Catalog excerpts

s1' BLDC Motor drivers
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- Compact & High Power - Stable constant speed -Wide rangespeed control(100~3000 r/min) -High Reliability - Remote speed-control possible • EntertheGearratio(5,10,15,20,30,50,100,200)inthebox( □□ □ ) with in the model name. • A. is K(Combi nation GearType)orS(Round Shaft Type) • PleaserefertotheMotorandGearhead section
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Speed - Torque Characteristics EXH:EXH Series Shaft Type K:Combi nation GearedType Gear Ratio Number: Gear Ratio Empty: Round ShaftType - Power Supply Voltage
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Common Specifications Speed Control Method 1. By built-in potentiometer 2. By external potentiometer 3. By DC voltage(0~5VDC) Input Signals C-MOS negative logic START/STOP input Brake input Direction of Rotation input Speed setting method Alarm reset Output Signals Open collector output External use conditions 26.4VDC, 10mA Max. Speed Signal Output(SPEED OUT) 36P/R, Alarm Signal Output(AI_ARM OUT), Direction Signal Output(DIR OUT) Protection Functions*! When the following are activated, the alarm signal will be output and the motor will come to a natural stop ■ Overload Protection:...
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* The permissible load inertia spedified above is only applicable for round shaft type. Permissible Load Inertia for Combination Type —> Gearhead section ■ Enter the gear ratio in the box(d) with the model name. ■ The values for each item is for the motor only * The permissible load inertia spedified above is only applicable for round shaft type. Permissible Load Inertia for Combination Type—»Gearhead section Enter the gear ratio in the box(rj) with the model name. ■The values for each item is for the motor only
Open the catalog to page 5
Power Supply Connection power supply Brake input [ S&'SU™^ ]- Flotation Direction Switching Input [ ]-^ Speed Setting Mode Selection Input [ §rV Alarm Reset Input [ O&'JESJ- '5V 0utput(0nly Use for Speed Setting Potentiometer] Speed Setting Speed Output- Alarm Output — Acceleration/Deceleration Time Potentiometer Power Supply Connection power supply Power Supply Connection power supply '5V Output(Only Use for Speed Setting Potentiometer] Alarm Reset Input [ rSSmUi ]- Speed Setting Mode Selection Input [ g^.'gjjjj ] - Rotation Direction Switching Input [ g^:: cow ]- Brake input [ C^LT^E**]-...
Open the catalog to page 6
Input Signal Circuit Driver Internal Circuit ■ Example of Input Circuit Connection Control by Small Capacity Relay, Switch. Internal External INT.VR/EXT Input ALARM-RESET Input SPEED Output Transistor Output Type Driver Internal Circuit C-MOS Output Type Driver Internal Circuit Output Signal Circuit Driver Internal Circuit Example of Output Circuit Connection Output Signal Connections Driver Internal Circuit Speed Output The system outputs pulse signals (with a width of 0.3ms) at a rate of 36 pulses per rotation of the motor output shaft, synchronized with the motor drive. You can measure...
Open the catalog to page 7
- Stable constant speed - Wide range speed control(100~2000 r/min) - High Reliability - Remote speed-control possible ■ A is K(Combination Gear Type) or S(Round Shaft Type) ' PleaserefertotheMotorandGearhead section
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Speed - Torque Characteristics EXU:EXU Series Shaft Type K: Combination Geared Type Power Supply Voltage Number:Gear Ratio Empty: Round ShaftType
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BLDC Motor driver Common Specifications *1 With the EXU Series the motor speed cannot be controlled in applications where the motor shaft is turned by the load, as in lowering operations. Also, the motor will slop naturally if the load exceeds the permissible load inertia or the overvoltage protection function is activated during load lowering operations. General Specifications
Open the catalog to page 10
* The permissible load inertia spedified above is only applicable for round shaft 1ype. Permissible Load Inertia for Combination Type —»Gearhead Section ■ Enter the gear ratio in the boxflU) with the model name. ■ The values for each item is for the motor only Control Unit Panel Cut-Out Power Supply Cable(lncluded) MOTOR POWERS CONTROL UNIT
Open the catalog to page 11
BLDC Motor driver ■ Front of Control Unit Turning the potentiometer clockwise causes the speed to increase. Speed setting range is 100~2000 r/min. ThesettingisO r/min atthetimeof shipment SPEED CONTROL UNIT I DAEHWA ELECTRIC MACHINERY CO.,LTD, input/output correction signal terminals Motor Connection lnsertthemotorcableconnectorintothemotorconnector(MOTOR)onthemdriverJnsertituntilaclicksoundisaudible. Toextendthedistance between the motoranddriver,use an optional extension cable. Power Connection Connectthe included powersupply cabletothe powersupplyterminal of thedriver. Connectthe red and...
Open the catalog to page 12
Input Signal Circuit Driver Interna] Circuit ■ Example of Input Circuit Connection Control by Small Capacity Relay, Switch, Connected at trie COM of I/O terminal EXTERNAL CONTROLLER CONTROL UNIT shield wire • Output signal is open collector output, so an external power • Use a power supply of no more than 26.4VDC and connect a limit resistance (R) so that the ouput current does not exceed 10mA. When using neither the speed output function nor the alarm output function, this connection Is not required. Output Siqnal Circuit Driver Internal Circuit Example of Output Circuit Connection *...
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