Catalog excerpts

VpCI® ADDITIVES FOR WATER TREATMENT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TYPICAL APPLICATION BioClean 612 is designed to offer bio-dispersing properties to water treatment applications susceptible to microbiological contamination. Water clarity and bacterial count should be monitored during treatment program as appropriate. Application programs differ for every system. Below are some general guidelines: Heavy Biofilm/cleaning Add 100 ppm of BioClean 612 3-4 times per week for up to a month. Then slowly lower to 50 ppm 1-2 times per week. Light Biofilm/maintenance Add 50 ppm of BioClean 612 1-2 times per week. BioClean 612 is a powerful aliphatic amide based organic penetrating agent and organic deposit dispersant for use in industrial applications. BioClean 612 also prevents the development of micro-organism protective layers and deposits. This dispersion and deposit prevention additive improves system cleanliness. BioClean 612 is not a biocide, but works synergistically with many biocides to achieve greater control of micro-organisms. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Appearance Clear to hazy yellow liquid APPLICATION CONSIDERATIONS BioClean 612 functions well in the following water-based product characteristics: pH 5.9-7.5 Avoid Temperature > 175°F BioClean 612 should be added at, or near, the beginning of the production process with sufficient agitation. If too much foaming occurs, add dose intermittently throughout the day. PACKAGING & STORAGE 8.1-8.5 pounds per gallon (0.97-1.02 kg/L) 5.5-6.5 Miscible in water at high proportions Non-ionic Density: pH (25°C, neat): Ionic Nature: BioClean 612 is available in 5 gal pails (19 L) and 55 gal drums (208 L). Store BioClean 612 in the closed container that it was shipped in. Store at temperatures between 7 and 26°C (50 - 80°F). The shelf life for this product is greater than 1 year.
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FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP CONTAINER TIGHTLY CLOSED NOT FOR INTERNAL CONSUMPTION CONSULT SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR MORE INFORMATION LIMITED WARRANTY All statements, technical information and recommendations contained herein are based on tests Cortec® Corporation believes to be reliable, but the accuracy or completeness thereof is not guaranteed. Cortec® Corporation warrants Cortec® products will be free from defects when shipped to customer. Cortec® Corporation’s obligation under this warranty shall be limited to replacement of product that proves to be...
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