Catalog excerpts

PA LINE Raccordi Standard in Ottone Nichelato NPT Brass Nickel-Plated Standard Fittings, NPT Raccords Standard en laiton nickelé, NPT Standardverschraubungen aus Messing vernickelt, NPT I La serie PA, comunemente considerata come una serie di “Accessori” o “Raccordi Standard”, è costituita da Nippli, Riduzioni, Prolunghe, Tappi, Portagomma, Raccordi a L, Raccordi a T, Croci, ecc. Vista la varietà di funzioni ausiliarie che coprono questi raccordi, risulta evidente il ruolo di completamento, che questa serie svolge nei confronti delle altre. Tutti i raccordi PA vengono sottoposti a trattamento superficiale di Nichelatura. The PA line, also known as the “Accessories line” or the “Standard fittings line” consists of a wide variety of components, such as Nipples, Reduction pieces, Connections, Plugs, Hose connections, L-T and Cross fittings. Due to the multiple auxiliary functions of this line, the PA fittings are the right complement for other ranges. ass All components are br nickel-plated. La série PA, ou bien “La série des accessoires, ou Raccords Standard” se compose d’une grande variété de pièces pour tous raccordements et toutes configurations: mamelons, pièces de réduction, bouchons, douilles cannelées, raccords en Té, en L et Croix. Compte tenu de la variété de ses fonctions complét mentaires, la principale caractéristique de cet e série devient celle de bien compléter les autres gammes. Tous les raccords de cette série sont en laiton niquelé. D Die PA Baureihe, bekannt als die “Zubehörserie oder die Standardverschrabungsbaureihe” besteht aus Verschraubungen aller Bauformen und Grössen wie Nippel, Reduzierstück, Stopfen, Schlauchtüllen, T, L-Stueck, Winkel-und-Kreuzverschraubungen. Es ist eine umfangreiche Nebenfunktionserie, die als Programmergänzung zu den anderen Baureihen betrachte
Open the catalog to page 1
Corpo del raccordo Fitting Body Corps du raccord Verschraubungskörper Ottone UNI EN 12164 CW614N - UNI EN 12165 CW617N Nichelato Brass U EN 12164 CW614N - UNI EN 12165 CW617N Nickel Plated NI Laiton UNI EN 12164 CW614N - UNI EN 12165 CW617N Nickelé Messing UNI EN 12164 CW614N - UNI EN 12165 CW617N vernickelt 1/8 NPTF 1/4 NPTF 3/8 NPTF 1/2 NPTF Campi di applicazione: Impianti pneumatici, idraulici ed oleodinamici. Application fields: Pneumatic, hydraulic and oleodynamic circuits. Domaines d’application: Circuits pneumatiques, hydrauliques et oléodynamiques. Anwendungsbereiche: Hydraulische,...
Open the catalog to page 2
Mamelon Conique Doppelnippel, kegelig Joint Piece Réduction femelle-mâle, conique Taper female-male reducing connector D2 Reduzierstück, Auf-Einschraub, kegelig Adaptor male-female, taper Adapter, Ein- Aufschraub, kegelig Adaptateur, mâle-femelle, conique
Open the catalog to page 3
Adaptor male-female, parallel D2 Adapter, Ein-Aufschraubu, zylindrisch Adaptateur, mâle-femelle, cylindrique Male plug Female elbow Equerre femelle Male-Female elbow Equerre mâle-femelle
Open the catalog to page 4All C.Matic S.p.A. catalogs and technical brochures
XT and Push to Lock
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EV 10
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PT - D.O.T. Push-in fittings
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There is something in the air
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CO Line - Multiple Connectors
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GU - Couplings
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AP - Mix Push in Fittings
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PN - Push in Fittings, NPT
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PU - NPT Couplings
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GU Safety - Safety Couplings
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MA - Push in Fittings
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MV - Function Fittings
42 Pages