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0 4* www. va rs t roj. s i CATALOGUE WELDING MACHINES s

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varstroj MMA welding with coated lectrode 2 MMA welding machines VAREX welding transformers VAREX 152, VAREX 162 VAREX 160. VAREX160/180. VAREX 160/210 VARUS welding rectifiers VARUS 300, VARUS 450, VARUS 650 Inverter welding rectifiers VARKO 1305, VARKO 1405 VARIN 1305. VARIN 1505 VARIN 1705. VARIN 1705 TIG VARIN 2005. VARIN 2005 TIG. VARIN 2505 VARIN 3005 TIG welding Machines for TIG welding Machines for TIG-DC welding VARTIG 1705 DC. VARTIG 2005 DC, VARTIG 2500 DC VARTIG 3500 DC Synergy Machines for TIG-AC/DC welding VARTIG 2005 AC/DC. VARTIG 2205 AC/DC VARTIG 3500 AC/DC digit TIG...

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varstroj Characteristfcs: is universal method of welding Օ is user friendly when wekling rough and dirty materials no spթcial prparations are needed suitable for welding and fixing strong constructions Product name o m 8 ■ en a 1 < 5 o 1 < M MA CEL TIG DC ai E 2 Welding current W Welding 镩lectrode diameter (mm) M a tenais Spciales Code VAREX '52 40-140 15-3,15 Stop 69434S VAREX 162 镕 45- 140 1.5-3.15 rgulation 699278 VAREX 160 ■ 40-155 1.5-3,15 Constnjction Nostep r镩gulation 692216 VAREX 160/180 ■ 4: -180 1.5-4.0 stocri 601562 VAREX 160/210 ■ Օ 40-210 1.5-50 671032 VARKO 1305 ■ 5-115...

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MMAwelding machines varstroj VAREX welding transformers Portable, compact welding transformers Varex are used for welding with coated electrod of rutile consistence. Area of usage is wide, but they are specialy intended for maintenance and repair welding. VAREX machines are irreplaceable in every workshop. VAREX 152 VAREX 162 TechniceJ data, rteldirin Mains Fuse slow Wefciniq Welding current Welding lectrode Weight Oi menions Ordenng code VAREX 152 1*230 V / 50 Hz 16 A 40-140 A 4 s'.ep 1.5-3.15mm 13 kg 405x265x280 mm 694346 VAREX 162 1-230 V/50 Hz 16 A 45-140 A no slep 1.5-3.15 mm 19 kg...

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MMA welding machines varstroj VARUS welding rectifiers Thyrislor rectifiers Varus are welding machines of higher amperage and enable high quality welds. Rutile and basic lectrodes o( highesl diamelers can be used. Area o( usage is wide: shipyards. machine building, mtal processing industry .驄 Very suitable for repair welding- braslng (VARUS 650) with C lectrode. Robust design enables relrability and high endurance in very hard conditions. VARUS 300 VARUS 450 VARUS 650 Technical data. cornecflon Fusesfcnv Curren Welding current 'ego lai on Dutvcvtje- 35% i:o'. VARUS 300 3-400 V/50 Hj 20 A...

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MA welding machines Inverter welding rectifiers Welding inverters Varko are portable welding machines which are using direct current. They are mostly used to weld construction steel by using rutile and basic lectrode. Ail machines have antisticking function. VARKO 1305 VARKO 1405 230V Tachrica data. welo%ig source Mains connoetwn F use slow Outyeycta WHdng Hettrcde (narrait or Weighl D*W*H f,L-^ll''l code 100% VARKO 1305 1-230 V/ 50 Hz 16 A 6-115A USA 65 A 60A 1.5-3.25 mm Skq 330x135x270 mm 601214 VARKO 1405 1-230V/50 Hz 16 A 6- 140 A 140A 90 A 70A |J -3.25 mm 5.6 kg 330x135x270 mm 600745...

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MMA welding machines varstroj Inverter welding rectifiers Welding inverters Varin are portable welding machine which are using direct current. Mostly used for welding construction and stainless steel by usina rutile, basic and cellulose lectrode. They are also suitable for repairs, building yards and workshops. VARIN 1305 VARIN 1505 Wittng _ Dutycyd» damatar 3S\ 1 «0% 100* VARJN1J06 ieA 5-130A 130A lOfiA BOA 120x270x200 602006 VARIN I50fi W3陛 V i 50 H/ 16 A S-160 A / 150A 110A 1 5-325 mm 6kg -h *ii5*245 w 601522 VARIN 1705 VARIN 1705 TIG' VARIN 2005 VARIN 2005 TIG' VARIN 2505 VARIN 3005 DC...

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varstroj TIG-DC welding wlth Wolframe lectrode - direct current: ■ suitable method for ail mlais except of aluminium and magn骩sium suitable method for less thick materials very high qualrty of welds Օ used by most demanding welds welder should have some more expթrience, pices should be carefully prepared TIG-DC welding with Wolframe lectrode - alternate current: 評 suitable for aluminium welding, aluminium alloys and magnsium suitable method for less thick materials 镕 enabEes high quality welds demands prթcise prparations and skiBed welders TIG - puise welding: sp镩cial procdure by AC...

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Catalogue WELDING MACHINE - 10

varstroj Welding machines Vartig are intended for welding by TIG procdure. They also enable welding with coated lectrodes. They can be found in workshops as well in wide variely of m驪lai industry. We recommend them lor welding construction steel. stainless steel and aluminium. They are user friendly as they have quality digital indicator of vahous welding parameters. Machines for TIG DC welding VARTIG 1705 DC VARTIG 2005 DC VARTIG 2500 DC DC 230 V 3x400 V Mft** W#*naajnw« /ic4irq «ft40o IG Dut»OCf* MMA (RE \r. ne WMA r'RFO'i t»:, or. VARTIG 1705 OC (G) 1-230 VJ 50 Ht 16 A 4.160 A 4-140 A...

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Catalogue WELDING MACHINE - 11

varstroj Wetding power source VARTIG 3500 digit DC is a welding machine of digital gnration used for ftigly demandable welding by DC proc驩dure. The machines enables slection and saving welding programmes (JOBS). VARTIG 3500 DC Synergy The variety of puise functions makes the solution of diverse welding demands possible LOW SPEED PULSE (20Hz) Uniform and beauliful bead appearance is obtained by heat input controlling. Excdent feature for use in dat驨rent plate thickness or materials having gaps. BtaHm ste^i pipe rttantum P\\v thtckr*ss. 2 mm( WeWlng currenl 150 A Puise fraquencv S H* Plaie...

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Catalogue WELDING MACHINE - 12

varstroj Machines for TIG AC/DC welding VARTIG 2005 AC/DC VARTIG 2205 AC/DC AC/DC 230 V Mbto cmdKii Duty cycW TIG AC/DC- TkSte TKi AC MM-\ Ht -J TIG M VA i *tiiOi -3*-1 VARTK* 2006 ACOC G '-.1CVΎOH; 20 A 5-170 A 5-200 5-170 A 10- 16.8 V 20-266 V 200 A/- 160A/170A 130A/130A Vi VARTIG 2206 ACOC G t-230 V ' 50 H* 36 A 4 -190 A 4 - 220 A 4- 190 A 10.2-18,6 V 20,2 - 26 V 220 A |36%) 165 A 146 A /. wvlvng Mure* W«W4rvfl elettrafe «art** IMA(REO) Ordtftng TofCh typa Torcfi coda VARTK* 2006 G 1.5-4.0im> 15 ko 699222 TK>*e 2COG <PVT*20| 4rr 600129 AC'DC W «VU//»*OU "fil 699223 Ti0a4ooHrcfvr4O4«...

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