking Construction steel, CrNi steel Inverter Anti Sticking Arc Force Hot Start...

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CATALOGUE Welding machines - 5

MMA welding machines Inverter welding rectifiers Welding inverters Varin are portable welding machines which are using direct current. Mostly used for welding construction and stainless steel by using rutile, basic and cellulose electrode. They are also suitable for repairs, building yards and workshops. DC Technical data, welding source Fuse slow Welding current Welding electrode diameter Dimensions DxWxH Ordering code Technical data, welding source Mains connection Fuse slow Welding current Welding electrode diameter Dimensions DxWxH Ordering code * Machine also enables welding by TIG...

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CATALOGUE Welding machines - 6

MMA welding machines VARUS welding rectifiers Thyristor rectifiers Varus are welding machines of higher amperage and enable high quality welds. Rutile and basic electrodes of highest diameters can be used. Area of usage is wide: shipyards, machine building, metal processing industry… Very suitable for repair welding-brasing (VARUS 650) with C electrode. Robust design enables reliability and high endurance in very hard conditions. VARUS 300 Technical data, welding source Mains connection Fuse slow Welding current Welding current regulation Technical data, welding source Welding electrode...

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CATALOGUE Welding machines - 7

TIG welding TIG-DC welding with Wolframe electrode – direct current: · suitable method for all metals except of aluminium and magnesium · suitable method for less thick materials · very high quality of welds · used by most demanding welds · welder should have some more experience, pieces should be carefully prepared TIG-DC welding with Wolframe electrode – alternate current: · suitable for aluminium welding, aluminium alloys and magnesium · suitable method for less thick materials · enables high quality welds · demands precise preparations and skilled welders Current upslope TIG – pulse...

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CATALOGUE Welding machines - 8

Machines for TIG welding Welding machines Vartig are intended for welding by TIG procedure. They also enable welding with coated electrodes. They can be found in workshops as well in wide variety of metal industry. We recommend them for welding construction steel, stainless steel and aluminium. They are user friendly as they have quality digital indicator of various welding parameters. Machines for TIG DC welding VARTIG 1705 DC Technical data, welding source Mains connection Fuse slow Technical data, welding source Welding electrode diameter MMA (REO) Dimensions DxWxH Ordering code Torch...

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CATALOGUE Welding machines - 9

Machines for TIG welding Welding power source VARTIG 3500 digit DC is a welding machine of digital generation used for higly demandable welding by DC procedure. The machines enables selection and saving welding programmes (JOBS). VARTIG 3500 DC Synergy The variety of pulse functions makes the solution of diverse welding demands possible LOW SPEED PULSE (20Hz) Uniform and beautiful bead appearance is obtained by heat input controlling. Excellent feature for use in different plate thickness or materials having gaps. Stainless steel pipe Plate thickness: 2 mm, Welding current: 150 A, Pulse...

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CATALOGUE Welding machines - 10

Machines for TIG welding Machines for TIG AC/DC welding VARTIG 2005 AC/DC Technical data, welding source Technical data, welsing source Fuse slow Welding electrode diameter MMA Dimensions DxWxH PFC - Power Factor Correction Minor current and power consumption - larger efficiency VARTIG 2205 AC/DC front panel functions Torch code Torch type Duty cycle TIG AC/DC 60% Mains connection V.R.D. - Voltage Reduction System Output voltage reduction on the connectors to <25V for safer work with the machine TIG SPOT welding mode indicator MMA welding mode indicator TIG 2 stroke welding mode indicator...

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CATALOGUE Welding machines - 11

Machines for TIG welding Welding power source VARTIG 3500 digit AC/DC is a welding machine of digital generation used for higly demandable welding by AC, DC and AC/DC procedures. The machine also enables selection and saving welding programmes (JOBS). Increased weld performance of thin aluminium plates VARTIG 3500 AC/DC digit By controlling heat input the welding of thin plates and the melt through becomes easier to control. I - joint Corner joint Welding current: 130A, AC frequency: 150 Hz, Welding speed: 25 cm/min, Plate thickness: 3 mm Pulse current: 200 A, Base current: 20 A, Pulse...

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CATALOGUE Welding machines - 12

Ideal for varying plate thickness or large gaps DOWN DOWN Weld current regulating function via torch The VARTIG 3500 AC/DC digit comes with a newly - developed function that allows the user to change the output weld current during mid - weld. By clicking on a switch on the torch, the user can increase or decrease weld output, allowing for optimal welding conditions. The step amount of current change is arbritarily This feature provides optimal control for more delicate metals, such as Aluminium, which typically requires slight current regulation. Pre - flow Upslope Downslope Initial Welding...

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