

Catalog excerpts


, descrizioni ed illustrazioni sono forniti a titolo indicativo - Data, description, and illustrations are for indication only - Donn6es, descriptions et illustrations ne sont fournies i titre indicatif • Daten, Beschreibungen und Abbildungen dieses Prospektes sind unverbindliche * Datos, descripciones e ilustraciones est&n realizados a tftulo informative Aluminium Machinery COMALL INTERNATIONAL S.r.l. - Via Salimbene da Parma, 4/C - 42124 Reggio Emilia - ITALY ASSEMBLY SYSTEMS

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- Carrello per il trasporto e lo stoccaggio - Trolley for carriage and storage of profiles in horizontal position. - Chariot pour le transport et le stockage Lagerung von Profilen in horizontaler - Carro porta perfiles en horizontal. - Carrello per il trasporto e lo stoccaggio - Trolley for carriage and storage of profiles in vertical position. - Chariot pour le transport et le stockage Lagerung von Profilen in vertikaler - Carro porta perfiles en vertical. - Carrello per il trasporto e lo stoccaggio - Trolley for carriage and storage of profiles in vertical position. - Chariot pour le...

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All COMALL FRANCE catalogs and technical brochures

  1. TTK 550

    2 Pages

  2. TTK 1000

    2 Pages

  3. SAM 450

    2 Pages

  4. Sam 777

    2 Pages

  5. DOLBY K_16

    2 Pages

  6. NT

    2 Pages

  7. 25-180

    2 Pages

  8. JOB 150

    2 Pages

  9. JOB 20 PLUS

    1 Pages

  10. JOB 10-20

    2 Pages

  11. MAG 800

    3 Pages

  12. JOB 06

    1 Pages

  13. CARR P.A

    1 Pages

  14. CARR 900

    1 Pages

  15. MIC 45

    2 Pages

  16. MTA 400 A-M

    2 Pages