Downdraft Extraction Bench


Catalog excerpts

Downdraft Extraction Bench - 1


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Downdraft Extraction Bench - 2

FILTER CLEANING : POLIVAL benches include an efficent manual shaker as part of the standardfittings for the regular cleaning of the filter bags. ACCESSORIES: Galvanised dicts to recycle filtered air into environment (see illustrated leaflet).AFONԔ model silencers, CARBOӔ model odour filters with activated charcoal andCLEANԔ model filter bags for very fine dusts, TRISӔ tetragonal plenum composed of 3 reu- sable filter wire mesh baskets for the steady immission of air into the work enviroment. Shakerwith pneumatic vibrator for cleaning filters. Filter unit in special tufted felt for a more...

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Downdraft Extraction Bench - 3

LIMPIEZA DE LOS FILTROS : Los bancos POLIVALӔ incluyen en el equipo base estndar un efi-caz sacudidor manual para la limpieza con intervalos regulares de las bolsas filtrantes.ACCESORIOS: Tubera galvanizada para la evacuaci᭳n del aire filtrado en el ambiente (ver relati- vo folleto ilustrativo), silenciadores modelo AFONӔ, filtros de carbn activo para olores modelo CARBO㓔, filtros de bolsa para polvos muy finos modelo CLEANӔ, TRISӔ plenum tetragonal formado por 3 cmaras filtrantes regenerables de tela metlica para la difusiᡳn homognea del aire en el ambiente de trabajo, sacudidor con...

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Downdraft Extraction Bench - 5

BSW BSW > Banchi aspirantiBancs daspirationSuction benchesAbsaugtisch Ү ANTIPOLLUTION SYSTEMS size="-2">

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Downdraft Extraction Bench - 6

I banchi aspiranti modello BSW trovano impiego nelle operazioni di rifinitura pezzi,levigatura nellindustria del legno, marmo, metalmeccanica, fonderie ecc. Lo studio accurato delle feritoie aspiranti dei nostri banchi consente la completa captazione delle polveri nocive sul nascere, prima che esse possano raggiungere le vie respirato- rie dellҒoperatore, danneggiandole. > il banco BSW costituito da una serie di pannelli imbullonati tra di loro e opportuna-mente dimensionati, in modo da conferire robustezza alla struttura che pu sopporta- re carichi fino a 350 kg/m > 2 uniformemente...

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Downdraft Extraction Bench - 7

On utilise les bancs aspirant modle BSW dans les opra-tions de finissage des pi詨ces et de polissage dans lindu-strie du bois, du marbre, de la mҩtallurgie, des fonderies,etc. La conception soigne des fentes daspiration de nosbancs permet de capter toutes les poussi钨res nuisibles dsleur apparition, avant quelles puissent atteindre les voies respiratoires de l蒒oprateur et de leur nuire. > le banc BSW est constitu d驒une srie de panneaux bou-lonns entre eux et dimensionn驩s de sorte rendre la structure resistante pour soutenir des charges allant jusquҠ 350 kg/m > 2 distribus uniformment.Il est...

Open the catalog to page 7
Downdraft Extraction Bench - 8

M > ODELLO D > IMENSIONI / D > IMENSIONS / D > IMENSIONS / A > BMESSUNGEN P > ORTATAMAX M > ODELE D > EBITMAX M > ODEL D > ELIVERYMAX T > YP ABCD L > UFTMENGE (mm)(m 3 /h) (CFM) BSW800 > 80080080018002000 / 1176 BSW1200 > 120080080022002500 / 1470 BSW1600 > 160080080026003000 / 1764 BSW2000 > 200080080030003500 / 2058 BSW model suction benches can be used effectively in finishing operations,in sanding in wood and marble industries, in engineering industry and in foundries, etc.Precise engineering of the suction slots in our benches assu- res complete trapping of hazardous dusts right where...

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Downdraft Extraction Bench - 9

CDFM AIRCOM BSW Die Absaugvorrichtungen Modell BSW werden im Bereich der Feinbearbeitung von Werkstcken und beim Honen in derHolz-, Marmor-, Metallindustrie und in Gieereien verwendet. Der gewissenhafte Entwurf der Absaugschlitze unserer Vorrichtungen erm쟶glicht die vollstndige Absaugung des entstehenden schdlichen Staubs, bevor dieser die Atemwege des Bedieners erreicht und sch䤤digen kann. > der Absaugtisch BSW besteht aus zusanmengebauten Paneelen angemessener Gre, so da柟 der Struktur Stabilitt ver-liehen wird, die gleichm䤟ig verteilte Lasten bis zu 350 kg/qm aushalten kann. Er wird...

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Downdraft Extraction Bench - 10

伕Tutti i dati sono suscettibili di variazioni e miglioramenti. La CORAL si riserva il diritto di modificare senza preavviso.Toutes les donnթes sont susceptibles dҪtre modifies et amlior驩es. La socit CORAL se r驩serve lo droit dapporter des modifica-tion Ҡ celles-ci sans pravis.Any data contained herein may undergo variations. CORAL reserves the right to make any modifications and improvements thatit may deem useful without any prior notice.镕enderungen vorbehalten. >

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