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HYDRAULIC CLUTCH COFLUID 84008 - 1 /2 Fiche Technique - Technical Data Sheet Function The hydraulic clutch COFLUID is a transmission mechanism working with oil, designed and realised to allow gradual startings without shock, without overcoating the motor, with a consequent decrease in current input, especially in the starting phase. The drawing shows the working of the hydraulic clutch. It is made up of two impellers with opposite frontal hydrofoils, which form the pump-turbine circuit. Inside the clutch, in the pump-turbine circuit, there is some suitable oil, used as a transmission medium. During its starting the driving impeller P speeds the oil towards the driven impellers T with a continuous rotary motion, this making it rotate too. Owing to the centrifugal force, the oil contained inside forms a transmission ring, which gives controlled slip at operating speeds. Temperature and seals of the clutch The maximum temperature must be less than 120°C. From sizes 10 to 40, the clutches are made with NBR seals (max. temperature 120°C). From the size 50 to 95, the clutches are made with VITON seals (max. temperature 180°C) Adjustement of the oil level Clutches are supplied with a oil level 45°. Do not go less than 30°. The reduction of oil quantity allows : - a longer and gradual start - an higher slip during the working - a small absorption of power during the starting phase - a better parts protection in case of overload The increase of oil quantity allows - a quicker starting - a smaller slip during the working - an higher absorption of power during the acceleration phase - harder work of the transmission components Example of the filling at 30° 1/ Remove the oil plug which is accessible on the clutch (high position) 2/ Rotate the clutch until the 30° notch is positional on the vertical. (high position) 3/ Carry out the clutch filling until the oils pours out from the hole 4/ Reassemble the plug on the clutch Oil change The first oil change must be done after 400 hours running out and later every 4000 hours. Install the clutch in vertical position. Remove the plug completely. Rotate the clutch so the hole is at the lower position and let the oil pour out. opposite face at the pulley

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HYDRAULIC CLUTCH COFLUID 84008 - 2/2 Fiche Technique - Technical Data Sheet COLMANT CUVELIERrps member of SANOK RUBBER GROUP 02-2018 Fusible plug Security system Fusible plug : - 3 possibilities :white : 120°C - red (standard): 145°C - green : 180°C - installed on opposite motor side - a basin to collect the hot oil and a automatic brake Fusible plug and expansion plug : - 3 possibilities of expansion plug : white : 120°C - red (standard): 145°C - green : 180°C - double security : • first with the expansion plug (motor side) • second with the fusible plug in case of the expansion plug...

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HYDRAULIC CLUTCH COFLUID Fiche Technique - Technical Data Sheet General characteristics For an easy and quick dismounting, follow the instructions : Fix the extractor with screws (2) Screw the extracting screw (1) until engine shaft. Hold the arm (3) and continue screwing until clutch extraction. member of SANOK RUBB

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COUPLEUR HYDRAULIQUE "COFLUID" Défauts et remèdes 84009 - 1 / 1 Le coupleur surchauffe et le bouchon fusible ou à détente intervient trop souvent. - Le refroidissement est insuffisant à cause de prises d'air sur le carter de protections absentes ou non appropriées. - Le carter est muni de ventilateur de refroidissement hors d'usage ou qui tourne en sens contraire. - La température ambiante est trop élevée ou il y a des sources de chaleur prés du coupleur. - La machine conduite travaille en conditions de surcharge. - L'huile de transmission dans le coupleur est insuffisante. - Le coupleur a...

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COUPLEURS "COFLUID" Huiles recommandees 84010 -1 / 1 Fiche Technique - Technical Data Sheet 02-2018 Huiles tres fluides, viscosite comprise entre 21 et 22 CST, pour applications courantes Temperature d'utilisation superieure a -20°C member of SANOK RUBB

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HYDRAULIC CLUTCH COFLUID® Mounting instructions 84012 -1 / 3 Fiche Technique - Technical Data SheetMOUNTING THE CLUTCH • Grease all the surface of the engine shaft and the inner shaft of the clutch (1) preferebly with a pressure resistant grease. • Engage the clutch on the engine shaft acting on the coupling's shaft (1) in order to avoid axial efforts on bearings. • Fix on the engine shaft a threaded rod (2) on which will come the mounting nut (3) leaning, if necessary, on a thrust bearing (4). • Tight the mounting nut in order that the extremity of clutch shaft (1) thrusts the shoulder of...

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COLMANT CUVELIERrps member of SANOK RUBBER GROUP 02-2018 HYDRAULIC CLUTCH COFLUID® Mounting instructions 84012 -2 / 3 Fiche Technique - Technical Data SheetDISMOUNTING THE CLUTCH WITH EXTRACTING SCREWS "VE" • Dismount the blocking screw of the clutch (3) at the shaft's end. • Make sure that the engine shaft is blocked in rotation. • Screw the dismounting screw (2) in the threaded hole at the end of clutch's shaft (3). Taille clutch DISMOUNTING THE CLUTCH WITH EXTRACTING SYSTEM "SE" Taille clutch • Dismount the blocking screw of the clutch (3) at shaft's end. • Mount the bush (5) at the...

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HYDRAULIC CLUTCH COFLUID® Mounting instructions 84012 -3 / 3 Fiche Technique - Technical Data Sheet DISMOUNTING THE ELASTIC ELEMENT OF THE CLUTCH. This type of combination allows to replace the elastic element without dismounting the transmission components.

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COUPLEUR COFLUID BETA - COUPLING COFLUID BETA TYPE « X » « SCF X » « DCF X » 84019 - 1 / 6 Fiche Technique - Technical Data Sheet Weight with oil - Standard bores in heavy type member of SANOK RUBB

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COLMANT CUVELIERrps member of SANOK RUBBER GROUP 02-2018 COUPLEUR COFLUID BETA - COUPLING COFLUID BETA TYPE « X » « SCF X » « DCF X » 84019 - 2 / 6 Fiche Technique - Technical Data Sheet ■Weight with oil *forD=100-M=135 Standard bores in heavy type member of SANOK RUBB

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