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Catalog excerpts

SOLAR210WV - 2

S2lWV0-9-qxr 2007 ۯ 2T 5 46 pm*|° 12 Doosan Infracore SoulOffice : Doosan Tower 27* FL18-12. Euljiro-6Ga. Iung-Gu. SeouL Korea 100730 Tel : +82-2-3398-8114 Fax : 482-2-3398*8117 www.doosaninrTacorerCom OooiJfirftatoft Europe SA iA. Rue Achdto Dogr&co, 7oSoFra/nGr**. Beglum Tel : « 65-61- 3230 Fu : -33 6$ 67 733 Doosan inf raton» U.K.. Ud. Doosan nous*, unt 6.3 Heol Y GimUs* Parc Nantgam, Kaii jarw, Canjifl. CF15 7QU, U JL Teh+4*144 V8*>227) F* :+4V«41-*Vl93J Doo*an Infracoro Amwica Corporation 7905StuvmeeInduslrtaJWay4Suwanee.Goorgto 30024*U.S.A r«t : *1* 770*831*2200 FA : «1-770-831*0480...

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SOLAR210WV - 3

HlWVO^wr 2007.3.21 6 46 PM *| 1*1 3 Doosan Infracore Construction Equipment SOLAR210WV Engine Power : DIN H5kw(i56ps)® 2,200 rpm SAE) i3A,9*net ii5kw(i54HP)0 2,200 rpm OperationalWeight: Aiticulated Boom 20.550kg (45.304 Ib) Mono Boom 19,800kg (43,651 Ib) Bucket capacitylPCSA) :o«5i - ۮ.iSm'fo.s - 1,54 cu.yd)

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SOLAR210WV - 4

HlWVO^wr 2007 12! S 40 PU*|°t 1* This hydraulic excavator is equipped with the air-to-water intercooler engine, which has (he greatest power output In its class and excellent fuel economy. It assures outstanding workabilۮty, productivity, and efficency through thee-EPOS system, the newand improved version ofEPOS System, This will assure increase in operating capacity and decrease in fuel consumptlon. Air to Water Intercooler Engine Greatest power output and high-eff-ciency engine in il's class. Environ ment frlendly. Green ne. Ths machine is equipped with the engine meeting the U*S. EPA...

Open the catalog to page 4
SOLAR210WV - 5

&2lWV<ۮ-3*qxr 2007 2T 5 46 PV *| °t 1 * Excellen Reliability Doosan'sworld-class cenlerfor product reliability performs sophisticated testing on atl completed products, to ensure they meet or exceed market standards. fan guard A meta! mtsh guard has been installed the fan blade to pr舘sent accidentai bodlly injury. Heal shleld panel for turbo charger The heatshleW guard has been Installed over the tufbo charger to pre< vent the operator from Inadvertentty touching the hot surfaces whlle cbeck-the engine area<

Open the catalog to page 5
SOLAR210WV - 6

&2lWV<ۮ-3*qxr 2007.3.21 S 47 PU*|°t *|G Environment Wide operalor cabin space meet the ISO Standards and expanded ail-round visibility. The low-noise, low-vibration type comfortable cabin provides the operator with safe and ergonomie operating environment. Hie handle with Ultlng fu fiction Because the handle with tWng fonction tan be adjustable forward & back ward accordlng to opra- tor's figure & location. It suppty the best opra驭tion & mlnimlzeoperator's Fatigue in the optimum condition. Increased foot space Instruments, controls. and Bccessorles h ave been ergonomlcalfy located in the...

Open the catalog to page 6
SOLAR210WV - 7

S21 OW V(1 ~9).qxr 2007.3.21 5:47 PM n1| °| x| 7 Cup holder A folding style cup holder has been installed in the cabin allowing the operator to easily store a can or cup. 12V Spare Power Socket This socket can be used for charging a cel-lular phone or power-ing a small 12V ^^^DC electrical 11 a fc device. Fresh Air Type Air Conditioner One touch selector switch for the air conditioner and heater output, featuring a multi-vent circulation system that allows for greater cooling / heating performance. Improved front window defroster system has been added to provide enhanced clarity and...

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SOLAR210WV - 8

S21 OW V(1 ~9).qxr 2007.3.21 5:47 PM n1| °| x| 8 Maintenance Quick and easy service checks, maximizing the excavator's life expectancy. PC monitoring function (SMS) By connecting a laptop PC to the controller (e-EPOS controller) of the machine, data such as pump pressure and engine RPM can be displayed graphically. Also other various machine status data can be stored in memory and printed out using a printer. Water separator The transparent glass water separator is mounted at a location easily accessible from the ground allowing easy mainteͭnance of the fuel system. Large fuel tank The fuel...

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SOLAR210WV - 9

S21 OW V(1 ~9).qxr 2007.3.21 5:47 PM n1| °| x| 9 Graphie display LCD Monitor panel The information monitor panel displays both text and symbols for easy rcognition of machine status and various other data Simplified opration mode s驩lection The 3 work modes from the previous models have been reduced to digging and trenching modes for easy selection. - Digging Mode : General Excavating, Ground Leveling, Loading Dump Truck, allows for versatility. - Trenching Mode : trenching or excavating of side wall, operations which require heavy swing work. Air nozzle Warning lights FAILURE LOG CODE: 12...

Open the catalog to page 9
SOLAR210WV - 12

S21 OW V(1 0-1 8).qxr 2007.3.21 6:0 PM n1| °|*|3 ndercarnage Undercarriage with front outrigger and rear dozer Undercarriage with front dozer and rear craddle outrigger

Open the catalog to page 12
SOLAR210WV - 13

Standard & Optional Equipment MMV Standard equipment Hydraulic system Boom and arm flow rgn驩ration . Boom and arm holding valves . Swing anti-rebound valves . Spare ports (valve) One-touch power boost Cabin & Interior Viscous cab mounts Օ All weather sound suppressed type cab Air conditioner Adjustable suspension seat with head rest and adjustable arm rest Օ Pull-up type front window and removable lower front window Room light . Intermittent windshield wiper . Cigarette lighter and ashtray Cup holder Hot & cool box Օ Graphic display monitor Fuel control dial AM/FM Radio and cassette...

Open the catalog to page 13
SOLAR210WV - 15

(Articulated Boom) Dimensions ■ - TrrJ -_H_» < A OctjU widlh of uppar structura B OvaraUwtdthaf cab C OvaraUhaistitaf cab [ O^rrallheighlof boom F GtaarancauMar caunt*rw«tght G Gratina* rtaaranta HWtlMllMM I Traad | OrtraUl«f*vth K <Hor*UUr.WUthwft*f**d*f 10.00-20- Double tlr« (standard) 18»19.5*14PR Slngte Un (optlonal) 2,494 mm{8^ 960fnm('21 ﮮ,lllmm(10,2w) 2,750mm(9*) l.254mra(4<H 340mm(m 2.«Omm(r4'0 l^mmf^l 7.29mm(2rn 2>70mm(ffl") M96mm(cT2") Working ranges DiggingforeesfMaximum radial looth forces) Bue kit diSBinB forۧa * rm flfltaa for'a* -Ai po*«rboott l-afli^aTArm 13.100kff 129KN...

Open the catalog to page 15
SOLAR210WV - 16

table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:10.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:13.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:14.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:17.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:5.00pt "Arial Black", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:10.00pt "Arial Black", sans-serif; } .font6 { font:19.00pt "Franklin Gothic Medium", sans-serif; } .font7 { font:5.00pt "Georgia", serif; } .font8 { font:12.00pt "Georgia", serif; } .font9 { font:15.00pt "Impact", sans-serif; } Lifting Capacities (Mono Boom) Standard A: Load radiusfrom...

Open the catalog to page 16

All DAEWOO Construction Equipment Division catalogs and technical brochures

  1. DL200-7

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  2. DX160W-5

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  3. DX235LCR-5

    24 Pages

  4. DX140LCR-5

    24 Pages

  5. DX75-5B

    11 Pages

  6. DX55-5B

    9 Pages

  7. DL420-5 CVT

    13 Pages

  8. DX190WA

    13 Pages

  9. DX210W

    13 Pages

  10. DX340LCA-K

    15 Pages

  11. DX420LCA

    13 Pages

  12. DL200A GP

    11 Pages

  13. DX80R

    9 Pages

  14. DX190W

    28 Pages

  15. DX210WA

    11 Pages

  16. DX420LCA-K

    15 Pages

  17. DX800LC-5B

    20 Pages

  18. DL550-5BH

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  19. DX160W

    17 Pages

  20. DX480/520LCA-K

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  21. DX400LC-5

    13 Pages

  22. DA 30/40

    9 Pages

  23. DX340LC

    17 Pages

  24. DX300LCA

    16 Pages

  25. DX220LCA-2

    13 Pages

  26. DX140AF

    11 Pages

  27. DX140LCA

    11 Pages

  28. HEX bucket

    7 Pages

  29. Front Shovel

    15 Pages

  30. DX260LCA

    11 Pages

  31. DX225NLCA

    9 Pages

  32. DX255LC

    22 Pages

  33. DX220AF

    10 Pages

  34. DX200A

    11 Pages

  35. DX180LC

    12 Pages

  36. DL550

    9 Pages

  37. DL450

    8 Pages

  38. DL420A

    9 Pages

  39. DL300A

    9 Pages

  40. DA30-DA40

    9 Pages

  41. DX140W

    12 Pages

  42. DL250A

    9 Pages

  43. DX340LCA

    13 Pages

  44. DX220A

    11 Pages

  45. S500LC-V

    2 Pages

  46. DX700LC

    11 Pages

  47. DX300L

    10 Pages

  48. DX225NLC

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  49. DX225LCA

    13 Pages

  50. DX140LC

    12 Pages

  51. DL200-3/250-3

    13 Pages

  52. DL300

    8 Pages

  53. DL200A

    9 Pages

  54. DX60R

    18 Pages

  55. DX27z

    16 Pages

  56. DX53W

    20 Pages

  57. DX55W

    20 Pages

  58. DX300LC

    20 Pages

  59. DX225LC

    22 Pages

  60. Full liner

    4 Pages

  61. SOLAR500LCV

    2 Pages

  62. SOLAR420LCV

    16 Pages

  63. S300LC-7

    16 Pages

  64. S255LC-V

    14 Pages

  65. DX55

    8 Pages

  66. DX35Z

    8 Pages

  67. DA30 - DA40

    20 Pages

  68. DX300LL

    10 Pages

  69. DL420

    16 Pages

  70. MEGA500V

    6 Pages

  71. MEGA250V

    16 Pages

  72. MEGA200-V

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  73. MEGA400V

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  74. SOLAR180WV

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  75. DX520LC

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  76. SOLAR470LCV

    16 Pages

  77. SOLAR420LCV

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  78. SOLAR255LCV

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