Catalog excerpts
This is how maintenance works today: Screw systems show in the axis, what no one else can do Over 30,000 bolts are tightened in the axle production facility of MAN Truck & Bus AG in Munich on a single production day. In order to achieve this number of units in the highest quality on a permanent basis, the machines must be kept in top condition at all times through maintenance and care. Since our goal is to continuously optimize automation and production, even what has proven itself over decades must be put to the test. For this reason, we no longer rely on air-operated impact wrenches in axle assembly, but predominantly on electronic wrenches with integrated monitoring functions. Only in this way is it possible to guarantee the accuracy of the bolted joints and thus the safety of our vehicles, even under the highest stresses. Production structure moves into focus For a long time now, the sole task of mainte- online. In cooperation with the planning de- nance has not been to repair defective ma- the electrical maintenance department, the chines and systems, but also to gather innovative knowledge about the optimum production structure. This includes automatically saving important production data and constantly monitoring the production facilities. For this partment of the software company CSP and existing IPM archiving program was adapted so that it automatically sends a maintenance order to the maintenance department after 100,000 to 1 million screwdriving operations. reason, too, the foundation stone was laid in 2012 for the development of a new system - the screw cycle recording system. The basis for connecting all screwdrivers to the network was realized for 80 screwdriving systems. Now it is possible to store production data such as the correct torque and angle of rotation of the bolted joints on a server and retrieve them
Open the catalog to page 1Maintenance at the optimum time Maintenance is now able to perform conditionbased maintenance at the optimum time, which was previously not possible due to varying quantities. If a screwdriver needs to be replaced, it is automatically detected by the system. It is no longer necessary to call up the plant data directly on site. And unauthorized intervention by third parties is detected at all times. From an economic point of view, the advantages are maximum utilization of service life and simultaneous prevention of wearrelated downtime. We also set a new milestone in transparent...
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