Catalog excerpts

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BPV 320 › 480 the V configuration diaphragm pump for crop protection BP 320 › 480, pompa a membrana per trattamenti di protezione delle colture in configurazione a V Today the crop treatment sector looks for high performing machines, self-propelled or big trailed machines which are able to cover ever bigger areas in very little time. This means that components as well as pumps, just like the machines themselves, must guarantee excellent performance and in particular: high flow rates (to feed even bigger spraying booms) and priming capacities (to fill the tank quickly). At the same time, the...
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BPV320 and BPV480 are the Comet patented solution that meets all these requirements. It guarantees: BPV320 e BPV480 sono la soluzione brevettata da Comet per soddisfare tutti questi requisiti. Essa garantisce: › A highly compact design thanks to the patented V construction › Design estremamente compatto grazie alla costruzione brevettata a V › Lowered power take-off compared to conventional radial pumps › Presa di forza ribassata rispetto alle tradizionali pompe stellari-radiali › Double delivery possible for separate spraying and tank agitation › Possibilità di doppia mandata per gestione...
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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE SUCTION AND DELIVERY VALVES: › High fluid-dynamic yield VALVOLE ASPIRAZIONE E MANDATA: › Elevato rendimentio fluidodinamico SUCTION FITTING: › BPV320: Single or double Ø60 › BPV480: Single Ø75 or double Ø60 RACCORDO ASPIRAZIONE: › BPV320: singolo o doppio Ø60 › BPV480: singolo Ø75 o doppio Ø60 SUCTION AND DELIVERY MANIFOLDS: › Made in reinforced Technopolymer with high mechanical and chemical resistance COLLETTORI DI ASPIRAZIONE E MANDATA: › Realizzati in tecnopolimero rinforzato ad elevata resistenza meccanica e chimica DELIVERY FITTINGS: ›...
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PUMP BODY: › In 2 parts (BPV320) or 3 parts (BPV480) rigidy fixed together › Extremely sturdy › Highly reliable and innovative internal kinematism CORPO POMPA: › In 2 parti (BPV320) o 3 parti (BPV480) rigidamente fissate tra loro › Elevata robustezza › Cinematismo interno innovativo e altamente affidabile OIL COMPENSATOR: › Large dimensions, visibility and accessibility COMPENSATORE OLIO: › Grandi dimensioni, visibilità e accessibilità PUMPING UNIT: › Plastic coated Aluminium Heads with high mechanical and chemical resistance › Large diameter diaphragms (143 mm) in NBR, Viton®, Desmopan®...
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1” 3/8 - Ø32 SOLID-HOLLOW SHAFT VERSION VERSIONE ALBERO MASCHIO-FEMMINA 1” 3/8 - Ø32 Pump Axis Asse Pompa Pump Axis Asse Pompa
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APPLICATIONS AND PERFORMANCES APPLICAZIONI E PRESTAZIONI DELIVERY SIDE LATO MANDATA PTO 1” 3/8 connection on the delivery side Applicazione alla presa di forza 1”3/8 sul lato mandata Hydraulic motor on the delivery side using a special bracket Motore idraulico su lato mandata tramite supporto speciale SUCTION SIDE LATO ASPIRAZIONE Hydraulic motor flanged directly on the suction side Motore idraulico direttamente flangiato su lato aspirazione Hydraulic pump directly on the suction side Pompa idraulica direttamente su lato aspirazione Gearbox kit for the hydraulic pump on the suction side...
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COMET SPA › Reggio Emilia › Italy › phone +39 0522 386111 › info@comet.re.it › www.comet-spa.com Scan and get more info Comet, Italian Excellence
Open the catalog to page 8All COMET Spa catalogs and technical brochures
CSW 1150
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CSW 375 B
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CPS 29 E
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CRS 75/85 BYT
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BP 110
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BP 75
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BP 60 K
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BP 40 K
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BP 20 / 15
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52 Pages
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Comet News - C 610 H & HS
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Company Profile
16 Pages
88 Pages
Agricultural General Catalogue
132 Pages
132 Pages
8 Pages
Comet News - YB 150
3 Pages
68 Pages