Catalog excerpts

Raccordi Automatici per Lubrificazione, 250 bar High Pressure Push-in Fittings, 250 bar Raccords Instantanés pour le graissage, 250 bar Hochdrucksteckverschraubungen, 250 bar I HP è una nuova generazione di raccordi automatici destinata a garantire la tenuta a pressioni fino ad oggi considerate proibitive per i raccordi tipo push-in. Il raccordo è stato sviluppato per l’impiego specifico nel campo della lubrificazione e grazie ad un innovativo sistema di aggraffaggio della pinza, il nostro HP può essere impiegato fino ad una pressione massima di 250 bar. GB HP is a new generation fitting studied to guarantee tightness with pressure ranges, considered so far “out of reach” with the push-in version. The fitting has been created and developped to be used in the Lubrication systems. Thanks to the innovative gripping system of the collet, our HP push-in fitting can stand up to a maximum of 250 bar pressure. F HP c’est la nouvelle génération de raccords instantanés, qui garantissent la tenue à des pressions considérées jusqu’à aujourd’hui prohibitives pour les raccords push-in. Le raccord a été développé pour l’emploi dans le domaine de la lubrification (graissage) et grâce à un nouveau système d’accrochage de la pince, notre raccord HP peut être utilisé jusqu’à 250 bar maximum. D HP ist die Verschraubung der neuesten Generation, die die Verbindung bei höheren Druckbereichen, welche bis vor kurzem mit einer Steckverschraubung als unerreichbar galten, heute ermöglicht. Diese Verschraubung findet bei Schmieranlagen Anwendung und dank einem erneuerten Spannzangesystem kann unsere HP Versch
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Pinza aggraffaggio Gripping collet Pince Spannzange Guarnizioni Seals Joint d’étancheité Dichtung Ottone UNI EN 12164 CW614N - UNI EN 12165 CW617N Nichelato Brass UNI EN 12164 CW614N - UNI EN 12165 CW617N Nickel Plated Laiton UNI EN 12164 CW614N - UNI EN 12165 CW617N Nickelé Messing UNI EN 12164 CW614N - UNI EN 12165 CW617N vernickelt Ottone UNI EN 12164 CW614N Nichelato Brass UNI EN 12164 CW614N Nickel Plated Laiton UNI EN 12164 CW614N Nickelé Messing UNI EN 12164 CW614N vernickelt Ottone UNI EN 12164 CW614N Brass UNI EN 12164 CW614N Laiton UNI EN 12164 CW614N Messing UNI EN 12164 CW 614N...
Open the catalog to page 2
ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 1. Tagliare il tubo a 90° (servendosi della pinza tagliatubo TCUT) verificando l’assenza di bave interne ed esterne e facendo attenzione che il tubo non si presenti ovalizzato dopo il taglio. 2. Inserire il tubo nel raccordo spingendolo fino in battuta. 1. Cut the tube square (by means of a hose cutter i.e. our TCUT) making sure that no burrs are left and that the tube is not oval. 2. Insert the tube into the fitting until it bottoms. 1. Sectionner le tube à 90° par notre coupe tube TCUT en prenant soin de ne par créer des bavures et de ne pas ovaliser le tube. 2....
Open the catalog to page 3
HP 11 Diritto maschio conico Taper straight, male D2 Gerade Einschraubverschraubung, kegelig Union simple mâle conique *M6x0,75 Filettatura Cilindrica - Parallel Thread - Filetage Cylindrique - Zylindrisch Gewinde HP 14 Taper elbow fitting, male Raccord à coude mâle conique Winkelverschraubung, kegelig Gomito maschio conico HP 18 Parallel swivelling elbow, taper male Gomito maschio cilindrico girevole L3 Schwenkbare Winkelverschraubung, zylindrisch L1 *M6x0,75 Filettatura Cilindrica - Parallel Thread - Filetage Cylindrique - Zylindrisch Gewinde Hose connection, straight CH 10 Raccordement...
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Corpo in Acciaio Zincato 11SMnPb37 - Body in Zinc plated steel 11SMnPb37 - Corps en Acier zingué 11SMnPb37 - Körper aus Stahl verzinkt 11SMnPb37 Boccola recuperabile Bague de fixation récupérable Wiederverwendbare Hülse Corpo in Acciaio Zincato 11SMnPb37 - Body in Zinc plated steel 11SMnPb37 - Corps en Acier zingué 11SMnPb37 - Körper aus Stahl verzinkt 11SM
Open the catalog to page 5
Clapet anti-retour pour 150 bar 3 Molla Spring Ressort Feder Sfere Balls Billes Kugel Ottone UNI EN 12164 CW614N Nichelato Brass UNI EN 12164 CW614N Nickel Plated Laiton UNI EN 12164 CW614N Nickelé Messing UNI EN 12164 CW614N vernickelt Ottone UNI EN 12164 CW614N Brass UNI EN 12164 CW614N Laiton UNI EN 12164 CW614N Messing UNI EN 12164 CW 614N Acciaio Inox AISI 302 Stainless Steel AISI 302 Acier Inox AISI 302 Edelstahl AISI 302 Acciaio Inox AISI 420 Stainless Steel AISI 420 Acier Inox AISI 420 Edelstahl AISI 420 Pinza aggraffaggio Gripping collet Pince Spannzange Corpo Body Corps Körper...
Open the catalog to page 6All C.Matic S.p.A. catalogs and technical brochures
XT and Push to Lock
9 Pages
EV 10
4 Pages
PT - D.O.T. Push-in fittings
9 Pages
There is something in the air
126 Pages
5 Pages
7 Pages
4 Pages
5 Pages
5 Pages
CO Line - Multiple Connectors
14 Pages
GU - Couplings
11 Pages
AP - Mix Push in Fittings
8 Pages
PN - Push in Fittings, NPT
11 Pages
PU - NPT Couplings
3 Pages
GU Safety - Safety Couplings
13 Pages
MA - Push in Fittings
14 Pages
MV - Function Fittings
42 Pages