Catalog excerpts

Power OnlyOverhead and Inverted ConveyorsHand PushedTrolleysChain-on-Edge Floor Conveyors >
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Jervis B. Webb Company > CallTollFree: 1-800-932-2178 Fax: 1-248-553-1253 > NOTICE:This catalog is intended to illustrate the various Webboverhead conveyor components and their application into a conveyor system. Environmental as well as many other conditions will vary with each installation. Jervis B. Webb Company does not represent or warrant that adherence to any guidelines or suggestions set forth in this catalog will necessarily result in proper selection, manufacture, installation and/or maintenance of conveyor equipment and/or a conveyor system. Jervis B. Webb Company disclaims...
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Jervis B. Webb Company > Call Toll Free: 1-800-932-2178 Fax: 1-248-553-1253 >
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Jervis B. Webb Company > Call Toll Free: 1-800-932-2178 Fax: 1-248-553-1253 Jervis B. Webb Company is a worldwide leader in providingmaterial handling system solutions. Our company was founded in 1919 by Jervis B. Webb, an engineer who devel- oped the forged rivetless chain conveyor. This invention revolutionized the automobile industry - and was the first in a long, continuous line of Webb Company innovations.Our mission is to engineer, manufacture, and install materialhandling systems that increase productivity, improve product quality, and provide production flexibility.Our products are...
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Call Toll Free: "M" Filler Attachment Chain Part No. A B C D E F G H E X-45815277X-45815277 > Weight 1-1/4"4-3/4"4-5/16"3/4"1-1/4"3/4"9/16 to 11/161.01.31 lb31.8120.7109.519. to 17.525.4 .59 kg > METRIC Chain CACL B > Chain Part No. A B C D E F G H E > Weight X-34815802X-45815276X-34815082X-45815276 1-5/8"1"3-1/8"9/16"1-1/2"1/8"7/817/32.60 lb2-1/4"1"2-7/8"11/16"2"3/16"13/16"17/321.09 lb41.325.479.414.338. kg57.125.483.017.450.84.720.613.5.49 kg > METRIC Chain"M" Filler Attachment11/32" Dia.(13.5) Chain Part No. A B C D E F G H > G Weight...
Open the catalog to page 9
Call Toll Free: 2-5/8" (67) I-beam3" (76) I-beam4" (102) I-beamCaution: Maximum washer thickness for a 1/2" dia. (13.0) load bolt is 0.095" (2.4) > (1)(5)(4)(2)(2)(3)(3)(5)(5) 6 washers inside bolt4 washers outside bolt9 washers inside bolt1 washer outside bolt0 washers inside bolt10 washers outside bolt 4.2 >
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Call Toll Free: For I-beams over 6", contact Webb Sales forspecial assembly instructions. Side guide rollers prevent unnecessarywear on track and trolley.Extended end flanges for added safety.Rugged cast iron body construction.Trolley wheels are equipped with standard triplelabrynth seals.Wheels are bolted for easy replacement. > 4" (102) I-beam5" (127) I-beam6" (203) I-beamCaution: Maximum washer thickness for a 5/8" dia. (16.0) load bolt is 0.134" (2.4) > (5)(6)(3)(2)(2)(4)(1)(4)(4)(2) 0 washers inside bolt11 washers outside bolt4 washers inside bolt7 washers outside bolt8 washers inside...
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Call Toll Free: > (6)(6)(1)(6) (1)(6)(2)(2)(5)(4)(2) (5)(4) (2)(4)(4)(3)(2)(4) (3)(2) (4)(7)(6)(6)(7) 9 washers per bolt inside4 washers per bolt outside12 washers per bolt inside 1 washer per bolt outside 0 washers per bolt inside13 washers per bolt outside5 washers per bolt inside8 washers per bolt outside >
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Jervis B. Webb Company > Call Toll Free: 1-800-932-2178 Fax: 1-248-553-1253 >
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Jervis B. Webb Company > Call Toll Free: 1-800-932-2178 Fax: 1-248-553-1253 >
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Jervis B. Webb Company > Call Toll Free: 1-800-932-2178 Fax: 1-248-553-1253 >
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Jervis B. Webb Company > Call Toll Free: 1-800-932-2178 Fax: 1-248-553-1253 >
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Jervis B. Webb Company > Call Toll Free: 1-800-932-2178 Fax: 1-248-553-1253 >
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Jervis B. Webb Company > Call Toll Free: 1-800-932-2178 Fax: 1-248-553-1253 >
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Jervis B. Webb Company > Call Toll Free: 1-800-932-2178 Fax: 1-248-553-1253 >
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Jervis B. Webb Company > Call Toll Free: 1-800-932-2178 Fax: 1-248-553-1253 >
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Jervis B. Webb Company > Call Toll Free: 1-800-932-2178 Fax: 1-248-553-1253 >
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Call Toll Free: Anti-Backup devices prevent trolleysfrom rolling backwards on verticalinclines.The anti-backup stop armsare mechanically lifted by thepassing trolley brackets as they rideup the incline. Should the powerchain fail, the stop arms will providea positive stop. Stop arms areequipped with rubber bumpers toreduce noise. > 8-1/2"(206.4) 1-3/4"(44.5) For 6" I-beam > Chain Travel Anti-Runaway devices are installedon the decline portion of a verticalcurve. At normal conveyor speed, thecounterweighted design of the stoparm allows it to ride up and overeach trolley as it passes the...
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Call Toll Free: Shaft Power TrackKeeper BarMountingHuck Rivet& CollarTraction Wheel Hub withRoller Bearing PowerTrackMountingTraction WheelDodge Hub Huck Rivet& Collar Keeper BarShaft Mounting > Power TrackTraction Wheel Shaft Retainer Plate Graphalloy HubRetainer 6.2 >
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rollerto accept a1/2" dia. bolt. Assy. Includes: > S.P. Washer Jam NutAssy. Includes: >
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Note: # 10216 dust caps sold separately > WithGrease FittingWithoutGrease FittingWithGrease FittingWithoutGrease Fitting >
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Jervis B. Webb Company > Call Toll Free: 1-800-932-2178 Fax: 1-248-553-1253 > Backup Bar(heavy duty shown) Backup Roller Nest(shown retracted) - Backup bars support theengagement of the drivecaterpillar chain into theconveyor chain.Assembly includes:#13332 - Backup bar (1)#10694 - Backup bar studs (3)#56576 - Backup bar nuts (6)Assembly includes:#100371 Backup Bar (1)#10694 - Backup bar studs (2)# 56576 - Backup bar nuts (4) Caterpillar drive chain(heavy duty shown) Optional Grease Fitting Bolt Used in conjunctionwith an outboard rollercaterpillar chain. Thisoption is typically usedon high...
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Call Toll Free: These devices are used to provide a means ofcompensating for chain wear resulting in chainstretch.Take-ups for overhead conveyors consistof a fixed outer frame and a moveable inner frame.The inner frame is mounted on rollers and incorpo-rates two expansion sections in the conveyor track.The inner frame rolls within the stationary frameand is designed to take up slack in the conveyorchain due to wear or stretch.Take-ups can be furnished with either roller turns ortraction wheels. Roller turns are normally furnishedwith a continuous 180 arc, but are available at anoptional...
Open the catalog to page 59All Daifuku webb catalogs and technical brochures
Unibilt Encolsed Track Conveyors
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Wide Wing Dog Magic
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SmartCart Installed Systems
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SmartLoader ATL
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Primary Metals AGVs
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Level Cart
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Heavy Load Guided Vehicles
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Automatic Guided Vehicles
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Assembly Marriage Vehicle
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Unibeam Chain Conveyors
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Towline Conveyors
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Over-N-Under Conveyors
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Friction Drive Conveyor
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Bulk Material Handling
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Power & Free Conveyor
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Smart Loader
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Heavy-Duty Roller Conveyor
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Unibilt parts catalog.
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