1 / 20Pages

Catalog excerpts

DX55W - 1

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?e?Y04V? ?f?@ ?e?/IM.? ? ?f@?@? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?e?5C=3? ?f?@ ?e?X)@J? ? ?f@?@? ? ?e?@e@? ?f?@ ?fL@ ? ?f@?@? f@??@ ?Y0@4V ?5C?K/ ?1N?H7 ?Y.O?@ ? ?e?1B<7? ?f?@ ?f?@ ? ?f@?@? f@??@ ?5C?K/ ?Y0@4V ?@e?@ eY0@@ ? ?e?U@@J?Y. f?@@@&? e@?@@@@@? e)@@@@@&? f@?@?@? ?H@B<@N? @ ? ? ? ? e?5T@@T3? @ ? ?@ ?L3?5J ?5J??@ ?e?5T)N? ?e@@@@ ? ? ? ? ? e ? ?@ e@?@? ?@e?@ ?e?@?X/R.W e1VeY&W? e@?@@e@? eX)@@@&W? e@@@@@@ eH7?1@?1N @@@@@ ?@@@@@ e@@@? ?@e?@ ? ? ? ? ? ? ?e?@N?L@ ?eX/IM.W ?e@?@@e@? e?L@?@J ?e?@@@@@ e5J?L@?L3 ? ? ? f?@ f?@ ?H&?)N ?X/I?@ ?e?@@??@J? e?X)@J? ?e@@@@e@? f@?@? ?g?@ e@?e@??@ ? ??1N??@ f ?e?@J??@@@ f?@ ? ?e@?@@e@? e?H@?@N ?g?@ ? ? ? ?@ f?@ ?5J?L3 ?e?@?@@@ ?fL@ ?e@?@@@@@? e?@@@@@ ?g?@ e@?f?@ @@@@@ ?@@@@@ ?@e?@ eX6@@ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Seoul Office : Doosan Tower 27th FL. 18-12, Euljiro-6 Ga, Jung-Gu, Seoul, Korea 100-730 Tel : +82-2-3398-8049 Fax : +82-2-3398-8117 www.doosaninfracore.com Doosan Infracore Europe S.A. 1A, Rue Achille Degrace, 7080 Frameries, Belgium Tel : +32-65-61-3230 Fax : +32-65-67-7338 Doosan Infracore China Co., Ltd. #28, Wuzhishan Road, Eco. & Tech, Development Zone, Yantai, Shandong, China Tel : +86-535-638-2000 Fax : +86-535-638-2004 Doosan Infracore U.K., Ltd. Doosan House, Unit 6, 3 Heol Y Gamlas, Parc Nantgarw, Nantgarw, Cardiff. CF15 7QU, U.K. Tel : +44-1443-84-2273 Fax : +44-1443-84-1933 Doosan Infracore South Africa (PTY) LTD. 60C Electron Road, Isando 1600, Johannesburg, South Africa Tel : 27-11-974-2095 Fax : 27-11-974-2778 Doosan Infracore Europe S.A. Germay Heinrich-von- Stephan str. 2 40764 Langenfeld, Germany Tel : +49-2173-2035-210 Fax : +49-2173-2035-219 Doosan Infracore Middle East Center (Dubai) P.O.Box 183127, Al-Serkal Building, Air Port Road,Dubai, U.A.E Tel : +971-4-295-2781~2 Fax :+971-4-295-2783 Doosan Infracore France ZAC de La Clef Saint Pierre - Buroplus 2 1A Avenue Jean d’Alembert 78990 Elancourt, France Tel : +33-(0)1-30-16-21-41 Fax : +33-(0)1-30-16-21-44 Doosan Infracore do Brasil ServiÇos de Suporte Comercial Ltda. Alameda Santos 2222 Cj52 CEP 01418.200 São Paulo, SP, Brasil Tel : +55-11-3061-3227 Fax : +55-11-3061-2731 Doosan Infracore America Corporation 2905 Shawnee Industrial Way, Suwanee, Georgia 30024, U. S. A Tel : +1-770-831-2200 Fax : +1-770-831-0480 Doosan Infracore India Pvt.Ltd Plot No. 34, Door No. 1/61-19, Palwels street, Ravi Colony, St. Thomas Mount, Chennai-600 016 Tel : +91-44-4222-3900 Fax : +91-44-4222-3905 The illustrations do not necessary show the product in standard version. All products and equipment are not available in all markets. Materials and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

Open the catalog to page 1
DX55W - 2

Photo may include optional equipment Engine Power : SAE J1349, net 40.8 kW(54.7HP)@2,400rpm Operational Weight : 5,550 kg (12,236 lb) Bucket capacity(SAE) : 0.175 m3 (0.23 cu.yd) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?e?Y04V? ?f?@ ?e?/IM.? ? ?f@?@? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?e?5C=3? ?f?@ ?e?X)@J? ? ?f@?@? ? ?e?@e@? ?f?@ ?fL@ ? ?f@?@? f@??@ ?Y0@4V ?5C?K/ ?1N?H7 ?Y.O?@ ? ?e?1B<7? ?f?@ ?f?@ ? ?f@?@? f@??@ ?5C?K/ ?Y0@4V ?@e?@ eY0@@ ? ?e?U@@J?Y. f?@@@&? e@?@@@@@? e)@@@@@&? f@?@?@? ?H@B<@N? @ ? ? ? ? e?5T@@T3? @ ? ?@ ?L3?5J ?5J??@ ?e?5T)N? ?e@@@@ ? ? ? ? ? e ? ?@ e@?@? ?@e?@ ?e?@?X/R.W e1VeY&W? e@?@@e@? eX)@@@&W? e@@@@@@...

Open the catalog to page 2
DX55W - 3

The new DX55W was developed with the concept of “pr0viding optimum value to the end user.” In concrete terms, this translates, into : The new DX55W hydraulic excavator has all the advantages of the previous model, and now offers additional added value to the operator. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?e?@ ? ?e?@ ? ?e@?@? ?e?@ ?e?@ ?e@?@? ?e?@ ?e@?@? e@? ?e?@ ?e?@ ?e@?@? ?H@? ?e?@ ? ? ? ?L@@@@@? ?@ V? ?e?@ ?e V? e@?@? ? ?@@??Y7? ?@?//RY. e?@?Y043? e@?@@@@@@ ?e ? ? e@Y02 e?@?XL@.W e?@?5C=@? e@?@?@?@J ?e ? ? e@@C?W? ?@e?@J? e?@?@e@? e@?@?@?@? ?e?@e ?e?@?@e ? e@7 ?e?@e?@ ?e?@?1B<7? e@?@@@?@? ? e&W ?e?@?@@@@@...

Open the catalog to page 3
DX55W - 4

Reduced maintenance increases the availability and reduces operating costs of the excavator. Improved reliability is achieved through the use of high performance materials combined with new methods of structural stress analysis, which leads to increased component life expectancy, thus reducing operating costs. Improved ergonomics increases comfort and excellent all around visibility ensuring a safe and pleasant working environment. Increased production and improved fuel economy is attributed to the electronic optimization of the hydraulic system and the new generation engine. “When there’s...

Open the catalog to page 4
DX55W - 5

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?e?Y04V? ?f?@ ?e?/IM.? ? ?f@?@? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?e?5C=3? ?f?@ ?e?X)@J? ? ?f@?@? ? ?e?@e@? ?f?@ ?fL@ ? ?f@?@? f@??@ ?Y0@4V ?5C?K/ ?1N?H7 ?Y.O?@ ? ?e?1B<7? ?f?@ ?f?@ ? ?f@?@? f@??@ ?5C?K/ ?Y0@4V ?@e?@ eY0@@ ? ?e?U@@J?Y. f?@@@&? e@?@@@@@? e)@@@@@&? f@?@?@? ?H@B<@N? @ ? ? ? ? e?5T@@T3? @ ? ?@ ?L3?5J ?5J??@ ?e?5T)N? ?e@@@@ ? ? ? ? ? e ? ?@ e@?@? ?@e?@ ?e?@?X/R.W e1VeY&W? e@?@@e@? eX)@@@&W? e@@@@@@ eH7?1@?1N @@@@@ ?@@@@@ e@@@? ?@e?@ ? ? ? ? ? ? ?e?@N?L@ ?eX/IM.W ?e@?@@e@? e?L@?@J ?e?@@@@@ e5J?L@?L3 ? ? ? f?@ f?@ ?H&?)N ?X/I?@ ?e?@@??@J? e?X)@J? ?e@@@@e@? f@?@? ?g?@ e@?e@??@...

Open the catalog to page 5
DX55W - 6

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?e?Y04V? ?f?@ ?e?/IM.? ? ?f@?@? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?e?5C=3? ?f?@ ?e?X)@J? ? ?f@?@? ? ?e?@e@? ?f?@ ?fL@ ? ?f@?@? f@??@ ?Y0@4V ?5C?K/ ?1N?H7 ?Y.O?@ ? ?e?1B<7? ?f?@ ?f?@ ? ?f@?@? f@??@ ?5C?K/ ?Y0@4V ?@e?@ eY0@@ ? ?e?U@@J?Y. f?@@@&? e@?@@@@@? e)@@@@@&? f@?@?@? ?H@B<@N? @ ? ? ? ? e?5T@@T3? @ ? ?@ ?L3?5J ?5J??@ ?e?5T)N? ?e@@@@ ? ? ? ? ? e ? ?@ e@?@? ?@e?@ ?e?@?X/R.W e1VeY&W? e@?@@e@? eX)@@@&W? e@@@@@@ eH7?1@?1N @@@@@ ?@@@@@ e@@@? ?@e?@ ? ? ? ? ? ? ?e?@N?L@ ?eX/IM.W ?e@?@@e@? e?L@?@J ?e?@@@@@ e5J?L@?L3 ? ? ? f?@ f?@ ?H&?)N ?X/I?@ ?e?@@??@J? e?X)@J? ?e@@@@e@? f@?@? ?g?@ e@?e@??@...

Open the catalog to page 6
DX55W - 7

The convenient boom swing function provides the ability to work in very narrow areas. The newly designed swing bracket and the boom swing cylinder size ensures powerful and stable boom swing performance. Rear swing radius : 1,650mm(5'5") Boom swing 1,980mm(6'6") Min front swing radius: Right swing Angle : Left swing Angle : DX55W ensures best performance with powerful excavating force and high-tech hydraulic system for better operation efficiency at any work site! Excellent performance is its basic feature! Its excellent performance with safety and convenience taken into account will help...

Open the catalog to page 7

All DAEWOO Construction Equipment Division catalogs and technical brochures

  1. DL200-7

    24 Pages

  2. DX160W-5

    24 Pages

  3. DX235LCR-5

    24 Pages

  4. DX140LCR-5

    24 Pages

  5. DX75-5B

    11 Pages

  6. DX55-5B

    9 Pages

  7. DL420-5 CVT

    13 Pages

  8. DX190WA

    13 Pages

  9. DX210W

    13 Pages

  10. DX340LCA-K

    15 Pages

  11. DX420LCA

    13 Pages

  12. DL200A GP

    11 Pages

  13. DX80R

    9 Pages

  14. DX190W

    28 Pages

  15. DX210WA

    11 Pages

  16. DX420LCA-K

    15 Pages

  17. DX800LC-5B

    20 Pages

  18. DL550-5BH

    11 Pages

  19. DX160W

    17 Pages

  20. DX480/520LCA-K

    17 Pages

  21. DX400LC-5

    13 Pages

  22. DA 30/40

    9 Pages

  23. DX340LC

    17 Pages

  24. DX300LCA

    16 Pages

  25. DX220LCA-2

    13 Pages

  26. DX140AF

    11 Pages

  27. DX140LCA

    11 Pages

  28. HEX bucket

    7 Pages

  29. Front Shovel

    15 Pages

  30. DX260LCA

    11 Pages

  31. DX225NLCA

    9 Pages

  32. DX255LC

    22 Pages

  33. DX220AF

    10 Pages

  34. DX200A

    11 Pages

  35. DX180LC

    12 Pages

  36. DL550

    9 Pages

  37. DL450

    8 Pages

  38. DL420A

    9 Pages

  39. DL300A

    9 Pages

  40. DA30-DA40

    9 Pages

  41. DX140W

    12 Pages

  42. DL250A

    9 Pages

  43. DX340LCA

    13 Pages

  44. DX220A

    11 Pages

  45. S500LC-V

    2 Pages

  46. DX700LC

    11 Pages

  47. DX300L

    10 Pages

  48. DX225NLC

    20 Pages

  49. DX225LCA

    13 Pages

  50. DX140LC

    12 Pages

  51. DL200-3/250-3

    13 Pages

  52. DL300

    8 Pages

  53. DL200A

    9 Pages

  54. DX60R

    18 Pages

  55. DX27z

    16 Pages

  56. DX53W

    20 Pages

  57. DX300LC

    20 Pages

  58. DX225LC

    22 Pages

  59. Full liner

    4 Pages

  60. SOLAR500LCV

    2 Pages

  61. SOLAR420LCV

    16 Pages

  62. S300LC-7

    16 Pages

  63. S255LC-V

    14 Pages

  64. DX55

    8 Pages

  65. DX35Z

    8 Pages

  66. DA30 - DA40

    20 Pages

  67. DX300LL

    10 Pages

  68. DL420

    16 Pages

  69. MEGA500V

    6 Pages

  70. MEGA250V

    16 Pages

  71. MEGA200-V

    6 Pages

  72. MEGA400V

    16 Pages

  73. SOLAR210WV

    18 Pages

  74. SOLAR180WV

    18 Pages

  75. DX520LC

    8 Pages

  76. SOLAR470LCV

    16 Pages

  77. SOLAR420LCV

    16 Pages

  78. SOLAR255LCV

    14 Pages