Catalog excerpts

Flight Schedules & Flight Schedule Management WebbView® Flight Manager software provides the supervisory user with the tools to prepare and store schedules for future use. Future schedules, including those for weekends and holi- days, are stored in a Permanent Flight Schedule folder where operators can enter flight-to-make-up assignment information. When a schedule is to be implemented in the system, the op- erator moves it to the Current Schedules location. Each day at system re-set, an activation process takes place where the Current Schedule becomes the Active Flight Schedule, which establishes the parameters for sorting baggage throughout the day, including any updates from the Flight Schedule Interface. Graphical Reports WebbView provides dozens of comprehensive reports about your baggage handling system, including: • Throughput Trendline • Flight Summary • Delivered Bag Status Histogram Operator Interface Delivered Bag Status Histogram WebbView's operator interface has a familiar look and feel, which makes it easy-to-use and DAIFUKU WEBB JERVIS B. WEBB COMPANY 34375 W.Twelve Mile Road • Farmington Hills, Ml 48331 248-553-1220 phone • 248-553-1228 fax • info@daifukuwebb.com • www.daifukuwebb.com NOTICE: The information, data and specifications in this brochure are subject to change without notice and should not be used for construction purposes. Jervis B. Webb Company does not represent or warrant that selection of components or accessories set forth in this brochure will necessarily result in proper installation, operation and/or maintenance of such equipment or system, and Webb disclaims responsibility for any and all damages and injuries resulting from selection, design, installation, operation or maintenance performed by non-Webb personnel. WebbView® is a registered trademark of the Jervis B. Webb Company. © 2011 Jervis B. Webb Company Bulletin # 7501 051311 Integrated Baggage Handling Control System JERVIS B. WEBB COMPANY
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Redundancy in Processing & Network Components Webb View ® is the most advanced and comprehensive baggage handling control system (BHCS) in the industry. The newly updated control system is the result of decades of baggage handling experience and a major research and development investment by Daifuku and Jervis B. Webb Company to create a state-ofthe-art solution on the familiar Microsoft® Windows® platform. WebbView ensures high baggage throughput and baggage tracking accuracy by integrating four key elements of a control system: supervisory control, equipment control, manual encode and...
Open the catalog to page 2All Daifuku webb catalogs and technical brochures
Unibilt Encolsed Track Conveyors
40 Pages
4 Pages
Wide Wing Dog Magic
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SmartCart Installed Systems
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SmartLoader ATL
8 Pages
Primary Metals AGVs
8 Pages
Level Cart
3 Pages
Heavy Load Guided Vehicles
4 Pages
Automatic Guided Vehicles
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Assembly Marriage Vehicle
2 Pages
Unibeam Chain Conveyors
48 Pages
Towline Conveyors
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Over-N-Under Conveyors
4 Pages
Friction Drive Conveyor
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Bulk Material Handling
8 Pages
Power & Free Conveyor
16 Pages
12 Pages
Smart Loader
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Heavy-Duty Roller Conveyor
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Unibilt parts catalog.
4 Pages
chain conveyor parts catalog.
81 Pages